Reports (ttadv3530m000)

Use this session to list reports by language and package.


If you only want to remove the link of the report to the session, do not select the record and press the delete button, but select specific form command Remove link to session.


A set of related modules that implements a complete part of the functionality, for example, Planificación Empresarial, Finanzas, or Gestión de almacenes. Packages are designed to function as independent as possible, to enable a customer to implement only particular packages.

A package code consists of two characters. For example, tt is the code of the Tools package.

Each package has a unique version structure, the VRC structure.

The language code of the report. When a user runs a session with a report, the report will be printed in the user's language if available.
The module code of the report.
The identification code of the report. A report is uniquely identified by the combination of package code, module code, report code and language.
An upgrade of a package, for example, B61. Each change in the functionality of a package results in a new version. A version can contain several releases.
An update in a version. For example, 'B61 a', where 'B61' represents the version code, and the 'a' represents the release code. Each update results in a new release with a new release code.
A code that identifies a customized software package. For example, B61O_a_cus1, where 'B61O' represents the version, 'a' represents the release, and 'cus1' represents the customer extension of the customized software.
Report Type
If this check box is selected, the report is expired for this package VRC and its derived package VRCs.
Script Present
If this check box is selected, an additional script is present for this report.
RPT Design Present
If this check box is selected, the report has an XML report design. You can edit the report design in the Infor LN Reporting Studio.

Para obtener más información, consulte Session-based Reporting and Query-based Reporting.

Existe diseño de informe externo
If this check box is selected, the report has one of these external report designs:
  • A Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS) report design

    You can edit the report design in Microsoft Business Intelligence Development Studio (BIDS). For details, see:

    • Infor Enterprise Server Plug-in for Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services Development Guide
    • Infor Enterprise Server Plug-in for Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services Administration Guide
  • An Infor Reporting report design

    You can edit the report design in Report Studio. For details, see:

    • Infor Enterprise Server Connector for Infor Reporting Development Guide
    • Infor Enterprise Server Connector for Infor Reporting Administration Guide

To see which external designs are present for a report:

  1. Start the Reports (ttadv3530m000) session.
  2. Select the report.
  3. On the appropriate menu, select Additional Files. The Additional Files (ttadv2570m000) session starts.

    Additional files of type RDL File are SSRS report designs.

    Additional files of type IRPACK File are Infor Reporting report designs.


Exportar informe basado en consulta
Locks the selected report and transfers the corresponding XML report design to your client PC. Subsequently, you can edit the report design in the Infor LN Reporting Studio.

Note: This command is only applicable for session-based reports with an XML report design. Para obtener más información, consulte Session-based Reporting.

Importar informe basado en consulta
Uploads an XML report design from your client PC into the LN data dictionary, and unlocks the report.

Note: This command is only applicable for session-based reports with an XML report design. Para obtener más información, consulte Session-based Reporting.

View RPT file...
Transfers the XML report design of the selected report to your client PC. Subsequently, you can view the report design in the Infor LN Reporting Studio. The report is not locked.

Note: This command is only applicable for session-based reports with an XML report design. Para obtener más información, consulte Session-based Reporting.