Warehouse Manager Dashboard (whinh2300m000)

Use this session to create management overviews of the inbound and outbound warehousing orders that exist in your company.

How this session is set up

The lower half of this session lists the orders that match the filter settings of your overview.

The upper half of this session consists of:

  • Filtering options

    The following filters that are used to select the orders that you want to include in your overview are available:

    • The filtering options in the Filter Warehousing Orders group box and the Options.
    • The options of the View Orders With submenu of the References menu.
    • The Search menu options and the Views menu.
  • Optional order line/shipment line information

    You can show or hide information about the order lines and/or shipment lines that exist for the orders of your overview. This information includes the number of inbound and/or outbound order lines, cross-dock lines, and/or shipment lines that require handling and the type of handling required for these lines. For example, the number of order lines that must be received, inspected (inbound and/or outbound), shipped, and so on. To show or hide this information, on the appropriate menu, click Customize Session.

    Note that calculation processes draw heavily on the system's resources. Activating the Calculate Totals at Runtime option, in particular in combination with various filtering options, may affect system performance.

  • Access to related information

    For each order of your overview, this session provides buttons for quick access to various sessions in which you can view and maintain data such as order lines (via the status overview sessions), receipts, inspections, shipment lines, and so on. For example, if an outbound order of your overview has open shipment lines, you can directly access the Shipment Lines (whinh4131m000) session to view or maintain the shipment lines associated with this outbound order.

    To view or maintain related information for an individual order of your overview, highlight the order in the lower half of this session and click the relevant button in any of the following group boxes:

    • Receiving
    • Inbound
    • Outbound
    • Shipping

    To view all order lines for which a particular activity applies, on the References menu, point to Open Order Lines with Status, and then click the appropriate option.

  • On the Dashboards tab of the User Profiles (whwmd1140s000) session, you can specify the time interval by which the overview displayed in this session is automatically refreshed.
  • The Workload graph in the Warehouse Manager Dashboard (whinh2300m000) session presents the volume, weight, or standard cost of the goods involved in the inbound or outbound transactions that match the selection criteria specified in the Filter Warehousing Orders group box. Depending on the graph settings, the transactions can be planned, historical, or actual.


Filter Warehousing Orders
Ship Code

The ship code with which the warehousing orders of your overview are associated.


The identification code of the ship code that you selected in the Ship Code field. If you select an ID code, warehousing orders associated with the selected ID code are included in your overview, provided that the warehousing orders match the other filtering options that you specify.

Date Range

The first date of the date range. Inbound warehousing orders whose planned receipt dates and outbound warehousing orders whose planned delivery dates match the dates within the date range are included in your overview.

Date Range

The last date of the date range. Inbound warehousing orders whose planned receipt dates and outbound warehousing orders whose planned delivery dates match the dates within the date range are included in your overview.

Include Planned Orders

If this check box is selected, orders that have the Planned status are included in your overview as well.

Include Finished Orders

If this check box is selected, orders that require no further warehouse handling are included in your overview as well. Inbound order lines that require no further handling are put away into storage and have the Put Away status. Outbound order lines that require no further handling are shipped and have the Shipped status.

Show Figures per Order

If this check box is selected, the numbers displayed in the fields of the Inbound Open and Outbound Open group boxes show the number of lines for a particular line type that exist for the order that you highlight in the list in the lower half of the session.

For example, if you highlight one of the orders listed in the lower half of this session and the Open Order Lines field of the Inbound Open group box displays a value of 15, the highlighted order has 15 order lines of line type Open Line.

If this check box is cleared, the orders that match your filter settings jointly have 15 open order lines of line type Open Line.

Inbound Open
Open Order Lines

The number of inbound order lines that have not yet been put away. If the Show Figures per Order check box is selected, this is the number of open order lines for the order that you selected from the list in the lower half of the session. If the Show Figures per Order check box is cleared, this is the aggregated number of open order lines for all orders of your overview.

ASN Lines

The number of advance shipment notice lines that have not yet been linked to a receipt. If the Show Figures per Order check box is selected, this is the number of advance shipment notice lines associated with the order lines of the order that you selected from the list in the lower half of the session. If the Show Figures per Order check box is cleared, this is the aggregated number of advance shipment notice lines associated with the order lines of all orders of your overview.

To be Inspected Quantity

The number of inbound order lines that must be inspected before they can be put away. If the Show Figures per Order check box is selected, this is the number of lines to be inspected for the order that you selected from the list in the lower half of the session. If the Show Figures per Order check box is cleared, this is the aggregated number of lines to be inspected for all orders of your overview.

Lines Overdue

The number of inbound order lines whose planned receipt dates have expired. If the Show Figures per Order check box is selected, this is the number of overdue lines for the order that you selected from the list in the lower half of the session. If the Show Figures per Order check box is cleared, this is the aggregated number of overdue lines for all orders of your overview.

Received Lines

The number of receipt lines that have not yet been confirmed. If the Show Figures per Order check box is selected, this is the number of receipt lines to be confirmed for the order that you selected from the list in the lower half of the session. If the Show Figures per Order check box is cleared, this is the aggregated number of receipt lines to be confirmed for all orders of your overview.

To be Put Away

The number of order lines for which inbound advice is created and that must be put away in a storage location or an inspection location, if inspections are required for the order lines. If the Show Figures per Order check box is selected, this is the number of lines to be put away for the order that you selected from the list in the lower half of the session. If the Show Figures per Order check box is cleared, this is the aggregated number of lines to be put away for all orders of your overview.

Outbound Open
Open Order Lines

The number of outbound order lines that have not yet been shipped. If the Show Figures per Order check box is selected, this is the number of open lines for the order that you selected from the list in the lower half of the session. If the Show Figures per Order check box is cleared, this is the aggregated number of open lines for all orders of your overview.

Related topics

To be Inspected Quantity

The number of outbound order lines for which outbound inspection is due. If the Show Figures per Order check box is selected, this is the number of outbound lines to be inspected for the order that you selected from the list in the lower half of the session. If the Show Figures per Order check box is cleared, this is the aggregated number of lines to be inspected for all orders of your overview.

Related topics

Open Shipment Lines

The number of open shipment lines that have not yet been confirmed. If the Show Figures per Order check box is selected, this is the number of open shipment lines for the order that you selected from the list in the lower half of the session. If the Show Figures per Order check box is cleared, this is the aggregated number of shipment lines for all orders of your overview.

Related topics

Lines Overdue

The number of outbound order lines whose planned delivery dates have expired. If the Show Figures per Order check box is selected, this is the number of overdue lines for the order that you selected from the list in the lower half of the session. If the Show Figures per Order check box is cleared, this is the aggregated number of overdue lines for all orders of your overview.

Related topics

To be Picked

The number of outbound order lines for which picking lists are generated. If the Show Figures per Order check box is selected, this is the number of lines to be picked for the order that you selected from the list in the lower half of the session. If the Show Figures per Order check box is cleared, this is the aggregated number of lines to be picked for all orders of your overview.

Pl Loads/Shipments

The number of planned loads and shipments with status Actual. If the Show Figures per Order check box is selected, this is the number of planned loads and shipments for the order that you select from the list in the lower half of the session. If the Show Figures per Order check box is cleared, this is the aggregated number of planned loads and shipments for all orders of your overview.

Open Order Lines

The number of cross-dock order lines hat have not yet been cross-docked. If the Show Figures per Order check box is selected, this is the number of open lines for the order that you selected from the list in the lower half of the session. If the Show Figures per Order check box is cleared, this is the aggregated number of open lines for all orders of your overview.

Related topics

Open Orders

The number of cross-dock orders hat have not yet been shipped. If the Show Figures per Order check box is selected, this is the number of open lines for the order that you selected from the list in the lower half of the session. If the Show Figures per Order check box is cleared, this is the aggregated number of open lines for all orders of your overview.

Related topics

Resource Requirements

The time required to process the open inbound order lines displayed in the Open Order Lines field in the Inbound Open group box. Resource requirements are based on the number of open order lines and the lead time defined for inbound processing.


The time required to process the open inbound order lines displayed in the Open Order Lines field in the Outbound Open group box. Resource requirements are based on the number of open order lines and the lead time defined for outbound processing.


The time required to process the open cross-dock order lines displayed in the Open Order Lines field in the Cross-docking group box. Resource requirements are based on the number of open cross-docking lines and the lead time defined for cross-docking.


The resource requirements aggregated from the Inbound field, the Outbound field, and the Cross-dock field.


The time unit used to express the resource requirements. You can adjust the time unit in the User Profiles (whwmd1140s000) session. On the appropriate menu, select User Profiles to access the User Profiles (whwmd1140s000) session.

Inbound Status Overview

If this check box is selected, data is present in the Inbound Line Status Overview (whinh2119m000) session for the order that you highlighted in the lower half of this session.

Shipment Notices

If this check box is selected, data is present in the Shipment Notice Lines (whinh3101m000) session for the order that you highlighted in the lower half of this session.


If this check box is selected, data is present in the Warehouse Receipt Lines (whinh3512m600) session for the order that you highlighted in the lower half of this session.


If this check box is selected, data is present in the Warehouse Inspections Overview (whinh3122m000) session for the order that you highlighted in the lower half of this session.

Inbound Advice

If this check box is selected, data is present in the Inbound Advice (whinh3525m000) session for the order that you highlighted in the lower half of this session.

Storage List

If this check box is selected, data is present in the Storage List (whinh3525m100) session for the order that you highlighted in the lower half of this session.

Cross-dock Order Lines

If this check box is selected, data is present in the Cross-dock Order Lines (whinh6110m000) session for the order that you highlighted in the lower half of this session.

Handling Unit Process

If this check box is selected, data is present in the Handling Unit Process Inbound (whinh2113m000) session for the order that you highlighted in the lower half of this session.

Outbound Status Overview

If this check box is selected, data is present in the Outbound Line Status Overview (whinh2129m000) session for the order that you highlighted in the lower half of this session.

Outbound Advice

If this check box is selected, data is present in the Outbound Advice (whinh4525m000) session for the order that you highlighted in the lower half of this session.

Cross-dock Orders

If this check box is selected, data is present in the Cross-dock Orders (whinh6100m000) session for the order that you highlighted in the lower half of this session.

Handling Unit Process

If this check box is selected, data is present in the Handling Unit Process Outbound (whinh2123m000) session for the order that you highlighted in the lower half of this session.

Picking List

If this check box is selected, data is present in the Picking List (whinh4525m100) session for the order that you highlighted in the lower half of this session.


If this check box is selected, data is present in the Warehouse Inspections Overview (whinh3122m000) session for the order that you highlighted in the lower half of this session.


If this check box is selected, data is present in the Shipment Lines (whinh4131m000) session for the order that you highlighted in the lower half of this session.

Planned Loads/Shipments

If this check box is selected, data is present in the Planned Loads/Shipments (whinh4180m000) session for the order that you highlighted in the lower half of this session.

Warehouse Order
Order Origin

The origin refers to the package that initiated the warehousing order. The Transfer origin refers to Warehousing.


The code of the warehousing order. LN uses the series specified in the Series field of the Warehousing Orders (whinh2100m000) session to generate the order number. If the warehousing order is generated for an order from a package other than Warehousing, this number corresponds to the original order number and is not based on the series specified in the Series field.

Order Set

The order set groups order lines of the same order.

The order lines are grouped if the following attributes match:

  • Ship-from partner
  • Ship-to partner
  • Ship-from address
  • Ship-to address
  • Carrier
  • Shipping date
  • Original company
Warehousing Order Type

A code that identifies the type of a warehousing order. The default warehousing procedure that you link to a warehousing order type determines how the warehousing orders to which the order type is allocated are processed in the warehouse, although you can modify the default procedure for individual warehousing orders or order lines.

Inventory Transaction Type

A classification that is used to indicate the type of inventory movement.

The following inventory transaction types are available:

  • Issue
    From warehouse to other entity than warehouse.
  • Receipt
    From other entity than warehouse to warehouse.
  • Transfer
    From one warehouse to another.
  • WIP Transfer
    From one costing work center to another.
Order Date

The date on which the warehousing order is generated or registered.

Order Group

The group of orders to which the warehousing order belongs.

You can use order groups to carry out the outbound process for each group of related warehousing orders, to save time.


If this check box is selected, the order is blocked.

Rush Order

If this check box is selected, the order is a rush order.

Return Rejected Goods

If this check box is selected, the order is used to return rejected items to the business partner.

Related topics


An organization that provides transport services. You can link a default carrier to both ship-to and ship-from business partners. In addition, you can print sales and purchase orders on a packing list, sorted by carrier.

For ordering and invoicing, you must define a carrier as a business partner.


The route that is used to ship the goods. When you generate an outbound advice, you can select all warehousing orders for a specific route to create a run.

Ship-from Address

The address from where the goods are shipped. This is the address of the entity indicated in the Ship-from Code field.

Ship-to Address

The address to which the goods must be shipped.


When you generate outbound advice, you can select all the warehousing orders for the same ship-to address to create a run.

Planned Delivery Date

The date for which delivery of a shipment is planned.

Default value

If LN determines the planned delivery date and the lead times are expressed in hours, LN takes into account the time that is available on a day according to the actual calendar. However, if the lead times are expressed in days, LN considers a day as a whole day if the actual calendar indicates that time is available on that day.

Planned Receipt Date

The date on which the goods are expected to arrive in the destination warehouse.

Default value

The default planned receipt date is calculated as follows:

Planned delivery date + transport time + calendar correction (ship-to)

LN does not take into account the transport time if the warehousing order originates from a production order.

If LN determines the planned receipt date and the lead times are expressed in hours, LN takes into account all the time that is available on a day according to the actual calendar. However, if the lead times are expressed in days, LN considers a day as a whole day if the actual calendar indicates that time is available on that day.

Graph Settings

The options to present quantities or amounts in the graph.

  • Amounts
    The total amounts of the goods involved in the transactions are presented in the graph.
  • Quantities
    The total quantities of the goods involved in the transactions are presented in the graph.
Number of Periods

The number of periods to be presented in the graph.

The maximum number of periods allowed is 12, irrespective of the selected type of period in the Period field.


The type of period to be presented in the graph.

Allowed values

Period of time

Time Line

Select Historic or Future.

Historic refers to transactions completed in the past up to the current date. Future refers to planned transactions from the past up to the farthest selected period in the future.

Transaction Type

The type of transaction to be presented in the graph.

Weight Unit

The weight unit in which the total weight of the goods involved in the transactions is to be expressed in the graph.

Volume Unit

The volume unit in which the total volume of the goods involved in the transactions is to be expressed in the graph.


The currency in which the total amount of the selected transactions is to be expressed in the graph.


Refresh Totals

Calculate the values for the fields of the Inbound Open, Outbound Open, Cross-docking, and Resource Requirements group boxes and the Workload graph.

This button is available if:

  • In the User Profiles (whwmd1140s000) session, the Calculate Totals at Runtime check box is cleared.
  • In the current session, Show Figures per Order check box is cleared.
Inventory 360

Access the Inventory 360 (whwmd4300m000) session.

Inbound Order Lines

Access the Inbound Order Lines (whinh2110m000) session.

Outbound Order Lines

Access the Outbound Order Lines (whinh2120m000) session.

Remove Warehousing Orders

Access the Remove Warehousing Orders (whinh2250m000) session.

Print Warehousing Orders

Access the Print Warehousing Orders (whinh2400m000) session.

Activities by Warehousing Order

Access the Activities by Warehousing Order (whinh2104m000) session.

Generate Outbound Advice

Access the Generate Outbound Advice (whinh4201m000) session.

Process Outbound Advice

Access the Process Outbound Advice (whinh4200m000) session.

Release Outbound Advice

Access the Release Outbound Advice (whinh4202m000) session.

Warehousing Orders History

Access the Warehousing Orders History (whinh2550m000) session.


Access the Order - Lots (whltc3502m000) session.

Planned Inventory Transactions

Access the Order - Planned Inventory Transactions (whinp1501m000) session.

Inventory Transactions

Access the Item - Warehouse - Inventory Transactions (whinr1510m000) session.

Inventory Receipt Transactions Consumption

Access the Inventory Consumptions (whina1514m000) session.

Inventory Commitment

Access the Inventory Commitments (whinp2100m000) session.

Generate Orders (KANBAN)

Access the Generate Orders (KANBAN) (whinh2200m000) session.

Generate Orders (TPOP)

Access the Generate Orders (TPOP) (whinh2201m000) session.

Order Entry

The options of this submenu provide access to various order entry sessions.

Activate Warehousing Orders

Start the Activate Warehousing Orders (whinh2203m000) session.


Access the Serial Tracking - Overview (whltc5515m000) session.

Negative Inventory Consumptions

Access the Negative Inventory Consumptions (whina1520m000) session.


Use this command to change the status of the selected order from Planned to Open. For more information, refer to Planned status for Warehousing orders and order lines


Use this command to change the status of the selected order from Open to Planned. For more information, refer to Planned status for Warehousing orders and order lines


Access the Warehousing Orders (whinh2100m000) session to view more detailed information about the order that you highlighted in the lower half of this session..

Related Order

This command is available for multi-company transfers. Use this command to view the transfer order for the related company, which enables you to view information on the items to be transferred in the related company. If you are working in the from-company, click this command to view the related order in the to-company. If you access the order in the to-company, click this command to view the related order in the from-company.

The order number of the transfer order for the related company can be different. The reason is that each company can have different number groups and series for transfer orders.

If you create a transfer order to transfer items to a warehouse in a different company, LN creates the transfer order for both the from-company and the to-company. The from-company is the issuing company and the to-company is the receiving company.


Access the dashboard session in which you can select a warehouse, business partner, project, or work center as specified in the Ship Code field.

Status Overview

Access the Inbound Line Status Overview (whinh2119m000) session.

Shipment Notices

Access the Shipment Notice Lines (whinh3101m000) session.


Access the Warehouse Receipt Lines (whinh3512m600) session.

Warehouse Inspections

Access the Warehouse Inspections Overview (whinh3122m000) session.

Inbound Advice

Access the Inbound Advice (whinh3525m000) session.

Cross-dock Order Lines

Access the Cross-dock Order Lines (whinh6110m000) session.

Handling Unit Process

Access the Handling Unit Process Inbound (whinh2113m000) session.

Status Overview

Access the Outbound Line Status Overview (whinh2129m000) session.

Outbound Advice

Access the Outbound Advice (whinh4525m000) session.

Cross-dock Orders

Access the Cross-dock Orders (whinh6100m000) session.

Picking List

Access the Picking List (whinh4525m100) session.


Access the Shipment Lines (whinh4131m000) session.

Handling Unit Process

Access the Handling Unit Process Outbound (whinh2123m000) session.

Storage List

Access the Storage List (whinh3525m100) session.

Planned Loads/Shipments

Access the Planned Loads/Shipments (whinh4180m000) session.

Generate Picking List

Access the Generate Picking List (whinh4415m000) session.

Goods Received Notes

Access the Print Goods Received Note (whinh3412m100) session.

Generate Inbound Advice

Access the Generate Inbound Advice (whinh3201m000) session.

Generate Storage List

Access the Warehouse Receipt Lines (whinh3512m600) session.

Freeze/Confirm Shipments/Loads

Access the Freeze/Confirm Shipments/Loads (whinh4275m000) session.

Open Inbound Lines Overdue

Display inbound warehousing orders that have order lines whose planned receipt dates have expired. For more information, refer to step 6 of How to create warehousing order management overviews.

Open Order Lines

Display warehousing orders that have order lines of all types. For more information, refer to step 6 of How to create warehousing order management overviews.

Planned Inbound Lines

Display warehousing orders that have inbound order lines with status Planned. For more information, refer to Planned status for Warehousing orders and order lines.

Open Outbound Lines Overdue

Display outbound warehousing orders that have order lines whose planned delivery dates have expired. For more information, refer to step 6 of How to create warehousing order management overviews.

ASN Lines to be Received

Display inbound warehousing orders that have advance shipment notice lines that must be received. For more information, refer to step 6 of How to create warehousing order management overviews.

Lines To be Inspected Inbound

Display inbound warehousing orders that have order lines due for inspection. For more information, refer to step 6 of How to create warehousing order management overviews.

Lines To be Inspected Outbound

Display outbound warehousing orders that have order lines due for inspection. For more information, refer to step 6 of How to create warehousing order management overviews.

Open Receipt Lines

Display inbound warehousing orders that have receipt lines to be confirmed. For more information, refer to 6 of How to create warehousing order management overviews.

Lines To be Putaway

Display inbound warehousing orders that have order lines due for storage or inspection. For more information, refer to step 6 of How to create warehousing order management overviews.

Planned Outbound Lines

Display warehousing orders that have outbound order lines with status Planned. For more information, refer to Planned status for Warehousing orders and order lines.

Lines To be Picked

Display outbound warehousing orders that have order lines due for picking. For more information, refer to step 6 of How to create warehousing order management overviews.

Open Shipment Lines

Display outbound warehousing orders for which open shipment lines are created. For more information, refer to step 6 of How to create warehousing order management overviews and Shipment and load status.

Planned Loads and Shipments

Display outbound warehousing orders for which planned loads and shipments with status Actual are created. For more information, refer to step 6 of How to create warehousing order management overviews and Planned Loads/Shipments (whinh4180m000).

Open Inbound Lines

Display inbound warehousing orders that have open order lines. For more information, refer to step 6 of How to create warehousing order management overviews.

Open Outbound Lines

Display outbound warehousing orders that have open order lines. For more information, refer to step 6 of How to create warehousing order management overviews.

Warehouse 360

Start the Warehouse 360 (whwmd2300m000) session.

User Profiles

Start the User Profiles (whwmd1140s000) session.

Open Cross-dock Order Lines

Use this command to view orders with open cross-dock order lines.

Open Cross-dock Orders

Use this command to view orders with associated open cross-dock orders.