Report Input Fields (ttadv3532m000)

Use this session to maintain the report input fields.

The input fields are used to specify the table fields or program scripts whose values have to appear in the report. All variables which are used in the report, must be defined as input fields.


The variables in the program script, have to be declared as 'extern' on the program script from which the report is called.

If you have started this session by zooming, you can only find and select a record.


A set of related modules that implements a complete part of the functionality, for example, Planificación Empresarial, Finanzas, or Gestión de almacenes. Packages are designed to function as independent as possible, to enable a customer to implement only particular packages.

A package code consists of two characters. For example, tt is the code of the Tools package.

Each package has a unique version structure, the VRC structure.

An upgrade of a package, for example, B61. Each change in the functionality of a package results in a new version. A version can contain several releases.
An update in a version. For example, 'B61 a', where 'B61' represents the version code, and the 'a' represents the release code. Each update results in a new release with a new release code.
A code that identifies a customized software package. For example, B61O_a_cus1, where 'B61O' represents the version, 'a' represents the release, and 'cus1' represents the customer extension of the customized software.
The module to which the report belongs.
The identification code of the report. A report is uniquely identified by the combination of package code, module code, report code and language.
Nombre de campo
The name of the variable which will be sent by the program script to the report. This variable can be a table field (like maitm001.item). It can also be a variable defined in your program script. This variable must be a global defined variable, type 'extern.
When the report input variable is an array, this field contains the depth of the array. When the report input variable is a table field the depth can not be changed.

If the depth of a field is greater than 1, the field can not be a Presorted field.

The package code of the domain of the report input field.

Only applicable for non-table fields.

The domain code of the specified input field.

Only applicable for non-table fields.

Sort Mode
The sort mode of the report input variable. If at least 1 input field of a report has sort mode Ascending or Descending, the report will first sort the sent data before printing it. If you are sure that the sent data is presorted, use sort mode Presorted, because the sort by the report is time-consuming.

Only when the input variable has sort mode unequal to No it can be used as sort field in a report layout of type Before.field or After.field.

Sort Seq.
The sort order for report input fields with a sort mode. The sent data will be sorted first on input field with sort order 1, then on input field with sort order 2 etc.


If you want to sort addresses first by city and then by street, use sort order 1 for city and sort order 2 for street.


Create IER resource file
Creates a resource file, based on the 4GL report. All labels linked to the report input fields are exported to a resource file and stored on the local PC. Subsequently, you can import the resource file in the Infor Reporting Designer.

In this way you can create Infor Enterprise reports based on existing LN 4GL reports.