Generate Outbound Advice (whinh4201m000)

Use this session to generate outbound advice. You can also print outbound advice, shortage list, or labels by advice or unit. You can view the outbound advice in the Outbound Advice (whinh4525m000) session.


You can select a range of orders or select specific orders to be processed:

  • To select specific orders, click Specific Order Selection. The Specific Order Selection (whinh2800m000) session is started in which you can select up to ten orders.
  • To process another selection of orders, click Reset Selection. As a result, LN removes the selection you made in the Specific Order Selection (whinh2800m000) session.
  • To make a new specific selection, click Specific Order Selection.


Shipping Selection Range

A code assigned to a group of warehousing order lines when they are advised. LN assigns or generates a run number if a user does not manually enter or select a run number while he generates inbound or outbound advice for a group of warehousing order lines. This is the case if, for example, a user generates outbound advice by means of the Generate Advice command in the Outbound Order Lines (whinh2120m000) session. LN assigns run numbers by user. For example, all inbound advice generated by user A on a particular day obtain a particular run number, and those generated by user B obtain another run number. For outbound movements, the user can release outbound advice, generate picking lists, and confirm picking lists by run. For inbound movements, the user can generate storage lists and confirm storage lists by run.


If you select a run assigned to not fully processed outbound advice, while in the Run (whinh4100s000) session, the Always Allow Reuse check box is cleared, a dialog box appears prompting you to select one of the following:

  • No to skip this run.
  • Yes to reuse this run for the current instance.
  • Always Allow Reuse to always allow reuse of this run.

The latter option results in automatic selection of the Always Allow Reuse check box in the Run (whinh4100s000) session.

Overwrite Selection Range

If this check box is selected, the set of warehousing-order lines identified by the run number will overwrite any user-defined selection range.

Create Cross-dock Orders

If this check box is selected, LN will generate a cross-dock order for any outbound advice shortage. The cross-dock order's requested quantity will be equal to the inventory shortage.

Handle Alternative Items

If this check box is selected, and the requested item is not available and an alternative material has been defined in the bill of material (BOM), LN releases an alternative material.

This check box is hidden if the Use Up and Alternative Materials check box in the Implemented Software Components (tccom0500m000) session is cleared.

Create Outbound Advice Despite Inventory Shortage

If this check box is selected, LN generates outbound advice even if insufficient inventory is available.

If the Negative Inventory check box in the Inventory Handling Parameters (whinh0100m000) session is cleared, this check box is unavailable.

Outbound advice for negative inventory is created for items within the selection range for which the setting of the Allow Negative Inventory field in the Item Data by Warehouse (whwmd2510m000) session allows outbound advice for negative inventory.


If this check box is cleared, you can still manually create outbound advice through the Outbound Advice (whinh4525m000) session in case of inventory shortage.

Recalculate Excess and ATT Inventory

If this check box is selected, LN recalculates the available excess inventory and the inventory available to transfer (ATT).


This field is visible only if the Project Pegging functionality is implemented.


If this check box is selected, LN prints the outbound advice after being generated.


If this check box is selected, LN prints a shortage list for any items that cannot be allocated.

Project Cost Peg Transfers

If this check box is selected, LN prints the data of the cost peg transfers that are created during the creation of outbound advice.


This field is visible only if the Project Pegging functionality is implemented.


If this check box is selected, the ownership of the goods listed on the storage list is printed.

Item/Item Group Storage Conditions

If this check box is selected, LN prints the Item/Item Group Storage Conditions on documents/reports that are printed for the outbound procedure.

Warehouse/Location Storage Conditions

If this check box is selected, LN prints the Warehouse/Location Storage Conditions on documents/reports that are printed for the outbound procedure.

Print to predefined Device

If this check box is selected, the application selects a default printer to print the report. The use of default printers depends on the setup. For more information, refer to Default printers.


By default, this check box is selected.

Sort by
Sort by

Indicate how the data on the outbound advice you generate, is sorted.

Allowed values:

  • Order
  • Source Location
  • Location Outbound Priority
  • Staging Location
  • Order Set
  • Shipment Reference
  • Customer Order
Label Printing
Printing Labels

The print options for the labels.

Allowed values:

  • No: No labels are printed in the outbound advice.
  • According Order Settings: LN prints the outbound advice based on the order settings.
  • Overrule Order Settings: LN overrules the order settings and enables the options to print the labels manually.
Label Printing Settings
Label Printed by

LN allows you to specify the application that must be used to print the labels for the defined layout.

Allowed values

Label Printed by


You can view this field only if packaging level BOD is implemented.

Default value of this field is Infor LN.

The value External application is not applicable when the packaging label BOD is not implemented.

Label Layout

The code of the layout according to which the label must be printed.

You must specify a label layout if, in the Label Printing Method, you selected one of the following options:

  • By Line
  • By Unit

The number of copies of the label to be printed.

Handling Units Only

If this check box is selected, the labels are printed only for the items that use handling units.

Label Printing Method

The method of printing the labels on the outbound advice:

  • By Line: Labels are printed by line.
  • By Unit: Labels are printed for each unit on the line.
Advice Log
Advice Log

Indicate whether and what kind of an outbound advice log must be created.

In the outbound advice log, you can view the decisions made while LN generates the outbound advice. You can use the outbound advice log to trace, for example, why a shortage for the item is reported or why you get other inventory advised than expected.

You can view the outbound advice log in the Outbound Advice Log (whinh3526m000) session. To start the Outbound Advice Log (whinh3526m000) session, in the current session, click Advice Log.

Outbound advice log

Order Selection Range
Shipment Reference

The From and To fields define a range of: Shipment Reference for which the outbound advice is generated.

Include Return Orders

If this check box is selected, outbound advice is also generated for any return orders in the selection range.

Include Return Rejects

If this check box is selected, purchase return orders meeting specific conditions are included.

These conditions are:

  • Present in the selection range
  • Issued from quarantine
  • The order lines contain items whose disposition is set to Return to Vendor.

By default, this check box is cleared.

Related topics

Rush Orders only

If this check box is selected, outbound advice is only generated for any rush orders in the selection range.

Projected Shipments
Projected Shipments

If this check box is selected, you can specify the range of projected shipments for which outbound advices must be processed.


You can view this field only if Projected Shipments in use check box is selected in Inventory Handling Parameters (whinh0100m000) session.


The From and To fields define a range of: projected loads.


The From and To fields define a range of: projected shipments.

DMS Items
Apply DMS

If this check box is cleared, standard outbound advice functionality will apply to DMS items.

If this check box is selected, LN will apply direct material supply (DMS) to the items.

If DMS Items is set to Only, all ranges in the session will be unavailable except for the item and warehouse ranges.

If DMS Items is set to Included, all ranges in the session will be available.

  • In the latter case, any change in ranges applied by the user can affect the result of DMS on Inventory. For example, if the planned delivery date range is changed, high-priority demand might be excluded from the outbound advice run, and lower-priority demand is met first.
  • The warehouse range is also taken into account for DMS on Inventory.
  • DMS will only be performed for the warehouses that are defined as supply warehouses in the Warehouse Supply Structure Relationships (whinh6141m000) session.
Load Plan
Load Plan

If this check box is selected, outbound advice is generated based on the outbound order lines linked to the selected loads and shipments.

Print Errors

If this check box is selected, LN prints the errors that occur when outbound advice is generated and released based on the load plan.

Order by Planned Delivery Date

If this check box is selected, the orders are processed in the sequence determined by the planned delivery date/time of the outbound-order line.

If this check box is cleared, the orders are processed in the sequence as specified in the order-type priority fields.

Order Origin

The priority for processing outbound advice.


If this check box is selected, an outbound advice is generated for warehousing orders with this order origin.



Generates the advice for the selected range of data.

Advise Only

Generates the outbound advice for the selected range. Automatic release of outbound advice generated by this command is suppressed, regardless of the applicable outbound procedure.

Undo Advice

Removes the outbound advices for the specified outbound order line range. The outbound advice for order lines with transferrable handling units specified, are not removed.

Reset Selection

Resets the selection you made in the Specific Order Selection (whinh2800m000) session and enables you to specify a selection range. To make a new specific selection, click Specific Order Selection.

Note: The previous specific selection is removed from the Specific Order Selection (whinh2800m000) session only if you click Specific Order Selection after you reset the selection. If you do not enter a new specific selection after you reset the selection, you can switch between the specific selection and the range selection.