Order Controlled/Single setup and order generation

Order Controlled/Single is a demand-pull system that regulates the supply of items to shop floor warehouses.

In this supply system, a specific production order for a specific product pulls the required items from a supply warehouse to the shop floor warehouse. A direct link is established between the production order for which the items are required, and the warehousing order that regulates the supply of the required items to the shop floor warehouse.


To enable supply of a shop floor warehouse using the Order Controlled/Single supply system, you must define the following master data in the Item Data by Warehouse (whwmd2110s000) session:

  • Supply System: Order Controlled/Single.
  • For the items that have the Order System set to Planned, the supply must always take place from another warehouse. You must select the Supply from Warehouse check box and specify the supply warehouse.
  • For the items that have the Order System set to a value other than Planned, LN allows you to decide whether supply must take place from a warehouse or from another supplier. When supply takes place from a supplier, the Supply from Warehouse check box is cleared.

You can only select the Order Controlled/Single supply system if the warehouse is of the type Normal or Shop Floor.

Order generation

When the supply system for a shop floor warehouse is Order Controlled/Single and a production order with status Planned is generated, the required items are allocated in:

  • The supply warehouse if the Move Allocation to Shop Floor Warehouse parameter in the Production Order Parameters (tisfc0100s000) session has the At Release value.
  • The shop floor warehouse if the Move Allocation to Shop Floor Warehouse parameter in the Production Order Parameters (tisfc0100s000) session has the At Generation value.

In addition to the allocation of the required items, two warehousing orders are generated based on the production order:

  • A warehousing order with order origin JSC Production and of inventory-transaction type Issue. This warehousing order contains an outbound-order line for each production-order line and will be used to issue the required goods from the shop floor warehouse to the work center. This warehousing order is blocked until the items are required in the work center.
  • A warehousing order with order origin JSC Production and of inventory-transaction type Receipt. This warehousing order contains one inbound-order line that will be used to receive the end item in a warehouse. This warehousing order is blocked until the end item is ready to be received in a warehouse.

When the production order is released and the required items are allocated in the supply warehouse, a warehousing order of inventory-transaction type Transfer is generated to move the allocated items from the supply warehouse to the shop floor warehouse. Each production-order line results in a warehousing-order line. This warehousing order is unblocked.

You can view transfer orders in relation to production orders in the Production Warehouse Orders (timfc0101m000) session.

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