Disposition (whwmd2272m200)

Use this session to specify a disposition decision for the selected disposition lines or quarantine ID. Specifying a disposition and a reason is mandatory.

If you selected a quarantine ID in the Quarantine Inventory Overview (whwmd2171m000) session and then started this session, the disposition and the reason you specified in this session are updated to all related disposition lines with status Awaiting Disposition. Optionally, you can automatically process all related disposition lines if you select the Process option.

If you started this session for a disposition line or a selection of disposition lines in the Quarantine Inventory Disposition (whwmd2172m000) session or the Quarantine Inventory (whwmd2671m000) session, the disposition, the reason, and other fields specified in this session are updated to the selected disposition lines.

If you started this session for a handling unit in the Quarantine Inventory Handling Units (whwmd2574m000) session or the Handling Units Tree, the disposition, the reason, and other fields specified in this session are updated to the selected handling unit.


Quarantine ID

The identification code of the quarantine ID.

Disposition Line

The disposition line number.

Handling Unit

The handling unit of the current quarantine ID. If more than one handling unit is present for the quarantine ID, this field is empty.


The warehouse in which the rejected goods ar stored.


The item that is rejected during inspection or production and sent to quarantine.


The selected disposition.

Allowed values



The reason why a disposition option was selected.

To Item

The item to which the quarantined item is to be reworked or reclassified. You must select an item in this field if you selected the disposition option Rework (to New Specification) or Reclassify.


The party that is liable for the items listed on the disposition line.

Non-Conformance Reference
Disposition Quantity

The quantity of the selected quarantine ID or disposition line.

If you started this session for a:

  • Quarantine ID in the Quarantine Inventory Overview (whwmd2171m000) session, this field shows the total item quantity of the disposition lines with status Awaiting Disposition of the quarantine ID. This field is read-only.
  • Disposition line in the Quarantine Inventory Disposition (whwmd2172m000) session or the Quarantine Inventory (whwmd2671m000) session, this field shows the item quantity of the selected disposition line or lines.

    If you specify a lower quantity in this field, the selected disposition option and the reason applies to this lower quantity. For the remaining quantity, LN creates a new disposition line with status Awaiting Disposition, which is displayed in the Quarantine Inventory (whwmd2671m000) session. For the new disposition line, you can specify a different disposition option or reason.

    In this way, you can specify partial dispositions for a disposition line.


The unit used to express the disposition quantity.

In Inventory Unit

The item quantity of the current disposition line to which the disposition option applies that you selected in the Disposition field, expressed in the inventory unit.

The inventory unit used to express the disposition quantity.

Series for Disposition Orders

The order series to be used for the disposition orders. This field is read-only if the disposition line is processed.

The default series depends on the selected disposition option. If the selected disposition is:

  • Return to Vendor, the series is defaulted from the Order Series for Return Rejection field of the Purchase Order Parameters (tdpur0100m400) session.
  • Rework (to Existing Specification) or Rework (to New Specification), the series is defaulted from the Production Order Series for Warehousing field of the Production Order Parameters (tisfc0100s000) session.
  • Reclassify, the series is defaulted from the series defined for transaction type Transfer and warehouse as Ship-From and Ship-To type in the Default Order Types by Origin (whinh0120m000) session. If not present, the default series for warehouse orders is taken from the Inventory Handling Parameters (whinh0100m000) session or the User Profiles (whwmd1140s000) session.
Order Series

The series that are used to create disposition orders.

Order Type

The order type of the disposition orders. This field is read-only if the disposition line is processed.

The default order type depends on the selected disposition option. If the selected disposition is:

  • Return to Vendor, the order type is defaulted from the Order Type for Return Rejection field of the Purchase Order Parameters (tdpur0100m400) session.
  • Reclassify, the order type is defaulted from the following settings in the Default Order Types by Origin (whinh0120m000) session:

    • The Inventory Transaction Type is Transfer.
    • The Ship-From and Ship-To type is Warehouse.
    • Ship-From Code is the quarantine warehouse.
    If not present, the default order type for warehouse orders is taken from the Inventory Handling Parameters (whinh0100m000) session or the User Profiles (whwmd1140s000) session.
Buy-from Business Partner

The buy-from business partner of the purchase return order.

Ship-from Business Partner



Saves the settings for the current quarantine ID or disposition line.

If the current record is a:

  • Quarantine ID, the specified disposition and reason is updated to the disposition lines with status Awaiting Disposition of the quarantine ID.
  • Disposition line, the specified disposition and reason is updated to the selected disposition lines.
Handling Units

Starts the Handling Units (whwmd5130m000) session showing the handling units of the selected disposition line or quarantine ID.

Handling Unit Tree

Starts the Handling Unit Tree showing the handling units of the selected disposition line or quarantine ID.

This option is unavailable if this session is started from the Quarantine Inventory Disposition (whwmd2172m000) session.

Stock Point Details

Starts the Handling Unit Stock Point Details (whwmd5136m000) session. This command shows bottom-level handling units for which stock point details are present.


Processes the unprocessed disposition lines of the selected quarantine ID with a disposition other than Awaiting Disposition.

This option is unavailable if:

  • No quarantine ID is selected.
  • More than one quarantine ID is selected.