Device Data (ttaad3100s000)

Use this session to define the various output devices that are used in an LN environment. The device types to which a print request can be sent in LN are:

  • Impresora
  • Impresora lógica
  • Anexar a archivo
  • Reescribir archivo
  • Directo
  • Pantalla
  • Impresora de Windows
  • Impresora del servidor Windows
  • Infor Enterprise Report Printer
  • Servicios de informe externos
  • Gestión de salida de documento

This session contains various options for external reporting through Infor Reporting and Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services. These options are not described in this help text. For details about the external reporting options in this session, see these guides:

  • Infor Enterprise Server Connector for Infor Reporting Administration Guide
  • Infor Enterprise Server Plug-in for Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services Administration Guide

For every print request to a LN Printer device an intermediate print file "tmpxxxxx" is stored in directory $BSE/tmp.

For a Windows printer the intermediate print file "tmpxxxx.bpf" is not stored in directory $BSE/tmp, but the file will be transferred to the users PC and printed by the LN Windows print program BWPrint.

The session is divided into three parts. You can specify:

  • General device data: for each device you must enter basic properties such as the name, description, type, and character set.
  • Data related to (physical) printers
  • Data related to append and rewrite files

Depending on the device type, you must skip or fill certain fields. For example, if you define a physical printer, you can skip the file-related fields.


The output device code.

This device code is a unique code that identifies a printer.

You can choose a unique name for a device, however the name SMTP is reserved for Microsoft Outlook to send the print file directly to e-mail and the name FAX is reserved to print directly to a FAX device.

This code is used by a user to send a report to an output device.


  • ASCII (ASCII file)
  • D (Display Device)
  • D66 (Display Device 66 lines per page)
  • WINDOWS (Default Windows printer)
  • pnl0133L (UNIX printer pnl0133 Landscape)
  • pnl0133P (UNIX printer pnl0133 Portrait)
  • pnl0133D (UNIX printer pnl0133 Direct)
  • pnl0133W (Windows printer pnl0133)
The description of the output device.

It is a good manner to specify the location of the printer if possible.


  • IBM Printer in building X
  • HP Laserjet in room Y
  • Default Windows printer
  • Rewrite to file ASCII format
  • Print to Excel sheet
  • Print to file HTML format
  • Print to Business Objects Enterprise
Tipo de dispositivo
The type of output device.
Configuración regional
Specifies the name of the Tools Super Set locale. A locale is a collection of the TSS character set definition, the NLS locale for the system and minimum and maximum values for form and database fields. Each locale uses a specific range of (multi-byte) characters of the Tools Super Set (TSS).

The user locale belonging to the user who makes a print request, must be equal to the print locale. If a user tries to select a print device with a locale different from the user locale, the LN system sends an error message and the report will not be printed.


  • ISO-8859-1 (Western Europe - 8 bit)
  • GB-SUN (Simplified Chinese Sun)

If you have a Unicode installation, Infor advises you to leave the Locale field empty if you have chosen Windows Printer as the device type. In that case BWPrint automatically uses the locale of the Windows system.

Archivo intermedio en formato XML
If this check box is selected, the intermediate print file in $BSE/tmp is stored in XML format. XML files can be reused by other applications, for example Business Objects Enterprise. See the Argument field for details about printing a LN Report via Business Objects Enterprise.
The printer driver's code.

A printer driver is a file that contains settings, such as control characters, escape sequences, and so on, for a specific printer.

The driver specification is only applicable for UNIX printers, printer type "Printer" or "Direct".

For a Windows printer, the printer driver is stored on a local PC or on a Windows Printer Server.

The UNIX printer drivers can be found on the UNIX file system in directory $BSE/lib/printinf.

This directory contains several one-character sub-directories for each Printer Supplier, see example list below:

  • Directory c - Canon
  • Directory e - Epson
  • Directory h - HP (Hewlett Packard)
  • Directory i - IBM
  • Directory m - Mannesmann
  • Directory s - Siemens

Example printer drivers:

  • hp_lj4 ( HP Laserjet 4 Portrait printer)
  • hp_lj4_lndsc (HP Laserjet 4 Landscape printer)
Cola de espera de dispositivo
The name of the printer as used by the UNIX printer spooler.

The value in the Cola de espera de dispositivo field depends on the value in the Tipo de dispositivo field:

  • If Device Type is Impresora then the Device Queue is the name of the printer as used by the UNIX printer spooler (for example, pnl0133)
  • If Device Type is Directo the print request is not handled by the printer daemon. Therefore the Device Queue is a UNIX print command with parameters to carry out the print directly (for example, lp -dpnl0133 -n%d -s %s).
  • If Device Type is Impresora de Windows then the Device Queue is the name of the Windows printer (for example: \\SRV_NLD_DEV2\PNL0133) . If this field is <empty> the default Windows printer of the user is used.
  • For all other Device Types the Tipo de dispositivo field is disabled
Tipo de papel
The paper type loaded in the printer's paper tray.

The Paper Type specification is only applicable for these Tipo de dispositivo:

  • Printer
  • Logical printer
  • Windows printer
Margen izquierdo
The left margin for reports sent to a printer.

The Left Margin specification is only applicable for these Device Types:

  • Printer
  • Windows printer

When you print a report, the Seleccionar dispositivo (ttstpsplopen ) session suggests a left margin. This suggested margin is calculated as follows:

suggested margin = the device margin specified in this field + the report's left margin specified in the Reports (ttadv3130s000) session

Avance página cada página
Specify whether a form feed is sent after each report page.

The Form Feed Every Page check box is only applicable for Device Type: Printer.

If this check box is selected, a form feed is sent to the printer at the end of each report page.

If this check box is cleared, no form feed is sent at the end of the report page. If the page length of the report does not correspond with the page length of the paper type, the report page will be printed over several printer pages.

The UNIX printer driver that must be used for device types Rewrite file and File append.

See for details: Controlador.

Comando shell
The program, at operating system level, which is executed before the output is (re) written to a file. For example, this program can be a conversion program to filter the input data.
Programa de conversión
The 4GL Program field is used to define the name of a LN 4GL program, that is used to convert the output of an LN Report to another format. For example to HTML format.

This 4GL Program field is only applicable for the Device Types: Rewrite file and Append to file.

The most important available LN 4GL program to mention here is the conversion program: ttstpconv.

This program is able to convert a LN Report to several formats, for example HTML, RTF, Postscript, etc.

To specify the type of conversion to be done, the program uses Program Arguments, that can be specified in the Argument field.

Another available LN 4GL Program is the CMF (Common Messaging Facility) Print Utility: ttcmfprint.

The ttcmfprint utility is able to send a LN Report to an E-mail address, Fax etc.

The ttcmfprint utility always converts the report to RTF format.

See the Argument field for details about the Conversion Programs.

Argumento para programa de conversión
The arguments you can specify here are dependent on the LN 4GL Program, that is specified in the 4GL Program field.

See this table for the possible arguments:

4GL programArgumentDescription
ttstpconvasciiASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange) format
ttstpconvhtmlHTML (HyperText Markup Language) format
ttstpconvrtfRTF (Rich Text Format) format (Portrait)
ttstpconvrtf_landscapeRTF (Rich Text Format) format (Landscape)

The report is sent to E-mail recipients using MS Outlook

If using argument outlook then it is mandatory to specify the Device code as SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol)

The E-mail addresses must be specified in the Path field


The report is sent to FAX numbers

If using argument fax then it is mandatory to specify the Device code as FAX

Fax numbers must be specified in the Path field


XML (Extensible Markup Language) used for Business Objects Enterprise

If using argument XML then it is mandatory to select the check box Intermediate File in XML Format

<empty>XML -PRS

The report is sent to Servicios de informes de fabricación (PRS).

If using argument XML then it is mandatory to select the check box Intermediate File in XML Format

On a PRS device, you can only print reports that are enabled for Informes de fabricación, and that are ready for data processing.

For details on PRS, and on the setup of a PRS device, refer to the Business Intelligence 1.3 for ERP LN Production Reporting Services User’s Guide.

<empty>XML -PDF

The report will be converted to PDF format.

If using argument XML then it is mandatory to select the check box Intermediate File in XML Format

You can add the font size: “PFS=9.0”, “PFS=9.5”, “PFS=10“, or “PFS=11”. Specify the font sizes known from Microsoft Word. This functionality is not available when printing to PDF Landscape.

Example of the Argument field:

XML -PDF:acroRd32.exe PFS=11 %s

To display the current number out of the total number of pages on each page, use this argument:

XML -PDF:acroRD32.exe -TP %s
<empty>server=<printer server name> port=<port number for Servicio de informes de ES >

The report is sent to a Windows Server Printer. For details, see Windows printer devices.

Note: You can leave the Argument field blank for a Windows Server Printer, if LN runs on a Windows server. When you send a report, BWPrint is started on the LN server.

<empty>XML -RPT

The report is sent to the LN Report Viewer.

Para obtener más información, consulte To create a Report Viewer device for session-based reports.

Note: You can only use the Report Viewer device to print reports with an XML report design.

<empty>-excelThe report is sent to a Microsoft Excel device. You can specify additional parameters.

This functionality is only available for devices of type Servicios de informe externos.

Para obtener más información, consulte Microsoft Excel devices in the Infor Enterprise Server - Administration Guide.


The arguments ascii, html and rtf can be appended with :<Client program> to start a program on the client PC for editing the LN Report and can be appended with \<UNIX shell script> to filter or modify the Report output file, see the examples in the table below:

asciiCreate ASCII file
ascii:Create ASCII file and start notepad (default)
ascii:notepadCreate ASCII file and activate notepad
ascii\mfax %sCreate ASCII file and send file to mfax
ascii\mfax %s:notepadCreate ASCII file, send file to mfax and activate notepad
ascii:excelCreate ASCII file and activate MS excel
ascii:winwordCreate ASCII file and activate MS Word
rtf:winwordCreate RTF file and activate MS Word
html:winwordCreate HTML file and activate MS Word
html:iexploreCreate HTML file and activate Internet Explorer
postscriptCreate PostScript file. Use a PostScript printer to print the file


For some arguments you can specify Parameters behind the argument, see this table:

ascii-uNoLSB UNICODE (16 bit) format
ascii-umsbNoMSB UNICODE (16 bit) format
ascii-win32NoWindows 3.2 format
html-c <company>NoDisplay company name on each HTML page
html-g <logo.gif>No

Display company logo on each HTML page.

The company logo must be in the same directory as the HTML report produced in order for the logo to be displayed with the report.

html-f <fontsize>NoFontsize
XMLserver <server name>YesThe name of the Business Objects Enterprise server
XMLport <port number>YesThe port number on the Business Objects Enterprise server


In this table some examples of the arguments and their parameters are shown:

ascii -uCreate ASCII file in LSB UNICODE (16 bit) format
ascii -umsbCreate ASCII file in MSB UNICODE (16 bit) format
ascii -win32:notepadCreate ASCII file in Windows 3.2 format and activate notepad
html -c "MPC Global" -g "CMP.gif" -f 12Create HTML file with company name and logo, fontsize 12
html -c "MPC Global" -g "CMP.gif" -f 12:iexploreCreate HTML file with company name and logo, fontsize 12 and activate Internet Explorer
XML server=cnl01234 port=8999Create XML file and send the file to Business Objects Enterprise server cnl01234 on port number 8999


The content of this field depends on the Tipo de dispositivo. See this table:
Device TypeContent of Ruta field

Reescribir archivo

Anexar a archivo

The (default) path of the file you want to create.

If the Programa de conversión field contains ttcmfprint then the Ruta field contains the address where the file should be sent. For example, an email address or a fax number. In case of multiple recipients, the field contains multiple addresses separated by semicolons ";".

For example:

DispositivoPrograma de conversiónArgumento para programa de conversiónRuta;
FAXttcmfprintfax+31 342123456; +40 98765432


Printing redesign based on RTF specification 1.9.1 (Used by Microsoft Word 2007/Word 12)

DispositivoPrograma de conversiónArgumento para programa de conversiónRuta
RTFttstpconvRTF:Winword.exe %s${HOME}/rtf
RTFA4ttstpconvRTFL:Winword.exe %s A4 L9 R3${HOME}/rtf
RTFLTCttstpconvRTF:Winword.exe %s LTC L3 R3${HOME}/rtf
RTFLTttstpconvRTF:Winword.exe %s LT L3 R3${HOME}/rtf


Infor Enterprise Report Printer

The URL to connect to the report renderer on the Infor Reporting Services server.

The URL has this format:

http://< Infor Reporting Services server>:<port>/IRServices/reportRenderer.vrf

For details, see the Infor Reporting Designer User Guide.


Cambio de archivo de salida permitido
If this check box is selected, you can change the default path and file at run time when you print to a file.
Longitud pág.
If you send the output to a file, you can enter the page length for the output.
  • You must also define the height of your screen display.


Papertype by device
Starts the Sistemas (ttaad0550m000) session.
Seleccionar servidor informes
Seleccionar dispositivo