Warehouse Master Data Parameters (whwmd0100s000)

Use this session to set up the general parameters for Warehousing.

Revision numbers

When an item is ordered, the order can specify a revision number and a lot number:

  • If the item is an engineering item, orders specify the relevant revision number.
  • If the item is lot controlled, orders specify the lot number.

If the item is not available in the form specified on the order, LN can sometimes use a replacement item. Under certain conditions, the replacement item can have a different revision number.

If an item is both revision controlled and lot controlled, the lot number must always be the same. However, a parameter determines whether the revision number must also be the same. Therefore, you must specify whether the revision number of the order is binding. You can use any of the following parameters to specify whether revision numbers are binding:

  • The Revision of Order Binding when Entering Receipts check box applies when you enter receipts.
  • The Revision of Order Binding when Generating Outbound Advice check box applies when you generate outbound advice.
  • The Revision of Order Binding when Manually Entering Outbound Advice check box applies when you manually enter an outbound advice.

These three parameters only apply if the following conditions are met:

  • The items are both lot controlled and revision controlled.
  • The Engineering Revisions in Lot Control check box in the Lot Control Parameters (whltc0100s000) session is selected.

Clear the Engineering Revisions on Orders Active check box if you not want to use revisions in Warehousing.


If the Engineering Revisions check box in the Implemented Software Components (tccom0500m000) session is cleared, you cannot use revision-controlled items.

Test Storage Conditions

The selected tests for storage conditions are carried out in the order of the fields:

  • Item
  • Item Group
  • Location
  • Warehouse

The storage conditions are tested

  • When storing an item.
  • Before inbound movement.
  • Before transfer.

The test is performed to see whether the storage conditions within the warehouse or location meet the required conditions for the item (group)


Effective Date

The date and time that the parameters are valid. The parameters are valid up to the effective date of a more recent parameter setting.


The description of the parameter set.

Use Only Unoccupied Locations when Generating Inbound Advice

If this check box is selected, the Generate Inbound Advice (whinh3201m000) session only advises unoccupied locations when you generate an inbound advice. If you clear this check box, LN advises both occupied and unoccupied locations with available capacity.

An occupied location is one at which inventory has been registered or at which capacity has been allocated as a result of inbound movement (advised or manually created).


This parameter is only relevant to inbound advice.

Use Free (Unfixed) Locations when Generating Inbound Advice

If this check box is selected, all locations are considered when generating inbound advice in the Generate Inbound Advice (whinh3201m000) session. If this check box is cleared, LN only takes fixed locations into consideration for advice.


In the Fixed Locations (whwmd3502m000) session, you can record whether a location is a fixed or a free (that is, non-fixed) location for the item.

Revision of Order Binding when Entering Receipts

If this check box is selected, LN only generates inbound advice for revisions of engineering items on the order.

Default value

The default value is derived from the Engineering Revisions check box of the Implemented Software Components (tccom0100s000) session. If the Engineering Revisions check box is selected, the current check box is also selected. If the Engineering Revisions check box is cleared, the current check box is disabled.

Print Released Outbound Report for Collect Orders

If this check box is selected, a report is printed for collect sales-orders. The report contains the issued items and blocked items.

Revision of Order Binding when Generating Outbound Advice

If this check box is selected, LN only generates outbound advice for lots that include the revisions of engineering items that are the same as the revisions as recorded on the outbound-order line. So, the revision on the outbound-order line is binding for the revision of the outbound advice.

Default value

The default value is derived from the Engineering Revisions check box of the Implemented Software Components (tccom0100s000) session. If the Engineering Revisions check box is selected, the current check box is also selected. If the Engineering Revisions check box is cleared, the current check box is disabled.

Revision of Order Binding when Manually Entering Outbound Advice

If this check box is selected, you can only manually create outbound advice for lots that include the revisions of engineering items that are the same as the revisions as recorded on the outbound-order line. So, the revision on the outbound-order line is binding for the revision of the outbound advice.

Default value

The default value is derived from the Engineering Revisions check box of the Implemented Software Components (tccom0100s000) session. If the Engineering Revisions check box is selected, the current check box is also selected. If the Engineering Revisions check box is cleared, the current check box is disabled.

Engineering Revisions on Orders Active

If this check box is selected, you can enter revisions on warehouse orders. The warehouse order contains data about the revisions that are used in a project.

Default value

The default value is derived from the Engineering Revisions check box of the Implemented Software Components (tccom0100s000) session. If the Engineering Revisions check box is selected, the current check box is also selected. If the Engineering Revisions check box is cleared, the current check box is disabled.

Performance aspects

The setting of this field could affect system performance and database growth. For more information, refer to Disable unused concepts in Warehousing.

Lots and Serials
Lot Control in Use

If this check box is selected, lot control is used in Warehousing.

Performance aspects

The setting of this field could affect system performance and database growth. For more information, refer to Disable unused concepts in Warehousing.

Related topics

Serialized Items in Use

If this check box is selected, serialized items are used in Warehousing.

Performance aspects

The setting of this field could affect system performance and database growth. For more information, refer to Disable unused concepts in Warehousing.

Handling Units
Handling Units in Use

If this check box is selected, the use of handling units is available for the Warehousing package.

Performance aspects

The setting of this field could affect system performance and database growth. For more information, refer to Disable unused concepts in Warehousing.

Handling Unit Mask

The default mask that is used to generate codes for handling units that are not related to a warehouse.

You can only select a mask:

  • With a maximum length of 18 characters
  • With a sequence number as mask segment
  • Without an LN field as mask segment

You can specify the handling unit masks for warehouse related handling units in the Warehouses (whwmd2500m000) session. If no default masks are specified in the Warehouses (whwmd2500m000) session, the default handling unit mask in the current field is used.

You can create masks in the Masks (tcibd4102m000) session.

You cannot use the mask in the current field as serial-shipping container code (SSCC). You can specify an outbound handling unit mask for SSCC per warehouse in the following fields in the Warehouses (whwmd2500m000) session:

  • Shipment Handling Unit Mask
  • Shipment Handling Unit Mask according to SSCC Standard
Number Group for HU Template

The number group that must be used for handling unit templates.

Series for HU Template

The series that must be used for handling unit templates.

Handling Unit Version Controlled

If this check box is selected, handling units for which splitting is enabled can be defined as version controlled. If a handling unit is version controlled, you can use the handling unit after it has been split. For each split-up handling unit, a new version code is generated. Handling units can be split up into two or more handling units, for example, as a result of inbound advice to different locations. A version-controlled handling unit is modified and kept active after activities such as adding or taking out inventory.

The setting of this check box is defaulted to the Handling Unit Version Controlled check box in the Item - Warehousing Defaults (whwmd4101s000) session and the Handling Unit Version Controlled check box in the Item - Warehousing (whwmd4100s000) session.

Kanban ID Mask

The mask that is used to generate kanban identification numbers in the Item Data by Warehouse (whwmd2110s000) session.

LN only uses the kanban ID mask specified in the current field if you did not specify the Kanban ID Mask in the Warehouses (whwmd2500m000) session.

If you did not specify a kanban ID mask in the Warehouses (whwmd2500m000) session nor in the current field, you cannot use kanbans.


You are advised to use a sequence number segment in the kanban ID mask to make sure that the kanban ID is a unique number.

Test Storage Conditions

If this check box is selected, LN checks the storage condition for the item before storing an item. This check determines whether the storage conditions within the warehouse or location meet the required conditions for the item.

This check is performed in the following situations:

  • When storing items at a warehouse location
  • After inbound movement
  • After transfer

The required storage conditions for an item are recorded in the Item - Storage Conditions (whwmd1104m000) session.

You can record the storage condition at warehouse level, or, more specifically, at location level. The storage condition is recorded in the Warehouse - Location - Storage Conditions (whwmd1102m000) session.

Performance aspects

The setting of this field could affect system performance and database growth. For more information, refer to Disable unused concepts in Warehousing.

Item Group

If this check box is selected, LN checks the storage condition for the item before storing an item. This check determines whether the storage condition within the warehouse or location meets the required condition for the item.

This check is performed in the following situations:

  • When storing items at a warehouse location
  • After inbound movement
  • After transfer

The required storage condition for an item group is recorded in the Item - Storage Conditions (whwmd1104m000) session.

You can record the storage condition at warehouse level, or, more specifically, at location level. The storage condition is recorded in the Warehouse - Location - Storage Conditions (whwmd1102m000) session.

Performance aspects

The setting of this field could affect system performance and database growth. For more information, refer to Disable unused concepts in Warehousing.


If this check box is selected, LN checks the storage condition of the location before storing an item there. This check determines whether the storage conditions within the location meet the required conditions for the item (group).

This check is performed in the following situations:

  • When storing items at a warehouse location
  • After inbound movement
  • After transfer

You can record the storage condition at warehouse level, or, more specifically, at location level. The storage condition is recorded in the Warehouse - Location - Storage Conditions (whwmd1102m000) session.

The required storage conditions for an item are recorded in the Item - Storage Conditions (whwmd1104m000) session.

Performance aspects

The setting of this field could affect system performance and database growth. For more information, refer to Disable unused concepts in Warehousing.


If this check box is selected, LN checks the storage condition of the warehouse before storing an item there. This check determines whether the storage conditions within the warehouse meet the required conditions for the item (group).

This check is performed in the following situations:

  • When storing items at a warehouse location
  • After inbound movement
  • After transfer

You can record the storage condition at warehouse level or, more specifically, at location level. The storage condition is recorded in the Warehouse - Location - Storage Conditions (whwmd1102m000) session.

The required storage conditions for an item are recorded in the Item - Storage Conditions (whwmd1104m000) session.

Performance aspects

The setting of this field could affect system performance and database growth. For more information, refer to Disable unused concepts in Warehousing.

Blocking by User

If this check box is selected, inventory blocks can only be removed by the user who originally created the blocks. Other users cannot release the inventory. By default, the check box is selected.

If this check box is cleared, LN allows any user to release the inventory that is blocked by other users.

Product Based Assembly Kits

If this check box is selected, the product based assembly kit functionality is enabled in warehousing


If this check box is cleared, you can only define assembly kits of type Line Station.

Default Units

Warehousing's default unit of measure in which weight is expressed.


Once you created an item, location, or package definition and the current field has a value, you cannot change the weight unit.


Warehousing's default unit of measure in which length is expressed.


Once you created an item, location, or package definition and the current field has a value, you cannot change the length unit.

Storage Inspection
Reason for Storage Inspection

The reason that LN assigns to a (partial) stockpoint block that is initiated by the creation of a storage inspection in Quality.

You can view stockpoint blocks for storage inspections in the Stock Point Blocking (whwmd6130m000) session.

Related topics

Planning Data
Availability Type

The Warehousing availability type.

Together with the ship-from's calendar or the ship-to's calendar, this availability type determines, the actual calendar for the ship-from data or ship-to data in the Warehousing Orders (whinh2100m000) session.


You must specify the Warehousing availability type.

Shipping Material Account
Extended Packaging Item Registration

If this check box is selected, LN enables the extended registration of packaging items functionality. This functionality allows you to record packaging item transactions.


Only logistics data is recorded by LN, not financial data.

Number Group for Shipping Material Account

The number group used to create a new shipping material account.


The field is enabled only when you select the Extended Packaging Item Registration check box.

Series for Shipping Material Account

The series used to create a new shipping material account.


The field is enabled only when you specify a value in the Number Group for Shipping Material Account field.

Series for Shipping Material Account

The description or name of the code.