| Convert session to dynamic (ttadv2900m000)The session performs, among other things, the following
actions: - The session that is converted is changed to a dynamic
sessions, and the Dynamic property is set.
- All forms of the session are converted to one new dynamic
- The scripts are also converted. Form sections are converted
to Group sections.
- If SCM is on, the session, the forms (if they already
exists), and the scripts are stored as a revision before they are replaced.
Nota - Before you run the current session, you must have started
your BW interface with “-- -set
BSE_STD_PROGRAM=ottstpdyncnvstp” in the Command field of the BW-configuration.
- After the sessions are converted, you must check whether
the form is correct in the Editor de formularios dinámicos.
- Refer to the Help of the Editor de formularios dinámicos for
more information.
- For Language Translation Support it is required that you
also run the Copy Descriptions into Labels (ttcon1300m000) session to convert all texts in the sessions to labels.
Paquete A set of related modules that implements a complete part of the
functionality, for example, Planificación Empresarial, Finanzas, or Gestión de almacenes.
Packages are designed to function as independent as possible, to enable a
customer to implement only particular packages. A package code consists of two characters. For example, tt is
the code of the Tools package. Each package has a unique version structure, the VRC
structure. Package An upgrade of a package, for example, B61. Each change in the
functionality of a package results in a new version. A version can contain
several releases. Package An update in a version. For example, 'B61 a', where 'B61'
represents the version code, and the 'a' represents the release code. Each
update results in a new release with a new release code. Package A code that identifies a customized software package. For
example, B61O_a_cus1, where 'B61O' represents the version, 'a' represents the
release, and 'cus1' represents the customer extension of the customized
software. Append Messages to File The location of the log file, including the file name. Messages
that are logged during the conversion are stored in this file. Do not convert, only check If this check box is selected, the process is run
without actually converting the sessions. You can then analyze the messages in
the log file to check whether errors would occur. | |