Shipment and load status

Shipments, shipment lines, and loads can have the following statuses:

  • Projected
    Shipments, shipment lines, and loads are created when the outbound order lines are created.

    This is the initial status if the use of projected shipments is specified. To use projected shipments and loads, these check boxes must be selected:

  • Open

    You can:

    • Adjust the quantities on shipment lines.
    • Add or remove shipment lines from shipments
    • Add or remove shipments from Shipping container status or loads
    • Move shipments to other shipping containers or loads
    • Add shipping containers to a load
  • You cannot print shipment documents and you cannot ship the shipment.
  • Partially Frozen

    The Partially Frozen status is assigned if handling units are in use, and you freeze the shipment line at the handling unit level. If multiple handling units are linked to a shipment line, a few of the handling units must be set to Frozen. In case of Partially Frozen shipment lines, LN assigns the Frozen status to confirmed handling units and its children. After all the handling units linked to a shipment line are set to Frozen, the shipment line is assigned the Frozen status.

    You cannot update the shipment line anymore unless triggered by an already linked open handling unit.

  • Frozen
    The picked goods are at the staging area of the warehouse and are ready for shipment. You can print shipment documents and confirm the shipment. You can generate handling units.

    You cannot change the loads, shipping containers, shipments, and shipment lines, except for the following fields:

    • Carrier Tracking Number (shipment)
    • Tracking Number (shipment)
    • Inventory Adjustment Date (shipment line)
    If other changes are required, you must reopen the shipment lines first.
  • Confirmed
    The goods have been shipped and are actually leaving the warehouse. LN performs financial and inventory transactions for the shipped items. You can print shipment documents for the goods.

Loads present in the Planned Loads/Shipments (whinh4180m000) session have different statuses. For more information, refer to Planned Loads/Shipments Status and Shipments and loads.

How the status is determined

The shipment's status is determined as follows:

  • If at least one of the shipment lines has the status Open, Partially Frozen or Confirming the shipment's status is Open.
  • If at least one of the shipment lines has the status Frozen and the remaining shipment lines has status Confirmed, the shipment's status is Frozen.
  • If all shipment lines have the status Confirmed, the shipment's status is Confirmed.
  • If a shipment line is reopened, the shipment's status also changes to Open.

The load's status is by default determined as follows:

  • If at least one of the shipments linked to the load has the status Open or Frozen, the load's status is Open. Even if all shipments are Frozen, the load's status is still Open and you can add new shipments to the load.
  • The load status becomes Frozen if you freeze the load.
  • If all shipments linked to the load have the status Confirmed, the load's status is Confirmed.
  • If a shipment line of a shipment that is linked to the load is reopened, the load's status also changes to Open.
Shipping container status

If in the Inventory Handling Parameters (whinh0100m000) session the Shipping Containers in use check box is selected, you can use shipping containers.

The status of a shipping container is:

  • Open
    If the container is empty or at least one shipment in the container has status Open.
  • Frozen
    If all shipments of the container have status Frozen.
  • Confirmed
    If all shipments of the container have status Confirmed.

For more information, refer to Overview of kit handling in Warehouse Management.