Call History (tsclm8520m000)

Use this session to display current and history (deleted) calls.


For more information, refer to the Call (tsclm1100m000) session.


Call Number

The code that identifies the call. This code is used for internal reference, and for immediate contact purposes.


The call's description.


The status of the call.

Sold-to BP

The code of the sold-to business partner that made the call.


If this field is filled in, the call is for an external customer. Otherwise, the call is handled for an internal customer.

Reaction Time

The time by which the call center must react to a customer's call.

Reported Problem

The reported problem. Selected from the Problems (tsclm3130m000) session.


The real problem as determined by the service/support engineer.

Installation Group

The installation group that the item for which the call is raised belongs to.

Installation Group

A description of the installation group that the call relates to.


The code of the item to which the call relates.

Serial Number

The serial number of the item to which the call relates.

Sold-to business partner Call Number

The number that the sold-to business partner gives to the call.


If this check box is selected, the call is considered an emergency.


If this check box is selected, the call has been put on hold by the user, who can be the call-taker, support engineer, or service engineer, to allow more time to solve the call.


If this check box is selected, the call has been blocked for reasons specified in the Call Parameters (tsclm0100m000) session.

Bad Fix

If this check box is selected, the call is considered a bad fix.

Actual Priority

The priority that is given to a call in the Call (tsclm1100m000) session.

The priority is determined by comparing the calculated initial time left to solve a call, with the corresponding solution time defined in the Priority Time Scale (tsclm0124m000) session.

Related topics

Problem Priority

The priority given to the call, based on the nature of the call's problem. The call-taker chooses the priority value from a range of values in the Priorities (tcmcs0170m000) session.

Sold-to BPPriority

The priority assigned to a business partner in the Sold-to Business Partner (tccom4110s000) session.


If, in the Call Parameters (tsclm0100m000) session, the Use Priorities in Reaction Time Calculation check box is selected, the business partner priority is used to calculate the call's priority factor.


The priority assigned to an item based on the installation group the item belongs to. You select the Installation group's priority in the Installation Groups (tsbsc1100m000) session.


If, in the Call Parameters (tsclm0100m000) session, the Use Priorities in Reaction Time Calculation check box is selected, the item priority is used to calculate the call's priority factor.

Follow-up Call

The call number of a call which follows from the present one.

Parent Call

The call from which the current call has been derived.


The code of the support department assigned to solve the call.

Support Engineer

The code of the support engineer to whom the call has been assigned.

The name of the support engineer to whom the call has been assigned by the call-taker.

Service Order

The number of the service order if the call is transferred to Service Order Control.


The code of the service department assigned to solve the call.

Service Order Quotation

The service order quotation number linked to the call.

Maintenance Sales Order

The number of the maintenance sales order if the call is transferred to Maintenance Sales Control.


The business partner with whom an agreement is signed to provide the subcontracting service, also known as the buy-from business partner.


All Calls

Use this command to view all the calls.

Delete Call History

Use this command to delete Call History. This command starts the Delete Call History (tsclm8210m000) session.

Current Calls

Use this command to view all current calls.

History Calls

Use this command to view calls that are present only in History and not present in calls.

History - Calls By

Use this command to view calls based on:

Blocking Reason

Use this command to view the blocking reason for a call. This option is however applicable only to call that are blocked.

Transaction Log

Use this command to view the transactions that have taken place for the call.

Invoice Details

Use this command to view the invoice details of a call.