Generate ERP user and system logon

If you generate a ERP user and a system logon for an employee, the fields in the Datos de usuarios (ttaad2500m000) session get these values.

  • The Usuario and Código usuario sistema field get a value based on the name of the employee. However, only a system logon identification is generated, but not the data that is needed to log on to the ERP software.
  • The Tipo usuario field is set to Normal User.
  • The Role field will get these values:
  • FULLDB: full database authorization.
  • FULLSESS: full session authorization.

A ERP user can be linked to an employee only once. If multiple ERP users are defined for one system logon (see the Código usuario sistema field in the Datos de usuarios (ttaad2500m000) session), employees can be linked to these different ERP users (who use the same system logon to enter the system).

EmployeeERP userSystem logon