Delivery notes - Ownership of goods during transport

When delivery notes are printed, the owner data of the goods is also included. This owner data is retrieved, based on the following hierarchy:

  1. The ownership data is retrieved from the Shipment Line Ownership (whinh4138m000) session in case the value in the Ownership field is Customer Owned.

    Note that this owner can be a different business partner than the ship to business partner specified on the order.

  2. For transfer orders, the ownership data is retrieved from the Shipment Line Ownership (whinh4138m000) session if the following conditions are fulfilled:

    • The value in the Ownership field is Consigned.
    • The Ownership Change on Issue check box is not selected.
  3. The ownership data is retrieved from the business partner specified in the Invoice-to Business Partner field in the Delivery Notes (whinh4135m000) session if the value in the Point of Title Passage field in the Shipments (whinh4130m000) session is Point of Origin.

    The ownership data is retrieved from the Ship-From field in the Delivery Notes (whinh4135m000) session if the value in the Point of Title Passage field in the Shipments (whinh4130m000) session is one of the following:

    • Point of Destination

    • Named Location

    Note: You can specify this Point of Title Passage in the given Delivery Terms in the Delivery Terms (tcmcs0141m000) session.

    This step is performed if no ownership data is defined in the sessions specified in step 1 and 2.

  4. The ownership data is retrieved from the Warehouses (whwmd2500m000) session if ownership data is not defined in the sessions specified .