To generate orders (TPOP)

With the Generate Orders (TPOP) (whinh2201m000) session, you can generate orders to replenish items for specific warehouses. LN generates the orders within an order horizon and based on the item and warehouse combination's safety stock and projected on hand.

With the Generate Orders (TPOP) (whinh2201m000) session, you can only generate TPOP orders if:

  • You want to replenish at warehouse level.
  • The supply system for the item/warehouse combination is Time-Phased Order Point. You can specify the supply system in the Supply System field of the Item Data by Warehouse (whwmd2110s000) session.
  • The items are a Purchased or Manufactured type. You can specify the item type in the Item Type field of the Items (tcibd0501m000) session.
  • The items are non- floor stock items. An item is a non-floor stock item if the Floor Stock check box on the Item - Warehousing (whwmd4100s000) session is cleared.

To replenish at item level, use the Generate Order Advice (SIC) (whina3200m000) session. For more information, refer to To generate order advice (SIC).

In the Item Data by Warehouse (whwmd2110s000) session you must specify whether supply must take place from a warehouse. To specify that supply must take place from a warehouse, select the Supply from Warehouse check box. If this check box is cleared, supply will take place from:

  • A business partner if the item type is Purchased. You can specify the business partner in the Buy-from Business Partner field of the Item Data by Warehouse (whwmd2110s000) session.
  • A work center if the item type is Manufactured. LN retrieves the work center from Manufacturing.
Order horizon

Before LN generates orders, it determines the order horizon for which the replenishment must take place. However, this calculation does not take into account the actual calendar. If LN determines the order horizon, LN considers that a week has seven days, and a day has 24 hours. LN determines the order horizon as follows:

order horizon = current date + (total lead time * order horizon factor) + order horizon constant 

LN determines the total lead time based on the warehouse and item combination's supply type. However, LN determines the total lead time without taking into account the calendars.

If supply takes place from:

  • A business partner, LN retrieves the Supply Time from the Items - Purchase Business Partner (tdipu0110m000) session.
  • A work center, LN retrieves the Order Lead Time from the Items - Production (tiipd0101m000) session.
  • A warehouse, LN retrieves and adds up the following lead times:
    • Inbound Lead Time from the Item Data by Warehouse (whwmd2110s000) session.
    • Outbound Lead Time from the Item Data by Warehouse (whwmd2110s000) session.
    • Transport time between the ship-from's address and the ship-to's address, based on a relevant distance table (if available) in the Distance Table by City (tccom4137s000) session or in the Distance Table by ZIP Code/Postal Code (tccom4138s000) session. From which of these two sessions the transport time is retrieved depends on the value of the Usage Distance Tables field on the COM Parameters (tccom0000s000) session.

In the Generate Orders (TPOP) (whinh2201m000) session, you can overrule any of the order horizon data that is defined under TPOP Order Horizon in the Inventory Analysis Parameters (whina0100m000) session.

Safety stock

You can let the safety stock fluctuate based on a seasonal pattern with its seasonal factors. For more information, refer to Seasonal pattern for safety stock and demand.

You can specify:

  • The seasonal patterns in the Seasonal Patterns (tcmcs0116m000) session.
  • The seasonal factors in the Seasonal Pattern Factors (tcmcs0117m000) session.

You can specify a seasonal pattern for at most one year. All seasonal patterns start at January 1, after which they are repeated during the year according to the number of periods.

In the Item Data by Warehouse (whwmd2110s000) session you can specify:

  • The base reorder point in the Reorder Point field.
  • The base safety stock in the Safety Stock field.
  • The seasonal pattern for safety stock in the Seasonal Pattern for Safety Stock field.
To generate orders (TPOP)

With the Generate Orders (TPOP) (whinh2201m000) session, LN generates an order for each requirement within the order horizon.

The ordered quantity depends on:

  • The safety stock. (If seasonal patterns apply, the safety stock defined at the end of the order horizon is taken into account.)
  • The projected on hand.
  • The replenishment settings defined in the following sessions:

    • Item Data by Warehouse (whwmd2110s000), Replenishment tab.
    • Items - Purchase Business Partner (tdipu0110m000), Ordering tab.

The kind of order that is generated for the item and warehouse combination depends on the source from which supply takes place:

Supply takes place from...LN generates...
WarehouseWarehousing order with order origin Transfer (Manual) for the warehouse that is specified in the Supply Warehouse field of the Item Data by Warehouse (whwmd2110s000) session.
Business partnerPurchase order for the buy-from business partner that is specified in the Buy-from Business Partner field of the Item Data by Warehouse (whwmd2110s000) session.
Work centerProduction order.



Planned inventory transactions that are excluded from planning, that is, for which the Exclude from Planning have quantity 1, are not taken into account for TPOP runs.

To determine the requirement date

The requirement date is the date on which the projected on hand drops below the safety stock, and coincides with the current date.

To determine the actual requirement date, LN takes into account the actual calendar. If the requirement date is not available according to the actual calendar, LN looks backwards for the first available date/time before the requirement date. LN sets the first available date/time as the actual requirement date.

To determine the planned receipt date

LN determines the planned receipt date by planning backwards from the requirement date and taking into account the actual calendar.

LN determines the planned receipt date as follows:

planned receipt date = planned requirement date - outbound lead time - inbound lead time - item safety time - supplier safety time

LN only takes into account:

  • The supplier safety time if supply takes place from a business partner.
  • The outbound lead time and the item safety time if the requirement is caused by a planned inventory transaction.

LN retrieves:

  • The outbound lead time from the Item Data by Warehouse (whwmd2110s000) session.
  • The inbound lead time from the Item Data by Warehouse (whwmd2110s000) session.
  • The item safety time from Safety Lead Time field of the Item Data by Warehouse (whwmd2110s000) session.
  • The supplier safety time from the Safety Time field of the Items - Purchase Business Partner (tdipu0110m000) session.
To take into account the actual calendar

When LN determines the requirement date, the planned receipt date, and the planned delivery date, it takes into account the actual calendar. Therefore, LN first searches for a calendar in the following order:

  1. The warehouse's calendar.
  2. If the warehouse's calendar is not specified, the company's calendar.

LN bases the actual calendar on the found calendar code and the availability type.

LN determines the requirement date, the planned receipt date, and the planned delivery date based on the actual calendar.

Before the calendar's start date and after the calendar's end date, the standard calendar applies.

When LN determines the requirement date, the planned receipt date, and the planned delivery date, and if the lead times are expressed in hours, LN takes into account all the time that is available on a day according to the actual calendar. However, if the lead times are expressed in days, LN considers a day a whole day if the actual calendar indicates that time is available on that day.

  • You can view the actual calendar in the Calendar Working Hours (tcccp0120m000) session.
  • You can define the availability type on the Storage Inspection tab of the Warehouse Master Data Parameters (whwmd0100s000) session.

If the Use Item Ordering Data check box in the Item Data by Warehouse (whwmd2110s000) session is selected, LN retrieves the following data from the Items - Ordering (tcibd2100m000) session instead of from the Item Data by Warehouse (whwmd2110s000) session:

  • Seasonal Pattern for Safety Stock
  • Reorder Point
  • Safety Stock

To replenish items for each warehouse if supply takes place from a warehouse.

  • Current date/time: Wednesday, January 3/1:30:00.
  • Inventory on hand on current date (in pieces): 18.
  • Order horizon factor: 3.
  • Order horizon constant (in days): 15.
  • Inbound lead time (in hours): 4.
  • Outbound lead time (in hours): 4.
  • Transport time (in days): 2.
  • Item safety time (in days): 2.
  • Supplier safety time (in days): 2.
  • Base safety stock (in pieces): 10.
  • Seasonal pattern for safety stock has period type: Week.
  • Number of periods: 4.

The warehouse's actual calendar is available from Monday through Friday each week and has an 8:00:00 start time and a 17:00:00 end time.

LN determines the order horizon as follows:

  • Order horizon = current date + [(inbound lead time + outbound lead time + transport time) * order horizon factor] + order horizon constant.
  • Order horizon = January 3/1:30:00 + [(4 hours + 4 hours + 2 days) * 3] + 15 days.
  • Order horizon = January 3/1:30:00 + [56 hours x 3] + 360 hours.
  • Order horizon = January 3/1:30:00 + 528 hours = January 25/1:30:00.

The seasonal pattern for safety stock is as follows, with the resulting safety stock and reorder point:

PeriodStart date periodSeasonal pattern factorSafety stock
Period 1January 1/0:00:001.515
Period 2January 8/0:00:002.020
Period 3January 15/0:00:002.525
Period 4January 22/0:00:001.515


Planned inventory transactions:

  • January 11/18:00:00 planned issue of 9.
  • January 23/11:30:00 planned issue of 8.

The projected on hand before planning the replenishment is as follows:

DateProjected on hand
January 318
January 119
January 231


If you replenish items for each warehouse, based on the data just provided, the results are as follows:

  • On Monday, January 8/0:00:00, the safety stock exceeds the projected on hand with two items. Therefore, LN generates a warehousing order to replenish two items. Because Monday, January 8/0:00:00, is not available according to the actual calendar, LN sets Friday, January 5/17:00:00, as the requirement date. To determine the planned receipt date, LN subtracts four hours inbound lead time from the requirement date. As a result, the planned receipt date is Friday, January 5/13:00:00. Because a warehousing order is generated, LN also determines the planned delivery date by subtracting two days transport time from the planned receipt date. As a result, the planned delivery date is Thursday, January 4/8:00:00.
  • On Thursday, January 11/18:00:00, the projected on hand decreases and falls below the safety stock with nine items caused by a planned inventory transaction. As a result, LN generates a warehousing order to replenish nine items. Because Thursday, January 11/18:00:00, is not available according to the actual calendar, LN sets Thursday, January 11/17:00:00, as the requirement date. To determine the planned receipt date, LN subtracts four hours outbound lead time, four hours inbound lead time, and one day item safety time from the requirement date. As a result, the planned receipt date is Thursday, January 11/8:00:00. Because a warehousing order is generated, LN also determines the planned delivery date by subtracting two days transport time from the planned receipt date. As a result, the planned delivery date is Tuesday, January 9/8:00:00.
  • On Monday, January 15/0:00:00, the safety stock exceeds the projected on hand with five items. Therefore, LN generates a warehousing order to replenish five items. Because Monday, January 15/0:00:00, is not available according to the actual calendar, LN sets Friday, January 12/17:00:00, as the requirement date. To determine the planned receipt date, LN subtracts four hours inbound lead time from the requirement date. As a result, the planned receipt date is Friday, January 12/13:00:00. Because a warehousing order is generated, LN also determines the planned delivery date by subtracting two days transport time from the planned receipt date. As a result, the planned delivery date is Thursday, January 11/8:00:00.
  • On Monday, January 22/0:00:00, the safety stock decreases to 15 items while the projected on hand is 25 items. As a result, no replenishment is needed and LN does not generate a warehousing order.
  • On Tuesday, January 23/11:30:00, the projected on hand decreases with eight items. Because the projected on hand does not fall below the safety stock, LN does not generate a warehousing order.

The projected on hand after planning the replenishment is as follows:

DateProjected on hand
Wednesday January 318
Friday January 5/13:00:0020
Thursday January 11/8:00:0029
Thursday January 11/17:00:0020
Friday January 12/13:00:0025
Tuesday January 23/11:30:0017