To edit reports

This topic describes the following report editing operations:


The sections below describe the sessions that you must use to edit reports. However, they do not describe all details of these sessions. For detailed session information, refer to the Ayuda web de Infor.

To edit report input fields

In a report, you can create, edit and delete report input fields.

A report input field defines the data that will appear on the report. You can use any value from the program script as a report input field.

You can add a field as a report input field when:

  • The field is a table field and it is selected by the program script
  • The field is a variable and it is defined in the program script (or library)

You can define variables in a report script. Report script variables can be used in a print expression to output the variable value. However, you should not define a report script variable as a report input field.

To create a report input field:

  1. In the Reports (ttadv3530m000) session, select the report you wish to edit.
  2. On the Vistas, Referencias o Acciones menu, click Input Fields.... The Report Input Fields (ttadv3532m000) overview session starts.
  3. If the report field does not exist for the report, click New to add a report input field. The details session starts.
  4. Enter a report input field, or click the Zoom icon to display table fields. You may wish to enter the table id in the Field Name field to quickly find the correct table field.
  5. Complete the dialog. Save the changes and close the dialogs.
To edit report layouts

An LN report usually contains multiple report layouts, such as Header, Before.field and Detail.

Report layouts specify the report fields and the position of those fields on a report line. The report layouts execute depending on the data that is processed from the report input fields.

For information on the types of layouts, refer to Reports.

To view report layouts

A report can have multiple layouts. To view the report layouts, in the Reports (ttadv3530m000) session click Layouts..., or click the Layouts... command on the Vistas, Referencias o Acciones menu. The Report Layouts (ttadv3531m000) session starts. The layouts for the report are displayed.

To edit all layouts

You edit the layouts to change the report contents and positions.

To edit all the layouts, in the Report Layouts (ttadv3531m000) session, click the Edit All Layouts... command on the Vistas, Referencias o Acciones menu. The report layout editor starts.

Edit All Layouts
Edit All Layouts

The layout editor contains many options. Not all the options are shown here. To view the help options, click Help on the Help menu.

The major editing tasks are moving fields and labels, drawing boxes, and creating report fields.

To move fields and labels

You need to move fields and labels in order to align columns or make room for other data fields. To move a field or label:

  1. Select the field or label (do not double-click).
  2. Holding your mouse button, drag the mouse or use the arrow keys to place the field in another location in the layout.
  3. Drop the field in the desired location. When using the arrow keys, you must press Esc.

In addition to moving labels, you may need to change the label length, or create new labels with shorter lengths in order for the label to fit in the column width.

To create or edit a report field

A report field is denoted in the editor with the capital F’s (“FFF”).

To create a report field:

  1. Place your cursor in the top left position where you want the new field.
  2. On the Edit menu, click Form Field. Alternatively, you can press CTRL + F simultaneously. The Report Fields (ttadv3134s000) session starts.
  3. Enter a print expression. A print expression can be:
    • A report input field
    • A report script variable
    • A calculated expression from 1 or more other input fields (or report script variables)
  4. Specify the remaining report field options in the Display, Conditions and Font tabs.

To edit a report field: double-click on the field to start the Report Fields (ttadv3134s000) session, where you can modify the field's properties.

To draw boxes and graphical characters

After adding report fields, the content is complete, and you may wish to align the data in columns. You align data into columns using the boxes, or graphical characters.

To draw a box:

  1. Position the cursor in the top left position of the box.
  2. On the Edit menu, click Draw Box. The cursor changes to a plus (+) sign.
  3. Click the cursor on the bottom right corner of the box. The box is now complete.
Draw Box - cursor changes to plus (+) sign
Draw Box - cursor changes to plus (+) sign
Draw Box Complete
Draw Box Complete

A box will draw irrespective of any adjoining lines.

You can join lines or boxes using graphical characters.

To insert a graphical character:

  1. On the Mode menu, click Toggle Graphics to enter graphical mode.
  2. Use your numeric keypad to select the appropriate character. See the figure below. Use the pipe (|) key for vertical lines and the hyphen (-) for horizontal lines.
  3. On the Mode menu, click Toggle Graphics to exit graphical mode.
Numeric Keypad and Graphical Characters
Numeric Keypad and Graphical Characters
To create a layout

Typical reasons for creating a layout are:

  • Before field layouts to create sub-headings
  • After Field Layouts to calculate sub-totals using the aggregate functions
  • After Report layout to create a grand total using the aggregate functions
  • An additional Detail layout to print optional detail information on a new line

To create a layout:

  1. In the Report Layouts (ttadv3531m000) session, click New. The Report Layouts (ttadv3131s000) details session starts.
  2. Enter the layout information.
  3. Edit the layout in the report editor: place the desired fields and/or labels in the new layout.

The items are printed by item group. At the end of each item group a sub-total is displayed.

To achieve this, you must:

  • Make sure that the records are sorted by Item Group: in the report input field properties, define a sort mode for the Item Group field.
  • Add a before.field layout. In the layout properties, you must select the Item Group field.
  • Start the report editor and place the Item Group field and the corresponding label in the new before.field layout.
  • Add an after.field layout. In the layout properties, you must select the Item Group field.
  • Start the report editor and place the desired sub-totals in the after.field layout.
    • For example: to place a sub-total for the Stock on Hand field (cxoes020.stoh) you must place the cxoes020.stoh field in the after.field layout. In the field properties you must select the "Total" aggregate function.
Report with sub-totals per Item Group
Report with sub-totals per Item Group
To edit a report script

A report script allows you to customize the processing of the report.

Report scripts have sections that correspond to a layout. A section can be processed before a layout, or after a layout. The report script is compiled with the report when the report is compiled.

For details on report scripts, refer to:

  • Report scripts
  • "Report Script Features" in the Infor ES Programmer's Guide. Predefined variables used in a report are also listed.

To edit a report script, you must use the Reports (ttadv3530m000) session.

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