Protected Attributes (ttadv7104m000)

Use this session to define the protected attributes of a business object or business object component.

Protected attributes store the properties of a business object in an internal format.

Protected attributes are used for the following purposes:

  • As arguments in protected methods.
  • To map public attributes.

Temas relacionados


Número de secuencia
The sequence number of the record.
The name of the attribute.

The following rules apply to the attribute name:

  • The name must be unique within the business object or within the business object component.
  • The name must refer to business concepts and/or the functionality of the business object. Do not use a name that refers to a technical solution.
  • Use LN terminology, such as Item, Business Partners, and so on.
  • The name must be meaningful.
  • Only alphanumeric characters ([A-Z], [a-z], [0-9]) are allowed.
  • If the name consists of several words, start each word with a capital, except for the first word.
  • Spaces are not allowed.

Ejemplo: soldToBusinessPartner.

The domain of the attribute.

Domains are defined in the Dominios (ttadv4500m000) session.

Tipo de datos
The Tipo de datos of the attribute's domain, e.g. String, Long or Double.
Map Operator
The Map Operator for the attribute.
Dependent on the Map Operator in the previous field, enter the table/form field, the question, or the protected attributes to which the attribute is mapped.

You can only select fields of tables and forms that are linked to the business object or component.


To zoom directly to the fields of a particular table, first enter the table code, and then zoom to the Table Fields (ttadv4529m000) session.

Mapping Element
The element number that indicates which element in repeating field (an array field) must be used. If the number is zero, the field is not repeating.

For more information, refer to the Help on the following fields: Repeating Field and No. of elements. These fields occurs in the Table Fields (ttadv4122s000) session, which is available through the details of the Table Definitions (ttadv4520m000) session.

Default domain
If you selected Table Field in the Map Operator field, the default domain is that of the selected table field. If you selected Calculate or Not Applicable, this field is empty, and you must specify a domain manually.
Override default domain
If this check box is selected, you must manually specify a domain for the attribute. You must enter this domain in the next fields.

If you selected Table Field in the Map Operator field, the default domain is that of the selected table field. If you selected Calculate or Not Applicable, you must always specify a domain manually.

The package code of the domain that will be used instead of the default domain.
The identification code of the domain that will be used instead of the default domain.
Tipo de datos
The Tipo de datos of the attribute's domain, e.g. String, Long or Double.
Use as XML Element
If this check box is selected, the content of this attribute will be read and interpreted as XML content. As a result, if you clear this check box, the content is not interpreted as XML content. This option allows you to communicate XML content while preventing that it is automatically processed.

This check box is only available if the Tipo de datos of the domain of the attribute is long.

If this check box is selected, the value of the attribute is calculated. Therefore, this value cannot be changed directly.
If this check box is selected, the attribute is part of the identification of the business object or component.
If this check box is selected, the attribute must always have a value.
View Field
This field is only available if the map operator is Table Field on Form, or Form Field. Select this check box if the attribute is mapped to a form field that is part of the view area of the session used by the Function Server. The Function Server will fill this field before any other field.
Target Session
This field is only available if the map operator is Table Field on Form, or Form Field. Select whether the Function Server must use the main session, or the synchronized dialog, that is specified in the Business Object Components (ttadv7117s000) session.
Data Type as XML Schema
This is a text field to store a non- LN specific description, in XML Schema format, of the domain, to make the internal interface more generic. This description can be used for data type checks.


Generate Protected Attributes
This command automatically generates all possible protected attributes, based on the structure of the business object/component in the current session.
  • If a business object/component is DAL2/table based, this option automatically generates all possible protected attributes with Map Operator Table Field, based on the table definitions for the business object/component.
  • If a business object/component is Function Server/session based, the generation of the protected attributes is based on the form fields in the linked session/synchronized dialog. Protected attributes with map operator Table field on Form (for table fields in a form) and Form fields (for other, non table, fields in a form) are generated. If no table is linked to the component, the main table of the linked session/synchronized dialog is automatically added as the component's root table.

In both situations, the protected attributes mapped to the root table key fields, are set to Mandatory and Identifier.

After the attributes are generated, you can delete the attributes that are not required. You can also manually add extra attributes, whose Map Operator is Calculate or Not Applicable, that are not directly related to table fields.

Note that the attributes may require manual correction, for example with respect to their names.