Additional Files (ttadv2570m000)

Use this session to view and maintain additional files.

  • From LN Tools 6.0a on, additional files are stored in a specific package, module, and package VRC, which are displayed in the fields of the current session.
  • If you delete a record, the additional file is also physically deleted from the system.
  • To insert a whole range of additional files, use the Importar archivos adicionales (ttadv2270m000) session, to which you can zoom through the Vistas, Referencias o Acciones menu.


The package in which the additional file is stored.
The module in which the additional file is stored.
Additional File
The name of the additional file, including the extension.
The description of the file type, which is based on the extension.
The version code of the package VRC in which the additional file is stored.
The release code of the package VRC in which the additional file is stored.
The customer code of the package VRC in which the additional file is stored.
Additional File Description
The description you entered in the Additional File Description field in the Archivo adicional (ttadv2170s000) details session.
If this check box is selected, the additional file is expired.
If this check box is selected, the file can be viewed or edited.
  • View or edit the file through the Editar / Ver archivo de esquema XML... option in the Vistas, Referencias o Acciones menu.
  • If this check box is cleared, the file can not be viewed too.
  • Double-click a record to change this property in the Archivo adicional (ttadv2170s000) details session.


Import Additional Files
Export Resource file...
Locks the selected resource file and transfers it to your client PC. Subsequently, you can edit the file in the Infor LN Reporting Studio.

Note: This command is only applicable for resource files. These are files of type "PROPERTIES file". Resource files contain language dependent information that is used in query-based reports. Para obtener más información, consulte Query-based Reporting and To create resource files.

Import Resource file...
Uploads a resource file from your client PC into the LN data dictionary, and unlocks the file.

Note: This command is only applicable for resource files. These are files of type "PROPERTIES file". Resource files contain language dependent information that is used in query-based reports. Para obtener más información, consulte Query-based Reporting and To create resource files.

Editar / Ver archivo de esquema XML...
Use this command to edit or view the additional file, depending on your permissions, VRC, and so on.

Note that you can only edit or view files for which the Editable check box is selected.

The files are opened in the default editor for the file type on your system.

Copy to Current P-VRC
Click to copy the selected file from another package VRC to your own package VRC.
Make PVRC Current
Click to change your current package VRC to the package VRC of the selected file.
Change Current Package VRC of User
Click to change your current package VRC.
Script Management Parameters by User
Use this command to zoom to the Script Management Parameters by User (ttadv0810s000) session to view or set several parameters that may affect the functionality of this session.