Warehouse Receipts (whinh2610m100)

Use this session to view, maintain, and process the receipt of inbound order lines in a warehouse.

  • The check marks next to the filter options indicate the filters that are activated.
  • The count fields display the number of lines for the filter. This number can be affected by multiple filter settings.


Business Partner

A party with whom you carry out business transactions, for example, a customer or a supplier. You can also define departments within your organization that act as customers or suppliers to your own department as business partners.

The business partner definition includes:

  • The organization's name and main address.
  • The language and currency used.
  • Taxation and legal identification data.

You address the business partner in the person of the business partner's contact. The business partner's status determines if you can carry out transactions. The transactions type (sales orders, invoices, payments, shipments) is defined by the business partner's role.

Show Number of Lines

If this check box is selected, the vertical axis of the graph displays the number of lines.

If this check box is cleared, the Unit field is available.


The unit used to express the total quantity of the goods listed on the lines displayed in the graph.

If some of the transactions are expressed in units other than the selected unit, these units are converted to the selected unit. The units are displayed in the vertical axis of the graph.


This field is available if the Show Number of Lines check box is cleared.


If this check box is selected, the inbound order lines with status Planned are displayed in the Inbound Lines tab and in the graph.

Click Planned to activate this filter.


The number of lines for the filter. This number can be affected by other filter settings.


If a check mark is displayed, the inbound order lines with status Open are displayed in the Inbound Lines tab and in the graph.

Click Open to activate this filter.

Receipt Open

If a check mark is displayed, the inbound order lines with status Receipt Open are displayed in the Inbound Lines tab and in the graph.

Click Receipt Open to activate this filter.

To be Inspected

If a check mark is displayed, the inbound order lines with status To be Inspected are displayed in the Inbound Lines tab and in the graph.

Click To Be Inspected to activate this filter.

Past Due

If a check mark is displayed, inbound order lines are displayed in the Inbound Lines tab if the planned receipt date of the related receipt is before the current date.

Click Past Due to activate this filter.

Due Today

If a check mark is displayed, inbound order lines are displayed in the Inbound Lines tab if the planned receipt date of the related receipt is identical to the current date.

Click Due Today to activate this filter.

Due 1 - 7 Days

If a check mark is displayed, inbound order lines are displayed in the Inbound Lines tab if the planned receipt date of the related receipt is between one and seven days after the current date.

Click Due 1 - 7 Days to activate this filter.

Due Beyond 7 Days

If a check mark is displayed, inbound order lines are displayed in the Inbound Lines tab if the planned receipt date of the related receipt is more than a week after the current date.

Click Due Beyond 7 Days to activate this filter.

Partial Receipts

If a check mark is displayed, the inbound order lines for which part of the related receipt is confirmed are displayed in the Inbound Lines tab.

Click Partial Receipts to activate this filter.

Blanket Orders

If a check mark is displayed, the inbound order lines related to blanket warehousing orders are displayed in the Inbound Lines tab.

Click Blanket Orders to activate this filter.


The graph displays the workload based on the options specified in the General and Workload group boxes.

If the Show Number of Lines check box is selected, the vertical axis displays the number of inspection lines.

If a unit is specified in the Unit field, the vertical axis displays the total quantity of the goods listed on the inspection lines expressed in the specified unit.

The horizontal axis displays the inspection lines categorized by Past Due, Due Today, Due 1 - 7 Days, and Due Beyond 7 Days.


Show All

Displays all the inbound order lines linked to a warehouse.