User Profiles (whwmd1140s000)

Use this session to specify the following user-specific settings:

  • series
  • Printing defaults
  • Time frames for refreshing the information displayed on the Warehouse Manager Dashboard (whinh2300m000) session and the Inventory 360 (whwmd4300m000) session.
  • Show or hide Receipts Header and Receipts Satellites on the Warehouse Receipt (whinh3512m000) session.
  • Show or hide the following group boxes and associated fields in the Warehouse Manager Dashboard (whinh2300m000) session:
    • Inbound Open
    • Outbound Open
    • Cross-docking
    • Resource Requirements
  • Specify the lead time unit for resource requirements in the Warehouse Manager Dashboard (whinh2300m000) session.
  • The series defaults specified in this session overrule the corresponding defaults specified in the following sessions:

    • Inventory Handling Parameters (whinh0100m000)
    • Inventory Analysis Parameters (whina0100m000)
    • Inventory Reporting Parameters (whinr0500m000)
  • Changes in the user profile become effective when you restart the applicable sessions.
  • You can define default printers to print documents and reports created in various print and process sessions. For this purpose, on the Devices tab, clear the Use Specific Device Selection check box and on the appropriate menu, click Default Devices by User.



The identification code for the LN user. This code is used for system security.

You can enter a logon code that does not yet exist in the User Data (ttaad2500m000) session.


The user's name.

Series 1
Series for
Warehousing Orders

The series used to generate warehousing order numbers.

Cross-dock Orders

The series used to generate cross-dock order numbers.


The series used to generate receipt numbers.

Inbound Inspections

The series used to generate inbound inspection numbers.

Inbound Advice

The series used to generate inbound advice numbers.


The series used to generate load numbers.

Preliminary Delivery Notes

The number group used to generate preliminary delivery note numbers. The final delivery note number is generated when the first shipment line of the shipment allocated to the delivery note is confirmed. For more information, refer to Delivery Note.

Delivery Notes

The number group used to generate final delivery note numbers. This is a display field. The value in the field is retrieved from the Inventory Handling Parameters (whinh0100m000) session. For more information, refer to Delivery Note.

Inbound Shipments

The series used to generate inbound shipment numbers.

Revaluation Orders

The series used to generate revaluation order numbers.

This series is used in the Calculate Standard Cost (ticpr2210m000) and Actualize Standard Cost and Revalue Inventory (ticpr2220m000) sessions to obtain order numbers for revaluations.

Series 2
Series for
Inventory Consumptions

The series used to generate sales orders with origin Sales (Manual) and shipments, that both represent inventory consumptions.

These numbers are shown in the Order and the Shipment field of the Item - Warehouse - Inventory Transactions (whinr1510m000) session and the Order field of the Inventory Consumptions (whina1514m000) session.

Adjustment Orders

The series used to generate adjustment order numbers.

Inventory Ownership Change Orders

The series used to generate inventory ownership change order numbers.

Inventory Transaction ID

The series used to generate inventory transaction ID numbers.

Cycle Counting Orders

The series used to generate cycle-count order numbers.

Purchase Advice

The series used to generate purchase-order advice numbers.

Production Advice

The series used to generate production-order advice numbers.

Series for Shipping Material Account

The series used to create a new shipping material account.


The field is enabled only when you specify a value in the Number Group for Shipping Material Account field.

Series for Shipping Material Account

The description or name of the code.

Series for Cost Peg Transfer

The code of the user specific series for cost peg transfers. The number group is defaulted from the Inventory Handling Parameters (whinh0100m000) session.


The series used to generate final delivery note numbers. This field is enabled only when you select the Series and Sequence option in the Format of Delivery Note Number group box in the Inventory Handling Parameters (whinh0100m000) session. For more information, refer to Delivery Note.

Quarantine ID

The series used to generate quarantine ID numbers. This value is defaulted from the Number Group for Quarantine ID field of the Inventory Handling Parameters (whinh0100m000) session.

Quarantine ID

The number group used to generate quarantine ID numbers. This value is defaulted from the Series for Quarantine ID field of the Inventory Handling Parameters (whinh0100m000) session.

Preliminary Delivery Notes Series

The series used to generate preliminary delivery note numbers. For more information, refer to Delivery Note.

Shipping Material Account

The number group used to create a new shipping material account.


The field is enabled only when you select the Extended Packaging Item Registration check box.

Default Device
Use Specific Device Selection

If this check box is selected, the user must select a specific printer from a dialog box to print documents created in the following sessions:

  • Print Goods Received Note (whinh3412m100)
  • Generate Storage List (whinh3415m000)
  • Generate Outbound Advice (whinh4201m000)
  • Generate Picking List (whinh4415m000)
  • Print Bills of Lading (whinh4470m000)
  • Print Packing Slips (whinh4475m000)
  • Print Packing Lists (whinh4476m000)
  • Print Delivery Notes (whinh4477m000)
  • Print Shipping Manifest (whinh4478m000)
  • Inventory Movement (whinr1250m000)
  • Inventory Movement (Range) (whinr1252m000)
  • Process Allocation Change Orders (whinh1220m000)
  • Print Labels (whwmd5430m100)

Except for the latter four sessions, these sessions can be defined as activities in warehousing procedures. If these activities are performed automatically according to the warehousing procedure, you must nevertheless manually select a specific printer to print the documents created in these sessions.

For example, if the Print Bills of Lading (whinh4470m000) activity is performed automatically according to your warehousing procedure, in the Print Bills of Lading (whinh4470m000) session you must manually select a specific printer to print the Bills of Lading. After clicking the print button, a dialog box appears from which you can select a printer.

If this check box is cleared, the documents are printed by a default printer. The user does not have to select a printer from a dialog box after clicking the print button. The documents are automatically printed if printing is performed as an automatic activity in a warehousing procedure. The application deploys this sequence to search for the default printer that prints the documents:

  1. Is a default printer specified for the documents in the Default Devices by User (whwmd1545m000) session? If yes, this printer prints the documents. If no, step 2.
  2. Is a printer specified for the zone of the staging location from which the goods are shipped? If yes, this printer prints the documents. If no, step 3. You can specify a printer for a zone in the Warehouse - Storage Zones (whwmd3110s000) session.
  3. Is a printer specified for the activity in the Activities by Procedure (whinh0106m000) session? If yes, this printer prints the documents. If no, you must select a printer from a dialog box.

For the default printers defined in the Default Devices by User (whwmd1545m000), Warehouse - Storage Zones (whwmd3110s000), and Activities by Procedure (whinh0106m000) sessions to be effective, you must clear this check box and select the Print to predefined Device check box in the relevant print or process sessions. Otherwise, you must select a printer from a dialog box after clicking the print button in these sessions.

Default Report
Goods Received Note

The default report option for goods received notes for the current user.


The setting that you select in this field applies to automatic printing only. If you use the Print Goods Received Note (whinh3412m100) to print goods received notes, the report is printed based on the setting of the Sort by Order and Warehouse check box in that session.

Picking List

The default report option for picking lists for the current user.

Outbound Advice

The default report option for outbound advice for the current user.

Warehouse Manager Dashboard
Show Inbound Open

If this check box is selected, the Inbound Open group box, which includes the following fields, is displayed on the Warehouse Manager Dashboard (whinh2300m000) session:


The use of these filters created using the filtering options of the View menu of the Warehouse Manager Dashboard (whinh2300m000) session do not affect the values displayed in the fields of the Inbound Open and Outbound Open group boxes. For example, if a filter based on these options cause 10 open inbound order lines to be shown in the overview, but 15 open order lines would be shown without this filter, these fields show 15 open inbound order lines.

Show Outbound Open

If this check box is selected, the Outbound Open group box, which includes the following fields, is displayed on the Warehouse Manager Dashboard (whinh2300m000) session:


The use of these filters created using the filtering options of the View menu of the Warehouse Manager Dashboard (whinh2300m000) session do not affect the values displayed in the fields of the Inbound Open and Outbound Open group boxes. For example, if a filter based on these options cause 10 open inbound order lines to be shown in the overview, but 15 open order lines would be shown without this filter, these fields show 15 open inbound order lines.

Show Cross-docking

If this check box is selected, the Cross-docking group box, which includes the following fields, is displayed on the Warehouse Manager Dashboard (whinh2300m000) session:

Show Resource Requirements

If this check box is selected, the Resource Requirements group box, which includes the following fields, is displayed on the Warehouse Manager Dashboard (whinh2300m000) session:

Lead Time Unit

The lead time unit used in the Warehouse Manager Dashboard (whinh2300m000) session.

Calculate Totals at Runtime

If this check box is selected, on the Warehouse Manager Dashboard (whinh2300m000) session, LN calculates the values for the fields of the Inbound Open, Outbound Open, Cross-docking, and Resource Requirements group boxes at runtime.

If this check box is cleared, LN calculates these totals:

  • If you select an order, provided that the Show Figures per Order check box is selected.
  • If you click the Refresh Totals button. This button becomes available if the current check box, and, on the Warehouse Manager Dashboard (whinh2300m000) session, the Show Figures per Order check box is cleared.

Performance aspects

Runtime calculation draws heavily on the system's resources and may affect system performance. For more information, refer to Calculate totals at runtime for Warehouse Manager Dashboard.

Refresh Interval

The time interval for refreshing the information displayed on the Warehouse Manager Dashboard (whinh2300m000) session.


The use of filters and frequently refreshing the information in the Warehouse Manager Dashboard (whinh2300m000) session may affect LN's performance.

Inventory 360
Show Orders or Order Lines

Select the value that must be displayed as a button in the Inventory 360 (whwmd4300m000) session.

Refresh Interval

The time interval for refreshing the information displayed on the Inventory 360 (whwmd4300m000) session.


The use of filters and frequently refreshing the information in the Inventory 360 (whwmd4300m000) session may affect LN's performance.

Warehouse Receipts
Receipts Header
Enhanced Receipts

The Show All Form Pages and Use Single Form Page options are used to show or hide tabs in the header of the Warehouse Receipt (whinh3512m000) session:

If you select Show All Form Pages, the following tabs are displayed:

  • Receipt
    This tab shows some general information about the selected receipt, such as the ship-from business partner, the warehouse of the receipt, and the receipt date. In addition, in the Receive (Easy Entry) group box, the easy entry fields are available that you use to link orders, order lines, handling units or ASNs to a receipt by means of the Receive command.
  • Freight, Receipt Text
    This tab shows logistic information about the goods included in the receipt, such as the delivery carrier, the shipment ID, and the load ID.
  • Receipt Filter
    The Receipt Filter tab provides multiple options to look up orders and shipments to be received.
  • Receipt Line Details
    This tab shows some information about the selected receipt line.

If you select Use Single Form Page, the Receipt and Delivery group boxes are displayed showing some general information about the selected receipt, such as the ship-from business partner, the warehouse of the receipt, and the receipt date.

The information displayed in the Receipt, Freight, Receipt Text, Receipt Filter, and Receipt Line Details tabs is also displayed in regular LN sessions.

If you hide the tabs, you can only access the information if you start these sessions.

If you show the tabs, the information of the Receipt, Freight, Receipt Text, and Receipt Line Details tabs is available in both the sessions and the tabs.

These sessions are:

TabCorresponding sessionAccess from the Warehouse Receipt (whinh3512m000) session
Receipt Warehouse Receipts Overview (whinh3110m000) appropriate--> Receipt--> Switch to Receipt
Warehouse Receipts Overview (whinh3110m000) appropriate--> Receive
Freight, Receipt Text Warehouse Receipts Overview (whinh3110m000) appropriate--> Receipt--> Switch to Receipt
Receipt Filter Receipts Filter (whinh3226m000) appropriate--> Filter Selection --> View Filter Result
Receipt Line Details Receipt Lines (whinh3112s000)Double-click receipt line in lines section of session.


How showing or hiding tabs affects procedure to link records to receipts

Selecting Use Single Form Page or Show All Form Pages also affects the procedure to link records to receipts.

If you select Use Single Form Page, to use the easy entry fields you must open the Warehouse Receipts Overview (whinh3110m000) session, whereas you can directly access these fields in the Receipt tab if you select Show All Form Pages.

Likewise, if you select Use Single Form Page, to use the receipt filter fields you must open the Receipts Filter (whinh3226m000) session, whereas you can directly access these fields in the Receipt Filter tab if you select Show All Form Pages.

For more information, refer to How to receive goods.

Receipts Satellites
Enhanced Receipt Lines

The Show All Form Pages and Use Single Form Page options show or hide subtabs in the following tabs of the Warehouse Receipt (whinh3512m000) session:

  • Lines
  • Message Log
  • Inbound Advice
  • Inspections


If you select Show All Form Pages, the following sub-tabs are displayed in the Lines tab:

  • Receipt
    This tab shows some general information about the order lines associated with the selected receipt, such as the received item, the received quantity, the inventory date, and so on.
  • Status
    This tab shows the progress in warehouse processing for the order lines associated with the selected receipt.
  • Information
    This tab shows additional information about the order lines associated with the selected receipt, such as handling unit and package definition IDs, storage locations, and so on.

If you select Use Single Form Page, only the information of the Receipt subtab is displayed in the Lines tab.

Message Log

If you select Show All Form Pages, the following subtabs are displayed in the Message Log tab:

  • Status
    This tab shows the receipt line number associated with the message, the message ID number, and the message text.
  • Information
    This tab shows additional information about the message, such as the message type, the creation date of the message, the order associated with the receipt line, and so on.

If you select Use Single Form Page, only the information of the Receipt subtab is displayed in the Message Log tab.

Inbound Advice

If you select Show All Form Pages, the following subtabs are displayed in the Inbound Advice tab:

  • Advice
    This tab shows some general information about the inbound advice associated with the selected receipt, such as the advised item, the advised quantity, the advised locations, and so on.
  • Information
    This tab shows additional information about the advised lines associated with the selected receipt, such as the related warehousing order.

If you select Use Single Form Page, only the information of the Advice subtab is displayed in the Inbound Advice tab.


If you select Show All Form Pages, the following subtabs are displayed in the Inspections tab:

  • Warehouse Inspections
    This tab shows some general information about the inspections associated with the selected receipt, such as the inspection ID number, item inspected or to be inspected, the quantity inspected or to be inspected, and so on.
  • Information
    This tab shows the quantities approved, rejected, destroyed, and so on.
  • Status
    This tab shows information pertaining to the status of the inspection.

If you select Use Single Form Page, only the information of the Warehouse Inspections subtab is displayed in the Inspections tab.


The Message Log, Inbound Advice, and Inspections tabs are only displayed in the Warehouse Receipt (whinh3512m000) session if you select the Message Log, Inbound Advice, and Inspections check boxes in this session. The information displayed in these tabs, including the subtabs, is also displayed in regular LN sessions. Whether you choose to show or hide these tabs and/or subtabs in the Warehouse Receipt (whinh3512m000) session, you can always access these sessions. If you hide these tabs, you can only access the information if you start these sessions.

These sessions are:

TabCorresponding sessionAccess from the Warehouse Receipt (whinh3512m000) session
Message Log Receipt Message Log (whinh3530m000) appropriate--> Receipt Message Log
Inbound Advice Inbound Advice (whinh3525m000) appropriate--> Inbound Advice --> Inbound Advice
Inspections Warehouse Inspections Overview (whinh3122m000) appropriate--> Warehouse Inspections Overview


Show Receipts Satellite
Message Log

If this check box is selected, the Message Log tab is displayed in the details section of the Warehouse Receipt (whinh3512m000) session. This tab shows the messages that LN generates after a new step is taken processing the receipt.


The information displayed in the Message Log tab, including the subtabs, is also displayed in the Receipt Message Log (whinh3530m000) session. Whether you choose to show or hide the Message Log tab and/or its subtabs in the Warehouse Receipt (whinh3512m000) session, you can always access the Receipt Message Log (whinh3530m000) session.

Inbound Advice

If this check box is selected, the Inbound Advice tab is displayed in the details section of the Warehouse Receipt (whinh3512m000) session. This tab shows details about the inbound advice associated with the selected receipt.


The information displayed in the Inbound Advice tab, including the subtabs, is also displayed in the Inbound Advice (whinh3525m000) session. Whether you choose to show or hide the Inbound Advice tab and/or its subtabs in the Warehouse Receipt (whinh3512m000) session, you can always access the Inbound Advice (whinh3525m000) session.


If this check box is selected, the Inspections tab is displayed in the details section of the Warehouse Receipt (whinh3512m000) session. This tab shows details about the inbound inspections associated with the selected receipt.


The information displayed in the Inspections tab, including the subtabs, is also displayed in the Warehouse Inspections Overview (whinh3122m000) session. Whether you choose to show or hide the Inspections tab and/or its subtabs in the Warehouse Receipt (whinh3512m000) session, you can always access the Warehouse Inspections Overview (whinh3122m000) session.

Input Controls
Select Receipt Series

If this check box is selected, the default receipt series is filled when the user enters a new receipt in the Warehouse Receipt (whinh3512m000) session, but the user has the option to select other receipt series.

If this check box is cleared, the default series is automatically entered and cannot be modified when the user enters a new receipt. In this way, the user does not have to access the Receipt field of the Warehouse Receipt (whinh3512m000) session when entering new receipts. This setting is recommended for users who only use the default series.

The default series is specified in the Receipts field in the current session.


The default warehouse for new receipts. If you select a warehouse in this field, the Warehouse field of the Warehouse Receipt (whinh3512m000) session displays this warehouse and is read-only for users entering new receipts. As a result, the default warehouse is automatically entered for new receipts, and users entering new receipts can skip this field.

Direct Material Supply (DMS)
Warehouse Supply Structure

The warehouse supply structure for which the current user is authorized to carry out a DMS run.

Handling Unit
Show Inbound Process Options

If this check box is selected, the form commands for inbound processing that you can access with the Execute Inbound command in the Handling Units (whwmd5130m000) session are available for the current user.

Show Outbound Process Options

If this check box is selected, the form commands for outbound processing that you can access with the Execute Outbound command in the Handling Units (whwmd5130m000) session are available for the current user.

Default Warehouse

The default warehouse for the current user's homepage and the Compose Shipping Structure (whinh4140m100) session.

Apply User Defaults during Automatic Processing

Select the check box to specify if the user defaults must be used during automatic processing.

Project Cost Peg Transfer
Overrule Project Cost Peg Transfer Rules

If this check box is selected, LN overrules the cost peg transfer rules.


You can view this check box only if the project pegging functionality is implemented.

Overrule Item Restriction for Commingling and Transfers

If this check box is selected, the user can overrule the restrictions for commingling and transfers set for items.

These restrictions prevent that cost peg transfers or warehouse transfers can be created by disabling the destination project field in the following sessions:

If you overrule these restrictions by selecting the current check box, the destination project is available in the sessions referred to in the previous list.

The item restrictions for commingling and transfers are activated if the following check boxes are selected:

Transfer Allowed to Unpegged Inventory

If this check box is selected, the user is authorized to transfer the pegged to unpegged inventory for a mass cost peg transfer.


You can view this check box only if the project pegging functionality is implemented.

Release Unvalidated Loads/Shipments

If this check box is selected, the user is authorized to manually validate shipments or loads with the Validating or Validation Error statuses using the Release Shipment or Release Load command in the Shipments (whinh4130m000) or Loads (whinh4140m000) session. The status then becomes Validated.


This check box is available if BOD publishing is implemented.

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