Table Fields (ttadv4122s000)

Use this session to maintain fields that belong to the table definition.

On the first form you can:

  • Enter the field name and field number of the table field. The field name must be unique in the current table.
  • Specify whether the field is combined. For example, is there a combination of two or more fields of the same table?
  • You must specify a domain that specifies the data type, legal values, validation check, display format and so on.
  • Specify the label data for the field, the initial value, the mandatory input, and whether it is a repeating field.

On the next form you can specify a relation to another table, insert check, delete, and update mode. Finally, you can specify whether the field is active.


The code of the package for which the table is defined.
The code of the module for which the table is defined.
The table's identification code.

A table is uniquely identified by the combination of package code, module code, and table identification code.

The version code of the package for which the table is defined.
The release code of the package for which the table is defined.
The customer extension of the package for which the table is defined.

The customer extension is only relevant in case of customized software.

Nombre de campo
The name of the field that can be used in forms, reports, and in scripts in the following way: <table name>.<field name>

The field name must be unique in the table.

Ejemplo table : pksls040 (package - module - table number) field name: orno

Número de secuencia
The field number that determines the sequence of the fields in the table definition.

An index can be optimized by some database drivers (ISAM) if the parts of the index are adjacent (as index parts and table fields) and have the string, byte, or enumerate data type. An optimized index speeds up searching.

Campo comb.
If this check box is selected, the field is combined. A combined field consists of two or more normal (not combined) fields.
  • A combined field can be used for references and indices.
  • The child fields of a combined field can be maintained by the Child Fields by Combined Field (ttadv4523m000) session.
Mandatory Input
If this check box is selected, input in this field by the user is mandatory.

If the field has the byte, integer, long, float or double data type, mandatory input means that the value of the field must be unequal to 0. In fact, mandatory input is an addition to the domain definition of the field and has precedence over what is defined as the range of the domain. If the user tries to make a field empty while input is mandatory Tools gives range message of the domain.

Field:Employee number(datatype long)
RangeMandatory inputAllowed range on the field
$$ IN [0, 999999]no0 - 999999
$$ IN [0, 999999]yes1 - 999999
$$ IN [1, 999999]no0 - 999999 (0=empty)
$$ IN [1, 999999]yes1 - 999999


Repeating Field
If this check box is selected, the table field is repeating.

A repeating field appears a number of times in the table with the same name and characteristics.

No. of elements
The depth of the field that is indicated as a repeating field.

Ejemplo table : No. of elements fields: Help Topic Code (1) Topic Title (1) Topic Keywords (4)


Topic Keywords is a repeating field of 4 levels. In the No. of Elements table you can define no more than four key words for each No. of Elements table.

The domain of the table field's package code.
The domain of the table field that defines the data type and several characteristics of the field.

If the table field is a combined field, no domain can be given.

Data Type/Length
The internal representation of data.
Data Type/Length
If the data type of the domain is string this is the length in characters. If the data type is multibyte string, it specifies the number of positions on which the characters can be placed.
Generate Unique Initial Value
This check box indicates whether a unique value must be generated for the selected table field during reconfiguration of the table.

If you select this check box:

  • The Initial Value field becomes disabled, showing no content.
  • In the database, the value "$__unique" is stored as the "Initial Value".
  • The value "$__unique" is used to start a bdbreconfig. It generates a unique ID for the selected field.

If this check box is cleared (default value):

  • The Initial Value field becomes enabled.
  • The default value for Initial Value is empty. You can manually specify a default value.
  • The value of Initial Value is stored in the database.
Initial Value
If a user adds a record to the table, this is the initial value for the field.

If the Generate Unique Initial Value check box is cleared, you must specify a default value.

If the Generate Unique Initial Value check box is selected, this field is read-only. The default value is determined by the specified domain.

The description of the table field which is used for a label with the same name as the table field. If a label in a form, report or menu has the same name as the table field, this description will replace the label.

A percentage symbol % in the label description forces a line break in the label in the form, report, or menu.

Label Length
The length of the label that is used in forms, reports and menus.
Related Label
The code of the label that is used as a description of the table field.

This field can only be accessed if the field Label Description is empty.

Reference Table
The package of the reference table to which this field refers.
Reference Table
The module of the reference table to which this field refers.
Reference Table
The table number of the reference table to which this field refers.
Reference Table
This field displays a period.
Reference Table
The field name of the reference table to which is referred.
Reference Mode
Reference Message
The package code of the message which is given when a given value does not correspond to a record in the reference table.
Reference Message
The message code which Tools gives, if you enter a value in an input field in the form, where no related record in the reference table is present.

The reference message is only relevant if the reference mode is mandatory, or mandatory unless empty.

Comprobado por DBMS
If this check box is selected, the referential integrity of the reference field must be checked by the database server.
Modo eliminación de control referencia
Select the action to be taken by Tools, if an occurrence in the table referred to (= parent or reference table), is deleted.
Modo actualización de control de referencia
Select the action to be taken by Tools, if the primary key of a record in the table to which is referred (= parent), is changed.
Documentación técnica
If this check box is selected, documentation for the table field is present.
Release Notes
If this check box is selected, release notes for the table field are available.