Customer Defined Fields (ttadv4591m000)

Use this session to define the customer defined fields.


Package Combination

The package combination for which a customer defined field must be defined.


The table for which a customer defined field must be defined.

Field Name

The name of the customer defined field. This name is used to create the column in the table.


In the data dictionary, the name is prefixed by ‘ cdf_ ’. Therefore, for example in case of field name ‘ fld1 ’ for table ‘ tdsls400 ’, the field name becomes tdsls400.cdf_fld1.

Number of Elements

If the field is an array field, specify the array depth. That is, specify the number of times the field must occur in the table with the same name and characteristics.

Array fields are not allowed for calculated fields and fields of the Text data type.

At runtime, customer defined array fields show this behavior:

  • All individual elements of an array field are added on the UI. The maximum number of elements is 99.
  • All individual elements have the same description as the customer defined field.

To suppress elements or change the description, use form personalization.

Allowed values


Default value



A customer defined field is identified by a label or a fixed description.

In case of a label, specify the label code here. The label must include the package code.


  • The label must be present in the linked package combination.
  • The label must be present in one of these packages:
    • The same package as the defined customer defined field
    • The tx package
  • The label must be of type “General”.
  • Only labels with height 1 are allowed.

For translatability we recommend that you link a label code, instead of a fixed description, to a customer defined field.


Description to identify the customer defined field.

You can only edit this field if the Label field is empty. If the Label field contains a label code, the description of the longest label present within the linked package combination is displayed. Otherwise, the actually specified (fixed) description is displayed. This description is used in the UI.

Data Type

The data type of the customer defined field.

Allowed values

Possible values

Use Existing Domain

A Customer Defined Field can either use a domain generated based on the specified settings, or an existing domain. In case of an existing domain, specify the package and domain here.

Generated Domain

When a generated domain is used for the CDF, this field shows the domain code that will be generated.

String Length

The length of the customer defined field in the database. When an existing domain is used, the value of the selected domain is shown.

You can only specify a length for fields of type String.

Display Length

The display length of the customer defined field. When an existing domain is used, the value of the selected domain is shown.

You can only specify a length for fields of type String.

Number of Digits before Decimal Point

For data type Integer, this is the maximum number of digits. For data type Numeric this is the maximum number of digits before the decimal point.

Specify this field for data types Integer and Numeric. When an existing domain is used, the value of the selected domain is shown.

Number of Digits after Decimal Point

The maximum number of digits after the decimal point.

Specify this field for data type Numeric. When an existing domain is used, the value of the selected domain is shown.

Display Format

The display format which is used in forms and reports to display the data of this CDF.

Specify this field for data type Integer, Numeric and Date. When an existing domain is used, the value of the selected domain is shown.

For data type Date, the Display Format has an effect on reports, not on sessions.


The list that contains the constants for a customer defined field of data type List.

Initial value

The default value for a data type Checkbox or List.

This table shows the possible values:

Data typePossible values

If an existing domain is used, the possible values are the checked and unchecked value defined within the Domains to be Displayed as Checkbox (ttgfd4520m000) session. The unchecked value is used as the initial default.

If a standard domain is used, the possible values are fixed: Yes and No, based on the ttyeno standard domain.

ListThe possible values are based on the selected domain or specified list code. In both cases, the first constant is used as initial default.


For all other data types the initial value is empty and not editable.

Reference Table

The related table to which the customer defined field refers (also known as parent table).


  • No support for combined fields, only single field references are allowed.
  • For fields of datatype Text, the reference data is filled automatically; the data is not editable.

The Extensibility feature can be used for adding for example a zoom option or additional fields of the reference table.

Reference Mode

Indicates whether or not the reference record must exist in the reference table.

Allowed values

MandatoryThe reference record must exist in the reference table.
Mandatory unless empty(Default) Same as Mandatory, but the reference record can be blank.


Reference Message

The message that is displayed in case no related record in the reference table exists.

Delete Check

If this check box is selected, the deletion of the parent is restricted if any child refers to the parent.

If this check box is cleared, and the parent is deleted, no check or action is performed on the child records that refer to the parent. In that case, the referential integrity of the database cannot be guaranteed.

Calculated Field

If this check box is selected, the value of the customer defined field is calculated through an expression. For information about what expression you can use, see the online help on the Expression field.


The calculated fields functionality within CDF is deprecated. We strongly recommend that you use the Application Extensibility feature instead. See the Infor LN Extensions Development Guide.


The expression to calculate the value of the customer defined field.

This field is a free string field where you can specify an expression that consists of 255 characters at most. The calculated result must match the selected data type. You can use all CDF data types to store a calculated value.

Example 1 - data type Integer

CASE WHEN tedzw103.int1 > tedzw103.int2 THEN tedzw103.int1 ELSE tedzw103.int2 END

Compares the values of two table fields and returns the highest value.

Example 2 - data type Checkbox

CASE WHEN tdsls401.pric>1000 THEN ttyeno.yes ELSE END

Fills checkbox (1=ttyeno.yes, 2= based on the value of a table field.

Example 3 - datatype String

trim(tdsls400.refa) & trim(ttdsls400.refb)

Concatenates two table string fields.


On runtime (only) the actual validation is done.

Internal Use

Indicates whether the field is for internal or external use, such as external reports.


If this check box is selected, the customer defined field is displayed in the UI.


If this check box is selected, the customer defined field is actually available on runtime.

This field is not editable and only set to ‘Yes’ after a successfully processed convert to runtime of the customer defined field.

For calculated fields a convert to runtime is required, when the field is linked to a domain that is not converted to runtime. Therefore the field is not always set to ‘Yes’ automatically.


Convert to Runtime

Starts the Convert to Runtime Data Dictionary (ttadv5215m000) session, which actualizes the specified modifications to runtime.


Starts the Print Customer Defined Fields (ttadv4491m000) session, which enables you to print the customer defined field related data.


Starts the Lists (ttadv4592m000) session, which enables you to specify lists and their constants.