Update active Parameters in Warehouses and Items (whwmd2200m000)

Use this session to apply generic parameter settings to specific data levels.


Value of Generic Parameter
Handling Units

Current value of the Handling Units in Use parameter.

Dynamic Cross-docking

Current value of the Dynamic Cross-docking parameter.

Direct Material Supply (DMS)

Current value of the Direct Material Supply (DMS) parameter.

Process Inventory Variances Automatically

Current value of the Process Inventory Variances Automatically parameter.

Process Parameter
Handling Units

If this check box is selected, handling units will apply to the data levels selected under Update.

Dynamic Cross-docking

If this check box is selected, dynamic cross-docking will apply to the data levels selected under Update.

Direct Material Supply (DMS)

If this check box is selected, direct material supply (DMS) will apply to the data levels selected under Update.

Process Inventory Variances Automatically

If this check box is selected, inventory variances will be processed at the data levels selected under Update.

Default Item Warehousing Data

If this check box is selected, the settings in the Items - Warehousing Defaults (whwmd4501m000) session.will be updated with the parameter settings selected under Process Parameter

Warehouse Data

If this check box is selected, the settings in the Warehouses (whwmd2500m000) session will be updated with the parameter settings selected under Process Parameter.

Item Data

If this check box is selected, the settings in the Items - Warehousing (whwmd4500m000) session will be updated with the parameter settings selected under Process Parameter.

Item Data by Warehouse

If this check box is selected, the settings in the Item Data by Warehouse (whwmd2510m000) session will be updated with the parameter settings selected under Process Parameter.


To preview the changes resulting from the data specified, select Simulate. To apply the changes, select Update.


If this check box is selected, the results will be printed.

Selection Range
Item Type
Item Group
Warehouse Type
From Item

The item