Employees - Service (tsmdm1140m000)

Use this session to list and maintain details of service employees.

In the details session, service employees selected from the Employees - General (tccom0101m000) session, can be linked to a service area and a service car, and have their planning details (supervisor, maximum daily overtime, labor costs) and paging information listed.

On the appropriate menu you can start the following sessions:

  • Service Employee - Skills (tsmdm1135m000)- Use this session to list the skills of a selected service employee.
  • Service Employees by Supervisor (tsmdm1543m000)- Use this session to display the list of employees to whom the selected employee is the supervisor of.
  • Service Area - Service Employees (tsmdm1542m000)- Use this session to display a list of service employees who work in the same service area.


Service Employee

Person(s) working for the service department.


Only employees whose departments are defined as service centers, are allowed.

Service Department

The code of the service department that the service employee works for.

Service Department

The name or description of the service department.

Service Area

The code of the service area that the service employee works in.

Related topics

Service Area

The name or description of the service area.

Service Car

The service car that the employee uses to carry out field service.

Service Car

The name or description of the service car.


The code of the service employee's supervisor.

Selected from the Employees - Service (tsmdm1140m000) session.


Avoid looping: an employee cannot be the supervisor of his own supervisor.


The name of the service employee's supervisor.

Update CRM Appointments with Service Assignments

If this check box is selected, CRM Appointments are created and updated for the assignments assigned to the current service employee. Infor LN synchronize the new and changed engineer assignments to CRM appointments.


This field is visible only if the Create CRM Appointments for Service Assignments check box is selected in the Resource Management Parameters (tcrac0100m000) session.

Maximum Overtime per Day

The maximum number of extra hours (that is, outside normal hours) the service employee can work per day.


Normal working hours are specified by the calendar code selected for the employee in the Employees - General (tccom0101m000) session.

Sales Rate

The rate the customer is charged for any overtime work done by the service employee (outside normal working hours).

Labor Rate Code

The labor rate of the service employee.

Cost Rate

The overtime rate of the service employee.

Cost Rate

The monetary unit in which the standard cost is expressed.

Sales Rate

The monetary unit in which the sales price is expressed.

Pager / Phone Enabled

If this check box is selected, the pager is enabled.

If this check box is cleared, the pager is inactive.


The service engineer's current assignment.


The description of the assignment.


Enter additional text as required.

Last Transaction Date

The date and time when this information was last modified.