Handling Serialized Items (Sales Prices/Costs on Invoice Lines and Cost Lines)

Cost Lines
  • Sales Price

    When sales price agreements are defined for a pricing contract and the cost line is linked to the service order header, the pricing contract must be checked.

    The (serialized) item on the service order header must be considered when:

    • (re-)pricing is performed for a labor cost line and
    • calculating the travel distance that impacts the sales price.

    If a cost line, which is linked to the service order header, is released to Invoicing the (serialized) item of the header, is displayed on the billable line.

  • Coverage

    If the (serialized) item; warranty type or warranty, is modified on the service order header, the cost line coverage must be recalculated for the lines that are linked to the service order header.

    The serialized item; warranty type and warranty must be considered, when (re)calculating the cost coverage line.

    The warranty transaction is logged when committing all the warranty coverage allocations that are based on the warranty, defined for the service order header.

    Note When creating or updating inspections, cost coverage is recalculated.

Service Order Fixed Prices

Sales Prices

If the invoice lines related to the service order header are costed, the (serialized) item on the service order header must be considered when releasing the invoice lines to Central Invoicing.


The Tools can be refurbished, using an internal service order, that includes multiple activities (defined in the maintenance scenario defined for the tool).

If the serialized item of a service order is of type Tool, tool requirements are created and planned in the Tool Requirement Planning (TRP).

If the user releases a service order, the status of the Tool is set to ‘In Refurbishing’.

If the user completes or costs a released service order, the tools data, such as refurbishing point; number of time refurbished and the actual usage after refurbishment, is updated. The status is reset to ‘Available’.

If the user cancels the service order, the status of the tool is reset to ‘Available’.

When checking the availability of the tools in Tools Requirement Planning, the service order header must be checked to determine if the tool is planned for refurbishing or if service orders are already present for refurbishing.


If the Travel Planning Method is set to Order Based in the Service Orders (tssoc2100m000) session, the item and serial number are considered when defaulting the Travel Distance and Travel Duration fields, on the Service Orders (tssoc2100m000) session.

The (serialized) item data must be considered when:

  • creating estimated travel cost lines (manually or when planning the service order)
  • recalculation of travel cost lines or when planning the order (setting order status to Planned)
  • checking if a call out charge is applicable when handling travel cost lines: getting the description of the travel line; updating the total travel line; equating actual travel lines with the estimated travel lines).
  • checking if sales price is populated on a travel line (when creating; generating or updating a travel line).
Service Order Header / Activity Line Synchronization

When you change the (serialized) item; the generic warranty data or the coverage time specified on the service order header, this data can be synchronized with the service order activities.

When the user save the data after modification, in the service order header session, the Service Order - Lines - Synchronization (tssoc0280m000) session is started, wherein the user can select the data to be synchronized.

If the (serialized) item; generic warranty data or coverage time on the service order activity are synchronized, the coverage contract data and the pricing contract data of the service order activity, are updated accordingly.

Generate Supplier Claim Requests from Service Orders

When generating a supplier claim request for a cost line linked to the service order header, the serialized item of the supplier claim header is populated with the serialized item from the service order header.

A new supplier claim header is created based on the grouping criteria and the existence of supplier claims for the data, used as grouping criteria. If a new supplier claim header has to be created, the installation group and the serialized item of the service order header are defined for the supplier claim header.