Shipment Status

  • Open

    Shipment documents cannot be printed, shipment cannot be shipped. The quantities can be changed and you can compose loads and shipments. Handling units can be generated.

  • Partially Frozen

    Shipment documents can be printed. Shipments and shipment lines can be changed. Handling units can be generated.

  • Frozen

    The shipment and shipment lines are ready for shipment. Shipment documents can be printed. Shipments and shipment lines cannot be changed. Handling units can be generated.

  • Confirmed

    The shipment and shipment lines have been shipped and are leaving the warehouse. Shipment documents can be printed if the freeze step is not included in the shipment procedures. Financial and inventory transactions are performed for the shipped items. Handling units can be generated. ASNs can be created.

  • Projected

    The initial status if the use of projected shipments is specified. The shipment and shipment lines have been created when the outbound order lines are created.