Part change tags and reasons

For each handling unit, a supplier can specify two pairs of part change tags and part change reasons to notify the ship-to business partner of a change in the design, production, inspection or packing of a part. A part is an end item or a component item.

In each tag field, you must manually specify the relevant code of the part change tag. In each reason field, select the required part change reason.

You can specify or modify part change tags and reasons at any stage in the outbound or shipment process.

Part change tags and reasons are published on the outbound advance shipping notice (ASN) and the packing list, and published in the shipment Business Object Document (BOD) together with the handling unit information when the shipment of the handling unit is confirmed.

The ASN and the packing list are documents created by the automotive exchange applications TFS (Transformation Services) and EXM (Automotive Exchange Export Manager).