Mantenimiento general de tabla (ttaad4100 )

Use this session to manipulate table field data without using sessions (which is the usual way). This particular session is meant only for developers.


Inappropriate usage can result in data inconsistency!

Specify the codes of the package, module, table, and company for which you want to maintain the table data. To access the table fields, press Y in the choice field.

If you press the spacebar, a pull-down menu with standard commands is displayed at the top of your screen. The commands are grouped in menus. For example, the APPLICATION menu contains commands that are used for table maintenance.

The use of these commands may deviate from the standard use. For example, after you have selected "Global Delete" you can specify the range in a selection screen (From-To). You do not have to mark records.

You can call help information by table field. To get table field help, press ?.


Mantenimiento general de tabla (ttaad4100 )
Change Data Language
Use this command to view the table data in a different Data Language. This is only possible if fields of the table are registered as multi-language fields. See Multilanguage application data.
Show (not) approved version (CM)
Use this command to toggle between approved and not approved CM versions. Alternatively, press - in the choice field.

In the “Show approved version” mode the records are colored red. In the “Show not approved version” mode the checked-out records are colored green, and the workflow status and object ID (toid) are displayed. Not checked-out records are colored white.


Mantenimiento general de tabla (ttaad4100 )
0 Table Information
A window with general table information is displayed.

This information is displayed:

  • Table code
  • Row/record length
  • Number of rows/records
  • Number of indices

    If multiple indices exist, you can press K to change the index.

  • Current index
  • Duplicates (y/n)
1 Copy Rows
You can copy records from another table. By using certain parameters in a file it is possible to copy parts of fields from another table to parts of fields of the current table.

Each line of the parameter file has this syntax:

x y z [expression]


c x y expression

This table shows the meaning of these lines:

x y z [expression]Copy position x and length y to position z in the current table.

You can also specify an expression behind: x y z ^abc

This means: copy position x and length y to position z, only if the string `abc' is in the positions x, x+1, and x+2.

c x y expressionOnly if the expression is true for position x and length y, carry out any action. Skip the record if the expression is false.



  • On the first line the expression is not needed, in the second it is.
  • x, y, and z are values, the character c is the normal character "c".
  • Expressions only work for string fields.
  • The maximum number of lines in a parameter file is 50.
2 Export Data
You can export the current table to a sequential file (compressed dump). Specify a directory to store the dump. Through the Import Data command you can import the table into another system.
3 Import Data
You can import a table of another system (environment). Specify the directory in which the dump is stored.
4 Count Rows
Shows the number of records of the table. You can specify the range of index fields in which you can select the records that will be counted.
5 Modify Rows
Use this command to modify a range of records in the current table.
6 Remove Rows
Use this command to remove a range of records from the current table.
* Toggle User Mode/Programmers Mode
Programmers mode shows detailed information (information for the programmer) about the table.