Freeze/Confirm Shipments/Loads (whinh4275m000)

Use this session to freeze or confirm loads and shipments.

If an individual load or shipment is confirmed, it means that the goods have been moved from the staging location and have physically left the warehouse. After this step, you can send advance shipment notices to business partners who are set up to receive ASNs.


Outbound order lines with purchased or manufactured items that must be shipped from a WMS-controlled warehouse, are skipped for processing.


Planned Delivery Date

The From and To fields define a range of: planned delivery dates for which the loads and shipments are confirmed or frozen.

Delivery Carrier/LSP

The From and To fields define a range of: carriers/LSP for which the loads and shipments are confirmed or frozen.


The From and To fields define a range of: routes for which the loads and shipments are confirmed or frozen.

Select On

Select the object of your freeze or confirm action (to be specified under Execute).

Inventory Adjustment
Inventory Adjustment Date

You can define a specific date or can use the current date for inventory adjustment.


Specify the action to be performed for the object that you selected in the Select On field.

Allowed values


Print document(s) to predefined Device

If this check box is selected, the application selects a default printer to print the report. The use of default printers depends on the setup. For more information, refer to Default printers.


By default, this check box is selected.

Calculate Additional Costs for Shipments

If this check box is selected, LN (re)calculates the additional costs for shipments during shipment confirmation based on the Additional Costs status in the Shipments (whinh4130m000) session.

Additional Costs status

  • Not Calculated

    LN calculates the additional costs.

  • Modified

    Because of a change in the shipment composition, a recalculation can take place depending on the Recalculation of Additional Costs parameter in Sales Parameters (tdsls0100s000) session,

  • Calculated: LN recalculates the additional costs.

  • Not Applicable: The additional costs for shipments are not applicable.

Label Printing
Label Printing

The print options for the labels.

Allowed values

Label Printing

Label Printing Settings
Label Printed by

LN allows you to specify the application that must be used to print the labels for the defined layout.

Allowed values

Label Printed by


You can view this field only if packaging level BOD is implemented.

Default value of this field is Infor LN.

The value External application is not applicable when the packaging label BOD is not implemented.

Label Layout

The label layout according to which the handling units must be printed.


The number of copies of the label that must be printed.

Handling Units Only

If this check box is selected, the labels are printed for the items that use handling units.

Label Printing Method

You can print the labels based on the following options:

  • By Line: Labels are printed by line.
  • By Unit: Labels are printed for each unit on the line.