Quarantine Inventory Disposition (whwmd2172m000)

Use this session to view and maintain the disposition line selected in the Quarantine Inventory (whwmd2671m000) session.

If handling units are present, you must perform quarantine handling for the handling unit. Handling units are present if the Handling Unit(s) Present check box is selected in this session.


Quarantine ID

The quarantine ID to which the selected disposition line belongs.

Disposition Line

The disposition line number.


If this check box is selected, the disposition line is processed.


If this check box is selected, text is present for the disposition line.


The item that is rejected during inspection or production and sent to quarantine.


The selected disposition.

Allowed values



The reason why a disposition option was selected.

To Item

The item to which the quarantined item is to be reworked or reclassified. You must select an item in this field if you selected the disposition option Rework (to New Specification) or Reclassify.


The item quantity of the current disposition line to which the disposition option applies that you selected in the Disposition field.

Disposition Quantity Unit

The unit used to express the disposition quantity.

Quantity in Inventory Unit

The item quantity of the current disposition line to which the disposition option applies that you selected in the Disposition field, expressed in the inventory unit.

The inventory unit used to express the disposition quantity.


The lot of the current disposition line. If originating from an JSC Production quarantine order, the lot number is taken from the related receipt line ( low volume lot item) or the Receipt Line Lots and Serials (whinh3123m000) session ( high volume lot item. Otherwise, the lot number is taken from the inspection line of the originating order.

Serial Number

The serial number of the current disposition line. If originating from an JSC Production quarantine order, the serial number is taken from the related receipt line ( low volume serialized item) or the Receipt Line Lots and Serials (whinh3123m000) session ( high volume serialized item. Otherwise, the serial number is taken from the inspection line of the originating order.

Inventory Date

A date that is assigned to items when they are stored. You can use inventory dates to retrieve items based on FIFO (First In First Out) or LIFO (Last In First Out), without carrying out extensive lot control.

The meaning of the inventory date is connected to the outbound priority of LIFO, FIFO, or the product expiry date of the item.

With outbound priority LIFO or FIFO, the default for the inventory date is the system date; however, you can overwrite this so that the inventory date does not have to be equal to the storage date. If the item has a particular shelf life, the inventory date is the product expiry date defined for the item.

Disposition Due Date

The date on which the disposition of the items of the current quarantine ID is due. The default date is calculated by adding the creation date of the quarantine ID to the disposition due lead time specified in the Disposition Due Lead Time field of the Items - Warehousing (whwmd4500m000) session.

Series for Disposition Orders

The series that are used to create disposition orders.

Series for Disposition Orders

The order series to be used for the disposition orders. This field is read-only if the disposition line is processed.

The default series depends on the selected disposition option. If the selected disposition is:

  • Return to Vendor, the series is defaulted from the Order Series for Return Rejection field of the Purchase Order Parameters (tdpur0100m400) session.
  • Rework (to Existing Specification) or Rework (to New Specification), the series is defaulted from the Production Order Series for Warehousing field of the Production Order Parameters (tisfc0100s000) session.
  • Reclassify, the series is defaulted from the series defined for transaction type Transfer and warehouse as Ship-From and Ship-To type in the Default Order Types by Origin (whinh0120m000) session. If not present, the default series for warehouse orders is taken from the Inventory Handling Parameters (whinh0100m000) session or the User Profiles (whwmd1140s000) session.
Order Type for Disposition Orders

The order type of the disposition orders. This field is read-only if the disposition line is processed.

The default order type depends on the selected disposition option. If the selected disposition is:

  • Return to Vendor, the order type is defaulted from the Order Type for Return Rejection field of the Purchase Order Parameters (tdpur0100m400) session.
  • Reclassify, the order type is defaulted from the following settings in the Default Order Types by Origin (whinh0120m000) session:

    • The Inventory Transaction Type is Transfer.
    • The Ship-From and Ship-To type is Warehouse.
    • Ship-From Code is the quarantine warehouse.
    If not present, the default order type for warehouse orders is taken from the Inventory Handling Parameters (whinh0100m000) session or the User Profiles (whwmd1140s000) session.
Buy-from Business Partner

The buy-from business partner of the purchase return order.

E-item Revision

The revision number of the item.

Use As Is

The quantity of items for which the disposition option Use As Is is specified. This quantity is updated in this field when the disposition line is processed.

No Fault Found

The quantity of items for which the disposition option No Fault Found is specified. This quantity is updated in this field when the disposition line is processed.


The quantity of items for which the disposition option Scrap is specified. This quantity is updated in this field when the disposition line is processed.

Return to Vendor

The quantity of items for which the disposition option Return to Vendor is specified. This quantity is updated in this field when the disposition line is processed.

Rework (to Existing Specification)

The quantity of items for which the disposition option Rework (to Existing Specification) is specified. This quantity is updated in this field when the disposition line is processed.

Rework (to New Specification)

The quantity of items for which the disposition option Rework (to New Specification) is specified. This quantity is updated in this field when the disposition line is processed.


The quantity of items for which the disposition option Reclassify is specified. This quantity is updated in this field when the disposition line is processed.

Ship-from Business Partner
Allocated to Sold-to Business Partner

The sold-to business partner to which the inventory is allocated.

LN can use the items supplied by the current order to fulfill an order for this sold-to business partner. LN does not use these items to other business partners.

Allocated to Ship-to Business Partner

The ship-to business partner to which the inventory is allocated.

Allocated toBusiness Object Type

The type of order to which the quarantine inventory is allocated, such as Sales Order, or Sales Schedule.


The following fields are always used in combination; together, they identify the relevant order or order line:

  • Business Object Type
  • Business Object
  • Business Object Reference
Allocated to Business Object

The order, or order line, to which the inventory was allocated.


The following fields are always used in combination; together, they identify the relevant order or order line:

  • Business Object
  • Business Object
  • Business Object Reference
Allocated to Business Object Reference

The order, or order line, to which the inventory was allocated.


The following fields are always used in combination; together, they identify the relevant order or order line:

  • Business Object
  • Business Object
  • Business Object Reference
Allocated to Reference

A reference code to which the inventory was allocated.

LN can use the inventory specified by this record to fulfill a demand specified by this reference and for no other purpose.

LN can use this field in two ways:

  • If the Sold-to Business Partner field is filled, LN uses the Reference field to record a reference code defined by a customer.
  • If the Sold-to Business Partner field is empty, LN uses the Reference field to record an internal reference.

You can use a reference code to keep a collection of parts linked together, even if they follow different routings, for example, if some of the parts are transported to a subcontractor to be returned later.

Option List ID

The identification of the options and features for a configured item. The ID is used in the item specification to match supply and demand.

The ASN specifications include the option list ID. The ASN specifications are taken from the Inbound Order Lines (whinh2110m000) session. In turn, the specifications on the inbound order line are taken from the purchase schedule line.

For configurable purchased items in Warehousing, only the option list ID is part of the specifications. This means that inventory is maintained per option list ID and is the total of inventory of all product variants with the same option list ID.

  • The field is displayed only if the Assembly (APL/ASC/ASL) check box is selected in the Implemented Software Components (tccom0100s000) session.

  • The field is populated only for configurable purchased items and manufactured assembly (FAS) items.

Scrapped during inspection

If this check box is selected, the inventory was scrapped during warehouse inspection.

Related topics

Disposition Quantity

The item quantity of the current disposition line to which the disposition option applies that you selected in the Disposition field, expressed in the inventory unit.


Text field for additional information.


In this field you can attach a picture, such as a .gif file, to the inspection, for example to show damaged goods.

If the items were quarantined after inspection, the image is defaulted from the inspection line, if present.

Handling Unit(s) Present

If this check box is selected, one or more handling units are present for the disposition line and you cannot handle the disposition line. You must specify a disposition and process the disposition for the handling unit.


The party that is liable for the items listed on the disposition line.

Non-Conformance Reference
Disposition Date

The date on which the disposition line is processed.


The name of the user who processed the disposition line.


The advised quantity of items for which the disposition options Use As Is or No Fault Found is specified. This quantity is updated in this field when the disposition line quantities are processed and inbound advice is generated.

Put Away

The advised quantity of items for which the disposition options Use As Is or No Fault Found is specified. This quantity is updated in this field when the disposition line quantities to be used as is are processed and inbound advice is put away.

Location Allocated

The quantity of rejected goods that is location allocated inventory. This quantity is updated in this field when the disposition line quantities are processed and outbound advice is created for the rework order or return order.


The quantity of items that are shipped. This quantity is updated in this field when the disposition line quantities are processed and the shipments created for the rework orders, transfer orders, or return orders are confirmed.


The origin of the warehousing order from which the quarantined items originate.

If the quarantined items originate from an inventory inspection, the order origin is Not Applicable

Related topics

Order Number

The warehousing-order number of the warehousing order from which the quarantined items originate.

Order Set

The order set of the originating warehouse order.

Order Line

The warehousing-order line of the originating warehouse order.

Sequence Number

The sequence number of the originating warehouse order.

Receipt Line

The receipt with which the rejected items were received from production, or with which items of other origins were received before being rejected during inspection and sent to quarantine. This field is empty if more than one receipts are present in the related disposition lines.

Receipt Line

The number of the receipt line attached to the order line from which the rejected goods result.

Outbound Advice

The outbound advice of the originating inspection line.

Disposition Order

The number of the disposition order generated for the disposition line.

The disposition order line number.

Company Owned Inventory

If this check box is selected, the ownership of the items of the disposition line is company owned. For rejected warehouse inspections, the value is taken from the originating inspection line. Otherwise, it is taken from the originating receipt line ownership.

If this check box is cleared, the ownership is customer owned, in which case the quarantine inventory is created for a purchase order or purchase schedule and the Payable to Supplier check box is cleared.


The ownership of the items of the disposition line.

If the items were quarantined after inspection, the ownership is taken from the inspection line, if present. If the items were quarantined during production, the ownership is taken from the receipt line.

If the quarantine inventory is created for a purchase order or purchase schedule and the Payable to Supplier check box is cleared, the ownership becomes customer owned.


The owner of the items of the disposition line.

If the items were quarantined after inspection, the owner is taken from the inspection line, if present. If the items were quarantined during production, the owner is taken from the receipt line.

Rejected Inventory Paid By

The party that is to pay for rejected, not-owned inventory.

Allowed values

  • According to Terms and Conditions

    The owner of the rejected inventory pays for the unshipped goods. If the Inventory Discrepancies Paid by Business Partner check box of the Logistics Terms and Conditions (tctrm1140m000) session is cleared, the own company is to pay.

    For inbound inspections, this field is only available for inspections originating from warehousing orders with Transfer or Transfer (Manual) origins.

  • Owner
    The owner of the rejected inventory pays for the unshipped goods.
  • Own Company
    The own company pays for the unshipped goods.

If the items were quarantined after inspection, this value is taken from the inspection line, if present. If the items were quarantined during production, this value is taken from the receipt line.

If the quarantine inventory is created for a purchase order or purchase schedule and the Payable to Supplier check box is cleared, the ownership becomes customer owned.

The order origin and the ownership behavior of the order for which inspection and/or disposition is carried out determine the default value and the read-write or read-only setting of this field.


The warehouse in which the rejected goods ar stored.


A type of warehouse location in which goods initially rejected during warehousing inspection or production are stored for further examination to determine their disposition.

Effectivity Unit

A reference number, for example a sales order line or a project deliverable line, that is used to model deviations for a unit effective item.



Starts the Warehouse Receipt (whinh3512m000) session.

Peg Distribution

Starts the Receipt Line Peg Distribution (whinh3528m000) session or the Outbound Order Line Peg Distribution (whinh2190m000) session showing the peg information of the disposition line.

Inbound Advice

Displays the inbound advice options.

Generate Advice

Generates inbound advice for the disposition line to store the items with disposition Use As Is or No Fault Found in the warehouse or warehouse location.

Generate Advice and Put Away

Generates inbound advice and puts away the items of the disposition line with disposition Use As Is or No Fault Found.

Inbound Advice

Starts the Generate Inbound Advice (whinh3201m000) session.

Generate Inbound Advice

Starts the Inbound Advice (whinh3525m000) session.

Advice Log

Starts the Inbound Advice Log (whinh3529m000) session.


Starts the Disposition (whwmd2272m200) session.

This option is unavailable if:

  • More than one quarantine ID is selected.
  • Handling units are present for the disposition line.

Resets the disposition line to Awaiting Disposition and clears the Reason and Responsibility fields.

This option is unavailable if:

  • The disposition line is processed.
  • The disposition line has the initial status of Awaiting Disposition.

Processes the disposition line if the disposition line has a disposition other than Awaiting Disposition.

This option is unavailable if handling units are present for the current quarantine ID. Handling units are present if the Handling Unit(s) Present check box is selected.

Split Line

Starts the Split Quarantine Inventory Disposition (whwmd2272m100) session. This session is used to split off an item quantity from the selected disposition line. The split off part becomes a new disposition line that you can process in the Quarantine Inventory (whwmd2671m000) session.

This option is unavailable if one of the following applies:

  • The disposition line is processed
  • The quantity is 1
  • Handling units are present for the current quarantine record. Handling units are present if the Handling Unit(s) Present check box is selected.

Move Quarantine Inventory

Starts the Move Quarantine Inventory (whwmd2271m100) session to move the selected disposition line to another location within the same warehouse.

This option is unavailable if the disposition line is processed, or if handling units are present for the current quarantine ID. Handling units are present if the Handling Unit(s) Present check box is selected.

Disposition Order

Starts the disposition order of the selected disposition line. For more information, refer to Quarantine inventory.

Option List

Displays the options and features that are linked to the option list ID. For more information, refer to Configurable purchased items in Warehousing and CINDI process

Print Quarantine Inventory
Warehousing Order

Starts the Warehousing Order (whinh2100m100) session showing the warehousing order of the disposition order of the disposition line. For more information, refer to Quarantine inventory.