Static conditionsA static condition is a parameter that can only have the value Yes or No and that determines which parts of a business process are active. A static condition is linked to an arrow that leaves a control activity (decision box) in a business process and activates or deactivates part of a business process. Deactivated parts of a business process are displayed in a dimmed mode. During the implementation of ERP, the values of static conditions are set manually or by static condition setting rules. The latter option checks which business functions and/or business processes are present in a business model. Depending on the presence or absence of business functions and business processes, the value of the static conditions is determined. Be sure, when you use static conditions, to set the Evaluar condiciones estáticas check box in the Parámetros de DEM (tgbrg0135s000) session. The function of static conditions: Repository Creation of static conditions In the repository, you can create static conditions together with a default value for use within the repository of business processes. See the Condiciones estáticas (tgbrg5580m000) session. Applying the static conditions A static condition can be linked to an arrow leaving a control activity. By linking a static condition, part of a business process is activated or deactivated from outside the business process itself. Note The value of a static condition can be interpreted by its opposite value by selecting the Negation check box. If this check box is selected and the value of the static condition is Yes, the actual outcome is No. As a result, the part of the business process that follows the arrow is shown in a dimmed mode. In the dynamic menu browser the dimmed activities are skipped from the menu. Viewing the result of the static conditions You can view the result of the static condition on the business process by clicking the Display Business Process in User Mode... command on the Specific menu in the Business Processes by Project Model (tgbrg4560m000) session or the Business Processes by Reference Model (tgbrg3560m000) session. The parts of the business process that are shown in a dimmed mode are a result of the outcome of a static condition that evaluates to No. As a test, you can manually change the value of a static condition in a project or reference model and see the result as described above. Setting the static condition value automatically In the repository, you can create static condition setting rules that automatically set the value of a static conditions based on the presence or absence of business processes and/or business functions within a business model. With this method you can deactivate or activate parts of business processes depending on business functions (or business processes) that are supported within the organization. Reference model Use the following session to link and evaluate static conditions in a reference model: The Valores de condición estática por modelo de referencia (tgbrg5590m000) session Three methods exist to link the static conditions:
Project model Use the following to link and evaluate static conditions in a project model: The Valores de condición estática por modelo de proyecto (tgbrg5595m000) session Three methods exist to link the static conditions:
Example of a static condition setting rule
Create the static condition setting rule Distribution: IF <BF,001,Distribution> THEN value is Yes Link the business processes that make use of distribution applications to business function Distribution. Within the business processes, you link the static condition Distribution to the arrows (leaving control activities) that lead to distribution applications. Evaluate the static condition setting rule, and all paths leading to distribution applications will be activated. Through this method, you can create business processes that make use of distribution applications, but which can be activated or deactivated by simply setting the applicable static condition.
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