Cambiar estatus de dispositivos (ttaad3240m000)

Use this session to change the device status of a printer. For example, you can temporarily disable a printer, if you want to change its location.

Use the options on the Vistas, Referencias o Acciones menu to disable or enable a printer: you can change the status to Abajo and to Arriba respectively.

If the device status is Abajo, you can still send print jobs to this printer. The print jobs are queued and will be printed as soon as the status is back to Arriba.


You can only change the status for devices of Tipo de dispositivo Printer (Unix printers that are managed by the printer daemon).

If you have started this session by zooming, you can only find and select a record.


The device code of the printer.
The description or name of the device.
Listar estatus de tareas
The current status of the device.

The following statuses are available:

  • Ready: the printer will print the jobs in the device queue.
  • Busy: the printer is currently printing.
  • Down: the printer will not print the jobs from the device queue. New print jobs are added to the device queue.
Estableciendo estatus dedispositivo en
The status the device is currently being changed to.

The following options are available:

  • Up: the status of the device changes to up. The printer becomes ready for printing jobs in the queue.
  • Down: the status of the device changes to down. The printer does not print the jobs from the queue. New print jobs are added to the device queue