Inventory Consumptions (whina1514m000)

Use this session to view which orders have consumed which receipt transactions. The receipt transaction consumption records show, for example, the value that is used for the valuation of the issued items.

LN creates a receipt transaction consumption record when an item is shipped. When a receipt transaction consumption record is created, LN updates the To be Consumed Quantity of the related receipt transaction in the Inventory Receipt Transactions (whina1512m000) session.



The raw materials, subassemblies, finished products, and tools that can be purchased, stored, manufactured, and sold.

An item can also represent a set of items handled as one kit, or which exist in multiple product variants.

You can also define nonphysical items, which are not retained in inventory but can be used to post costs or to invoice services to customers. The examples of nonphysical items:

  • Cost items (for example, electricity)
  • Service items
  • Subcontracting services
  • List items (menus/options)

A place for storing goods. For each warehouse, you can enter address data and data relating to its type.


The currency in which the item is valued.

Transaction Date

The date and time on which a transaction was processed. In case of backdating, the transaction date precedes the actual log date.

For example, you can backdate a receipt. The receipt has receipt date July 12. If you confirm the receipt on July 15, the transaction date of the receipt is July 12 and the creation date or actual log date is July 15. The financial entries for the receipt are booked on the transaction date.

LN retrieves the transaction date from the Inventory Receipt Transactions (whina1512m000) session.

Actual Log Date

The current date and time when the transaction took place. In contrast with the transaction date, the actual log date cannot be changed.

Distribution Line

The sequence number of the cost peg distribution line.


The number of the consumed receipt transaction. LN retrieves the sequence number from the Inventory Receipt Transactions (whina1512m000) session.

Inventory WIP

If this check box is selected, the value of the receipt transaction belongs to the work-in-process (WIP) inventory, that is, the value of materials, labor, and overhead that has been issued to manufacturing but has not yet produced a stockable item.

Consumption Part

The sequence number of the part of the inventory that is consumed.

Consumed Quantity

The quantity that is consumed.


The inventory unit in which the item is stored.

Consumption Date

The date on which the quantity is consumed.

Total Amount

The total amount of all effective cost components of the inventory receipt transaction consumption for the item/warehouse combination.

From the appropriate menu, start the Inventory Receipt Transaction Consumption - Cost Details (whina1515m000) session to view the amounts per effective cost component.


A number of items produced and stored together that are identified by a (lot) code. Lots identify goods.

The lot is only specified if the inventory valuation method is Lot Price (Lot).

Serial Number

The serial number of the item to which the transaction refers. The serial number is only specified if the inventory valuation method is serial pricing.


If this check box is selected, the inventory transaction constitutes rejected inventory.

Physical Transaction

If this check box is selected, the inventory transaction concerns a logistic transaction, that is, an actual inbound or outbound movement of goods.

Warehouse Valuation Group

The code of the warehouse valuation group related to the receipt transaction for the valuation method MAUC by valuation group.


This field is applicable only if the valuation is MAUC by warehouse valuation group.


The description or name of the code.


The code of the project related to the inventory receipt transaction.


This field is enabled only if project pegging is implemented.

LN allows you only link the projects that have Project PackageLinked set to Project.


The description or name of the code.

Order Company

The company of the order that initiated the inventory receipt transaction.

Type of Order

The kind of order that created the inventory transaction.


The code of the warehousing order. LN uses the series specified in the Series field of the Warehousing Orders (whinh2100m000) session to generate the order number. If the warehousing order is generated for an order from a package other than Warehousing, this number corresponds to the original order number and is not based on the series specified in the Series field.

Position Number

The position number of the order line on the order.

Sequence Number

The number that identifies a data record or a step in a sequence of activities. Sequence numbers are used in many contexts. Usually LN generates the sequence number for the next item or step. Depending on the context, you can overwrite this number.

Inventory Transaction ID

The ID code of the current inventory transaction.


The ownership of the goods of the inventory transaction.


The business partner who owns the items. If this field is not filled, your own organization owns the inventory. If the owner is not the same as the buy-from business partner, the owner is the internal business partner of another enterprise unit such as a division in another country, of your organization. If the buy-from business partner is the owner, the items are held in not-owned consignment.

Buy-from Business Partner

buy-from business partner of the goods of the inventory transaction.

Total Hours

The total number of hours for all the effective cost components of the inventory receipt transaction consumption for the item/warehouse combination. This value is defaulted from the hours specified during production of the item, when receiving to inventory.


You can view this field only if the Show Hours in Costing check box is selected in the Implemented Software Components (tccom0100s000) session.


Cost Details

Starts the Inventory Receipt Transaction - Cost Details (whina1513m000) session.