The reuse of bottom-level handling units

The application reuses bottom-level handling units when repacking handling units in inventory, cross-docking, and issuing handling units from stock during picking, provided that the conditions are met.

Reusing picked handling units

If the packaging item and the item quantity of the bottom-level handling units of the picked handling unit and the shipment line package definition match, the bottom handling units are reused.


The picked handling unit HU001 is of type Box1 and contains 10 items A. According to the current package definition, handling unit HU001 is contained in crates containing 12 boxes each.

The shipment line package definition specifies a top level handling unit of type Pallet that contains 20 bottom-level handling units of type Box1 containing 10 items A.

In this case, the reuse criteria are met and HU001 is added to the shipment line. If the Auto Complete Handling Unit Structure during Picking check box is selected in the Item - Package Definitions (whwmd4130m000) session for the item, the application creates a top-level Pallet and adds HU001 to the pallet according to the package definition of the shipment line.

If the shipment line package definition includes bottom-level handling units of a different packaging item or item quantity, HU001 is closed and the 10 items a are packed in a bottom-level handling unit of the type specified in the shipment line package definition.

Reusing handling units in stock

If the packaging item and the item quantity of the bottom-level handling units of the source handling unit and the target package definition match, the bottom handling units are reused.


Source handling unit HU001 is of type Box1 and contains 10 items A. According to the current package definition, handling unit HU001 is contained in crates containing 12 boxes each.

The target package definition specifies a top level handling unit of type Pallet that contains 20 bottom-level handling units of type Box1 containing 10 items A.

In this case, HU001 is reused. The application creates a top-level Pallet and adds HU001 to the pallet.

If the target package definition has bottom-level handling units of a different packaging item or item quantity, HU001 is not reused and the 10 items a are packed in a bottom-level handling unit of the type specified in the target package definition.