Default Sizes (ttadv3540m000)

Use this session to display sets of report sizes including margins, lengths and fonts.


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Report Size
The code of the report size. This identifies a set of control variables for printing the report. The values belonging to the report size are used as defaults for a report.
The number of spaces at the beginning of each line.
Margen superior
The number of blank lines at the top of each page.
Margen inferior
The number of blank lines at the bottom of each page.
The number of lines allocated for the footer. If this field has value -1, the number of lines necessary for the footer is calculated by the report writer.
The total page length including top and bottom margin. If this value is -1, the length of the selected paper type is taken.
The total page width including the left margin.
Tipo de letra
The font of the report as a default for all report layouts. These fonts can be defined in the printer information files of the printer being used.