Tables (ttadv7111m000)

Use this session to define which tables are related to a business object or to a business object component.

Only use this session for business objects/components that are Based on "DAL 2/Table". Do not define tables for business objects/components that are based on "FS/Session".

The tables you define serve several purposes.

  • The root table contains the primary key of the business object or component.
  • The reference table stores references from an external application to the current business object. A business object instance for which references exist cannot be deleted.
  • The other tables are tables that store data of the business object and refer to the root table.
  • If a business object contains components, the tables must be defined in the components.
  • You can select tables that do not occur in the package and module of the business object.
  • You must define one root table per business object or component.
  • You can define only one reference table per business object or component.
  • If you do not define a reference table, it will not be possible to generate standard methods to update or delete external references.
  • For a reference table, you can enter a table definition code that does not yet exist. The table definition for reference tables is fully standardized. Therefore, you can generate this table definition when you convert the BOR model to run time through the Convert BOR to Runtime (tlbct1210m000) session.
  • It is not allowed to change the table definition for reference tables manually.
Reference Tables

Several protected attributes are required to operate on reference tables.

To operate on reference tables, the following conditions must be met:

  • The following standard methods must exist:
    • CreateRef
    • DeleteRef
  • These methods require the following attributes:
    • The identifying attributes of the business object or business object component.
  • These methods and attributes must exist both in the public and the protected layer of the business object or business object component.
Reference Tables

To operate on reference tables, the following standard methods exist. LN can generate these methods, or else you can define them with the specified properties.

Properties of standard methods that operate on reference tables
MethodRequired ArgumentsInput/OutputMandatory
  • All arguments that are mapped to the identifying attributes of the business object or component.
InputAll arguments are mandatory.
  • All arguments that are mapped to the identifying attributes of the business object or component.
InputAll arguments are mandatory.


Temas relacionados


Root Table
If this check box is selected, the table is a root table.

It is mandatory to define a root table for each business object or component.

The root table has the following characteristics:

  • It contains the primary key of the business object.
  • The other tables contain references to this table.
Ref. Table
If this check box is selected, the table is a reference table.

The reference table stores references to business objects instances. A business object instance for which references exist cannot be deleted.

You can define only one reference table per business object or component. If you do not define a reference table, it will not be possible to generate standard methods to update or delete external references.

For a reference table, you can enter a table definition code that does not yet exist. The table definition for reference tables is fully standardized. Therefore, you can generate this table definition when you convert the BOR model to run time through the Convert BOR to Runtime (tlbct1210m000) session. It is not allowed to change the table definition for reference tables manually.

The package code of the table.
The module code of the table.
The three-digit code of the table.
The description of the table.


Generate Protected Attributes
This command automatically generates all possible protected attributes, based on the table definitions for the business object/component in the current session. Per table field, a corresponding protected attribute is generated. The Map Operator for these protected attributes is Table Field.

After the attributes are generated, you can delete the attributes that are not required. You can also manually add extra attributes, whose Map Operator is Calculate or Not Applicable, that are not directly related to table fields.

Note that the generated attributes may require manual correction, for example with respect to their names.

Generate Public Attributes
This command automatically generates all possible public attributes, based on the protected attributes of the business object/component in the current session. For each protected attribute, a corresponding public attribute is generated. The Map operator for these public attributes is Protected Attribute.

After the attributes are generated, you can delete the attributes that are not required. You can also manually add extra public attributes, whose Map operator is Calculate or Not Applicable, that are not mapped to protected attributes.

Note that the generated attributes may require manual correction, for example with respect to their names.

Business Object Component Table Relations
Click this command to zoom to the Business Object Component Table Relations (ttadv7134m000) session, where you can specify restrictions to the link between a root table and the business object or component.