Service Order Quotations (tssoc1100m000)

Use this session to list and maintain service-order quotations.


If a service order is processed from a service-order quotation, the service-order quotation cannot be closed until the service order is closed.

Only when related Service Orders are closed, the Service Order Quotation can be posted to History or deleted.


Service Order Quotation

The number used to identify the service order quotation.

When creating a new service order quotation in the details session, you select a series to assign the quotation to, and LN generates a number for the quotation.

Order Quotation Status

The quotation's current status.

This field can have the following values:

Service Order Quotation Status


The name or description of the service order quotation.

Search Argument

The quotation's search key.

Related topics

Quotation Date

The date from which the quotation is valid.

Quotation Expiry Date

Depending on its context, an expiry date can be: The last day on which a contract quotation is valid. The default expiry date for a quotation is the quotation date + effectivity period of quotations [days], as set in the Service Order Parameters (tssoc0100m000) session; The last day on which a service contract is active. After this date it becomes expired; The last day on which you can use a template for quotations or contracts. Note that the expiry date often includes the expiry time.

Quotation Text
Installation Group

The installation group for which the quotation is created.


The name or description of the Installation group.

Sold-To Business Partner

The sold-to business partner for whom the quotation is created.


This must be the same business partner who owns the quotation's installation group.


The name of the business partner for whom the quotation is created.


The business partner's address code.


The contact of the sold-to business partner.

Default value

The contact specified for the business partner in the Sold-to Business Partners (tccom4510m000) session.

First Invoice Reference

Any additional reference information about the business partner that you wish to include with this quotation.


This information is included in the quotation's print-out.

Second Invoice Reference

Any additional reference information about the business partner that you wish to include with this quotation.


This information is included in the quotation's print-out.

Service Office

The department that gives the quotation.

Default value

The (service) department of the employee, recognized by their login code, who enters the quotation in LN. The service department is linked to the employee's login code in the Employees - General (tccom0101m000) session.

  • If this field is filled and the Sold-to BP field is also filled, defaults of invoice-to and pay-by BPs are obtained.
Internal Sales Representative

The employee responsible for the service order quotation.


The sales representative must belong to the same department entered in the Service Office field.


The name of the sales representative.

Line of Business

You can use this field to classify the customer's type of business into one of the user-defined categories listed in the Lines of Business (tcmcs0131m000) session.


The name or description of the category used to classify the customer's line of business.

Sales Price List

The sales price list of the business partner.

Default value

The price list selected for the quotation's business partner, in the Sold-to Business Partners (tccom4510m000) session.

Sales Price List

The name or description of the price list.

Probability Percentage

The estimated chance, expressed as a percentage, that the quotation will be accepted by the customer and will result in a service order.

Default value: zero (0)


The reason for the success or failure of the quotation. Selected from reasons listed in the Reasons (tcmcs0105m000) session.


You can only select reasons that have the Success/Failure Reason or Rejection of Quotation reason type.


The description or name of the reason for success or failure.

Header Text

If this check box is selected, additional text relating to the header data has been created.

Related topics

Footer Text

If this check box is selected, additional text related to the footer data has been added.

Related topics

Pricing Method

The method used to determine the quotation price. The Pricing method is always Budgeted Service Cost.

Calculated Sales Amount

The calculated sales amount.

Sales Amount

The sales amount associated with the service quotation.

Cost Amount

The cost amount associated with the service quotation expressed in your company's currency.

Cost Amount

The currency in which the cost amount is calculated.

Gross Margin

The gross margin of either profit or loss.

Business Partner

If you generate a service order from the service order quotation, this is the code of the business partner who will be invoiced for the service order's costs.


This field must be filled in when processing the quotation to a service order.


The name of the business partner who is invoiced for the costs of any service order generated from this service order quotation.


The address code of the invoice-to business partner.


The contact of the invoice-to business partner.

Default value

The contact specified for the business partner in the Invoice-to Business Partners (tccom4512m000) session.

Payment Terms

The payment terms for the costs of a service order generated from this quotation.


The description of the payment terms.

Late Payment Surcharge

The late payment surcharge for a service order generated from this quotation.


The description of the late payment surcharge.

Invoice Text

If this check box is selected, a text related to invoicing has been created.

Calc. Sales Amount

The currency in which the quotation's amounts are expressed.


The default value is the currency of the quotation's invoice-to business partner.

Exchange Rate Type

A way of grouping currency exchange rates. You can assign different currency exchange rates to different invoice-to business partners and/or to different types of transactions(purchase, sales and so on).


The description of the exchange rate type.

Rate/Rate Factor

The defined currency rate.

Rate Determiner

The method used to fix the currency rates for a service order quotation's costs, when they are expressed in a currency that differs from your company's home currency.

Tax Country

The country in which you must pay/report the value-added tax (VAT). The tax country can be different from the country where services or goods are delivered.

Default value

If the tax code is taken from the location address, the country of the location address. Otherwise, the country of the sold-to BP address.


The name of the country.

Tax Code

The tax code for the tax country.

How LN determines the default tax code:

If the Destination Sales Tax is applicable, the tax rules will be consulted based on:

  • Sold-to business partner.
  • Location address.

If no tax code is found, the tax rules will be consulted again based on:

  • Sold-to business partner.
  • Sold-to-address.

If no tax code is found or if the Destination Sales Tax is not applicable, the tax code as specified for the related service department will be used.

  • Only tax codes listed in the Tax Codes by Country (tcmcs0536m000) session for the country you selected in the Tax Country field are allowed.
Tax Exemption Certificate

The tax exemption certificate number.

Tax Exemption Reason

The reason why the sold-to-business partner or your company is exempt from sales tax.

You can link a text to the reason code for a purchase tax exemption for a tax code and country combination in the Tax Exemptions for Purchase (tcmcs1560m000) session. Infor LN prints the text on orders and invoices. You can link several tax exempt reasons, each with unique texts, to a single tax code by country combination.

If you use a tax provider, you must define tax exemption reasons. Infor LN prints the exempt reasons on the sales invoices.

Business Partner

The pay-by business partner who meets the costs of a service order generated from this quotation.


The name of the business partner.


The address code of the pay-by business partner.


The contact of the pay-by business partner.

Default value

The contact specified for the business partner in the Pay-by Business Partners (tccom4514m000) session.

Service Department

The service department that carries out the service order generated from this service order quotation.


The name of the service department.

Labor Rate Code

The labor rate of the activities planned in the service order quotation.

Service Order

The service order number that was processed from this service order quotation.


The expected duration of the service order quotation's planned activities. Enter a duration equal to or greater than the longest reference activity that you specify on the service-order quotation's configuration lines.

  • After you specify the reference activities, click Recalculate Activity Duration to update the estimated value you entered with the total duration of all specified reference activities.
  • If the expected duration is shorter than the longest reference activity that you specify, you will not be able to print the service-order quotation to an external document, and hence not update its status from Free to Printed.
Recalculate Activity Duration

The unit used to express the duration.


If this check box is selected, and the quotation is processed to a service order, it is permissible for the service order activities to be carried out during overtime hours.

If this check box is cleared, and the quotation is processed to a service order, the service order activities cannot be carried out during overtime hours.

Start Time

The planned start time of the service order quotation's activities.


This field must be filled. The Start Time cannot be before the Quotation Date. The current date is the default value.

Finish Time

The planned finish time of the service order quotation's activities.


This field must be filled. The current date is the default value default.


If this check box is selected, an appointment has been fixed.

Business Partner

The ship-to business partner that receives goods required by a service order (generated from the quotation).


The name of the ship-to business partner.


The address code of the ship-to business partner.


The contact of the ship-to business partner. The default value is the contact specified for the business partner in the Ship-to Business Partner (tccom4111s000) session (zoomed to via the Ship-to Business Partners by Sold-to Business Partner (tccom4117m000) session).

Delivery Terms

The delivery terms as retrieved from the Delivery Terms (tcmcs0141m000) session.

Delivery terms is used as an informative field that can be sent to the Warehousing Package for the Shipment / Receipt related agreements made between Supplier and Customer.

  • This field is enabled for all the service orders with the status Free.

The description or name of the code.

Point of Title Passage

The point of title passage as retrieved from the Points of Title Passage (tcmcs0142m000) session.

Point of Title Passage signifies the point of location at which the transition of responsibility of a consignment changes from the Supplier to the Customer. In Service it is the service company and the customer.

  • This field is enabled for all the service orders with the status Free.

The description or name of the code.


If the service order quotation is prompted by a call logged in the Calls (tsclm1500m000) session, the call's identification number is given in this field.


The call's description.


The (code of the) call's expected problem.


A brief description of the problem.


The (code of the) expected solution to the call's problem.


A brief description of the solution.


Configuration Lines

Use this option to view or maintain the associated configuration lines.

Coverage Terms

Use this option to view or maintain the associated coverage terms. This option is enabled once the Configuration Line is entered.


Use this option to view the total costs for each cost type.


Use this option to process the Service Order quotation to a Service Order.

Copy Service Order Quotations to History

Starts the Copy Service Order Quotations to History (tssoc1205m000) session.

Determine Start

Calculates the execution start date based on the execution end date. An appropriate calculation can only be performed if you have defined the activity duration and the availability by calendar.

Determine Finish

Calculates the execution finish date based on the execution start date. An appropriate calculation can only be performed if you have defined the activity duration and the availability by calendar.

Recalculate Activity Duration

Sums up the Reference Activity duration mentioned in the Configuration Lines and updates the Duration field on the Service Order Quotation header.

Print Service Order Quotation Documents

Prints the service order quotation documents.

Print Service Order Quotations

Prints the service order quotation.


Starts the Call (tsclm1100m000) session. Use this session to view the originating call details.