To freeze projected shipments

To prevent shipments with status Projected from being changed or deleted, you can freeze these shipments. This is done by clearing the Allow Changes to Shipment check box in the Shipments (whinh4130m000) session.

This is similar to freezing shipments with status Open, but when freezing Projected shipments:

  • You cannot print the shipping documents.
  • Various checks that validate the shipment contents are not performed.

The Freeze option is only available for shipments with status Open.

Projected shipments

If the use of projected shipments is implemented, projected shipments are created when the outbound order lines are created for a warehousing order. The purpose of creating shipments at this early stage in the outbound process is to prepare labeling and to publish the shipments before the goods to be shipped reach the staging area, which enhances the efficiency and cost-effectiveness of the process.

If the projected shipments are changed or removed, new labels must be created and new shipment Business Object Document (BODs) must be published. A projected shipment is deleted when changes, such as increasing or decreasing the order quantity, are made to the originating outbound order line.

Modifying projected shipments

To prevent such changes from being made to projected shipments or the originating outbound order lines, freeze the projected shipments by clearing the Allow Changes to Shipment check box in the Shipments (whinh4130m000) session. Consequently, adding or removing shipment lines either manually or automatically is not allowed.

For example, when creating shipment lines for a new outbound order line, the application cannot add these shipment lines to frozen projected shipments. To enable shipment composition for these shipments, you must first select the Allow Changes to Shipment check box.

Picking projected shipments

After the quantities of the projected shipments are picked and the shipment status is changed to Open, the setting of the Allow Changes to Shipment check box is not changed.

Freeze and reopen shipments

When a shipment is frozen, the Allow Changes to Shipment check box is cleared. If the user reopens the shipment, the Allow Changes to Shipment check box is automatically selected. This is done because a frozen shipment is reopened to implement changes to the shipment.

Cancel originating order lines

An order line cannot be canceled if the Allow Changes to Shipment box is selected for the linked shipment. To cancel the order line, clear the Allow Changes to Shipment check box for the shipment.