Call Overview (tsclm1509m000)

Use this session to:

  • Register new calls.
  • Maintain and display existing calls, including summarized general, diagnosis, priority, and routing data.

The related details session is the Call (tsclm1100m000).

Use the following options to view the related orders within the service package and the related orders originating from the packages such as Purchase, Manufacturing and Warehouse:

  • Related To:
    Starts the Graphical Browser Framework that displays the orders which originate from the current order.
  • Related From:
    Starts the Graphical Browser Framework that displays the orders that originate from the specific order.

Graphical Browser Framework allows you to view Multi level relations of the orders. You can view the details using the following options:

  • View Details:
    Use this option to view the details of the related order.
  • Reverse Tree:
    Use this option to start the Graphical Browser Framework in reverse mode starting from the order you select. For example, if you open Graphical Browser Framework in Related To mode, you can use the reverse option to view the orders in the Related From mode.


Call Number

The code that identifies the call. This code is used for internal reference, and for immediate contact purposes.


The status of the call.

Allowed values

Call Status

Reported Time

The date and time when a call was received and registered.

Sold-to BP

The sold-to business partner that made the call.


If this field is filled in, the call is for an external customer. Otherwise, the call is handled for an internal customer.

Sold-to BP

The name of the sold-to business partner (customer) for whom the call is being handled. If this field is filled in then the call is for an external business partner, otherwise it is for internal purposes.

Installation group

The installation group that the item for which the call is raised belongs to.


The code of the item to which the call relates.

Serial Number

The serial number of the item to which the call relates.


The code that identifies the call group category.

Call Group1

The name or description of the call group category.


The code that identifies the subordinate call group category.

Reported Problem

The reported problem. Selected from the Problems (tsclm3130m000) session.

Reported Problem

The description of the reported problem.

Expected Problem

The problem as assessed and classified by the support engineer.


The solution to the expected problem as determined by the support engineer.


The real problem as determined by the service/support engineer.


The definitive solution as determined by the service/support engineer, which solved the actual problem.

Actual Time Left

The time left to solve the call.


To update this field, on the appropriate menu, choose Update Actual Time Left.

Reaction Time

The time by which the call center must react to a customer's call.

Latest Solution Start Time

The time by which the support engineer must start solving the call.

Latest Solution Finish Time

The time by which the support engineer must finish solving the call.


If this check box is selected, the call has been put on hold by the user, who can be the call-taker, support engineer, or service engineer, to allow more time to solve the call.


If this check box is selected, the call has been blocked for reasons specified in the Call Parameters (tsclm0100m000) session.


If this check box is selected, the call is considered an emergency.

Actual Priority

The priority that is given to a call in the Call (tsclm1100m000) session.

The priority is determined by comparing the calculated initial time left to solve a call, with the corresponding solution time defined in the Priority Time Scale (tsclm0124m000) session.

Related topics

Problem Priority

The priority given to the call, based on the nature of the call's problem. The call-taker chooses the priority value from a range of values in the Priorities (tcmcs0170m000) session.

Sold-to BPPriority

The priority assigned to a business partner in the Sold-to Business Partner (tccom4110s000) session.


If, in the Call Parameters (tsclm0100m000) session, the Use Priorities in Reaction Time Calculation check box is selected, the business partner priority is used to calculate the call's priority factor.


The priority assigned to an item based on the installation group the item belongs to. You select the Installation group's priority in the Installation Groups (tsbsc1100m000) session.


If, in the Call Parameters (tsclm0100m000) session, the Use Priorities in Reaction Time Calculation check box is selected, the item priority is used to calculate the call's priority factor.

Bad FixPriority

The priority assigned to a bad fix.


If, in the Call Parameters (tsclm0100m000) session, the Use Priorities in Reaction Time Calculation check box is selected, the bad fix priority is used to calculate the call's priority factor.

Support Department

The code of the support department assigned to solve the call.

Support Department

The name of the service department assigned to solve the call.

Service Order Quotation

The service order quotation number which is linked to the call. To create a service order quotation, click Create Quotation in the Call (tsclm1100m000) session.

Support Engineer

The code of the support engineer to whom the call has been assigned.

Support Engineer

The name of the support engineer to whom the call has been assigned by the call-taker.

Related Service Order

The number of the service order if the call is transferred to Service Order Control.

Service Department

The code of the service department assigned to solve the call.

Maintenance Sales Order

The number of the maintenance sales order if the call is transferred to Maintenance Sales Control.


The business partner with whom an agreement is signed to provide the subcontracting service, also known as the buy-from business partner.

Coverage Contract

If this check box is selected, a valid coverage contract is linked to the call.


This is a display field.

Coverage Contract

The code of the coverage contract that is linked to the call.

Pricing Contract

If this check box is selected, a valid service pricing contract is linked to the call.


This is a display field.

This field is visible only if the Use Prices in Service Contracts check box is selected in the Contract Management Parameters (tsctm0100m000) sessions.

Pricing Contract

The pricing contract linked to the call.


Update Actual Time Left

Use this command to Update the actual time left to complete the execution of a call.

Blocking Reason

Starts the Blocking Reasons (tsmdm1101m000) session.

Go To

Use this command to view the Parent or Follow-up call.

Follow-up Call

Use this command to view the follow-up call associate with the call.

Parent Call

Use this command to view the parent call associate with the call.

Create Follow-up Call

Use this command to create a Follow up call.

Accept Calls

Use this command to accept a call. This command starts the Accept Calls (tsclm1230m000) session.

Delete Accepted Calls

Use this command to delete a call. This commands starts the Delete Accepted Calls (tsclm1240m000) session.

Escalated Calls

Use this command to view the escalated calls.

Deferred Emergency Calls

Use this command to view the deferred emergency calls.

Open Calls

Use this command to select calls.

Blocked Calls

You can use this option to display the calls that are blocked.

Waiting Calls

You can use this option to display the calls that are waiting.

Invoice Details

Use this command to view the invoice details pertaining to the call. This command starts the Call Invoicing (tsclm1105s000) session.

Transaction Log

Use this command to view the transaction log of the call. This command starts the Call Transaction Log (tsclm8580m000) session.

History Calls

Use this command to view Call History. This command starts the Call History (tsclm8520m000) session.

Related Orders To

Starts the Graphical Browser Framework that displays the orders which originate from the current order.

Related Orders From

Starts the Graphical Browser Framework that displays the orders from which the current order originates from.