Data Upgrade Runs (ttspt2500m000)

Use this session to create and maintain data upgrade runs.


Package Combination

The package combination for which the data upgrade run will perform an upgrade.

Run Number

The run number of the data upgrade run.


The user that created the run.

Simulation Size

The maximum number of records to be processed by each upgrade program in simulation mode. If the Simulation Size is 0, all records will be processed.

Path Logfile(s)

The path where the reports generated by the upgrade programs will be stored.

Number of Servers
Use Scheduler Server to Run Upgrade Tasks
Real Run Status

The status of the run.

Possible values

CreatedThe run was created by an external process, such as a PMC Feature Pack installation.
InitializedThe detailed data about the upgrade programs has been retrieved and is stored in the Data Upgrade Tasks (ttspt220) table.
RunningThe run is busy. No failing upgrade programs have been detected yet.
Running with FailuresThe run is busy. One or more failing upgrade programs have been detected.
FailedThe run finished with failures. Some upgrade programs may not have been executed because a pre-requisite failed.
Partially completedThe run finished without failures. Not all companies in the range have been processed, or the user stopped the process.
ReleasedAll upgrade programs succeeded.


Attention Needed

If this check box is selected, the run has one or more upgrade tasks that require additional actions.

Creation Date

The date and time the run was created.

Initialization Date

The date and time the run was initialized.

First Start Date

The date and time the run was executed for the first time.

Last Failure Date

The date and time the last failure occurred during execution of the run.

Release Date

The date and time the run was finished.

Simulation Run Status

The status of the simulation run.

Attention Needed

If this check box is selected, the simulation run has one or more upgrade tasks that require additional actions.

Creation Date

The date and time the simulation run was created.

Initialization Date

The date and time the simulation run was initialized.

First Start Date

The date and time the simulation run was executed for the first time.

Last Failure Date

The date and time the last failure occurred during execution of the simulation run.

Release Date

The date and time the simulation run was finished.


Companies by Data Upgrade Run
Data Upgrade Tasks
Initialize Data Upgrade Run
Data Upgrade Engine