Create Runtime Data Dictionary (ttadv5210m000)

Use this session to create a runtime data dictionary that contains software components per package combination. This session starts automatically if you create a new package combination. It converts all specified components to the run-time data dictionary, including those that have not been changed.

The following software components are converted to run-time data dictionary:

  • Table definitions
  • Domains
  • Enum descriptions
  • Sessions

The run-time definitions of tables, domains, and enum descriptions are stored in the data definition files, in the directory, as defined in the Combinaciones de paquetes (ttaad1520m000). The run-time definitions of sessions are stored in the ttadv999 table (ttadv999).

To create runtime forms and menus, you must use the Create Runtime Data Dictionary (Forms and Menus) (ttadv5214m000) session. This session will dump the user data of users, within the specified package combination and the file fd6.1<package combination>, with redirections for software components. Only the data definitions of tables are created, and not the tables themselves. To create the tables, run the session Crear tablas (ttaad4230m000).

This session must be run after changes in software are made by utilities, such as:

  • Import Data Dictionary (ttiex1285m000).
  • Copy Software Components to New Package VRC (ttadv6265m000).
  • Delete Software Components by Package VRC (ttadv6250m000).
  • Import Language-Dependent DEM Software Components (ttadv6231m000).

You must also use this session if changes are made in the VRC structure in the VRC de paquete (ttadv1511m000) session.

The output of the reconfiguring process is logged in the log file, $BSE/log/log.reconfig. If the Reconfigure Tables check box is selected, the system reconfigures all tables that are changed. The range of tables is not taken into account. This is done for the companies linked to the specified range of package combinations.


To avoid problems with locked tables, make sure that everybody has left the bshell. If the table reconfiguration is not successful, for example because of lock errors, you can stop the process, if the question, Error during file configuration; try again ? is shown. You can restart the table reconfiguration when the locks are removed, by running this program again.


If this check box is selected, the domains are converted to the run-time data dictionary.
If this check box is selected, the tables are converted to the run-time data dictionary.
Check before create runt.
If this check box is selected, the software components are checked before they are converted to the run-time data dictionary.
Reconfigure Tables
If this check box is selected, the system will reconfigure all tables that are changed. The range of tables is not taken into account. This will be done for the companies that are linked to the specified range of package combinations. To avoid problems with locked tables, make sure that everybody has left the bshell.
If this check box is selected, the sessions are converted to the run-time data dictionary.
Runtime Directories
If this check box is selected, the session dumps the fd6.1<package combination> files, with redirections for software components, of the specified package combinations. The session also dumps the user data of users that belong to these package combinations.
Print Errors
If this check box is selected, the errors that occurred during the conversion process are printed.