Physical Breakdowns (tscfg2110m000)

Use this session to maintain physical breakdowns. A physical breakdown is defined for an Installation, and enables you to view the configuration's build-up structure and as-maintained structure.

Only the serialized items that are currently installed in the configuration or Installment, are displayed in the physical breakdown. You can view the removed serialized items in the Physical Breakdown Log (tscfg2515m000) session.



Parent Item

The item code of the parent serialized item.


The parent serialized item cannot be a lot item.

Serial Number

The serial number of the parent serialized item.


The description or name of the parent serialized item.


The identification of any revisions of serialized items.

Installation Group

The code of the installation group to which the parent serialized item (and therefore, all of its child items) belongs.


The description or name of the code.


The name of the business partner who owns the parent and child serialized items.


The position number of the child item or child component in the physical breakdown of the parent item.

Related topics

Parent Item Picture

The serialized item picture, defaulted from the Serialized Items (tscfg2100m000) session. If the picture is not available in the Serialized Items (tscfg2100m000) session, the picture is defaulted from the Items (tcibd0501m000) session.


If you access the details of a particular line, the picture of the serialized child items is displayed. If the picture is not present in the Serialized Items (tscfg2100m000) session, the serialized child item picture is defaulted from the Items (tcibd0501m000) session.


The item code of the child item.

Serial Number

The serial number of the child serialized item. This number can be the serial number of a lot item.

  • A child serialized-item can occur only once in the breakdown.
  • The child serialized item and the parent serialized item cannot be the same in one physical breakdown.
  • The Status field is disabled if the serial number is not entered.

The description or name of the child item.


The identification of any revisions of serialized items.


The quantity of the child item in the physical breakdown of the parent item.


If the serial number is filled, this field displays 1 (one) and is disabled.


The unit used to express the quantity of the child item.

Functional Element

The functional element group that the child item belongs to.

  • Functional elements can only be defined if the Functional Elements Active check box in the General Service Parameters (tsmdm0100m000) session is selected.
  • You cannot change the functional element in a physical breakdown.
  • A parent item and child item combination can only belong to one functional element.
Reference Designator

Reference Designator


The description or name of the code. This can be, for example, a code that expresses the location where you must mount a component item.

Structure Type

The type of physical breakdown structure defined for the item. LN does not allow you to install an item with Structure Type set to Structure as a child of a physical item.

Allowed values

Structure Type


This field is visible only if the Structure Type Usage check box is selected in the Configuration Management Parameters (tscfg0100m000).


The Status of the (serialized) item in the physical breakdown.


The status cannot be changed manually.

Status Start Time

The date on which the status was set or last changed.


Clear Dummy Serial Field

Clears the Dummy Serial Number field for the item and its physical breakdown structure.

Create Physical Breakdown

Starts the Physical Breakdowns (tscfg2110m000) session.

From As-built Structure...

You can create a physical breakdown structure from an as-built structure.

From Item Breakdown...

You can create a physical breakdown structure from an item breakdown.

Create Physical Breakdown Structure from ASCII-File

You can create a physical breakdown structure from an ASCII file.

Copy Project Breakdown Structure

You can create a physical breakdown structure from a project-breakdown structure.


Starts the Change Physical Breakdown (tscfg2220m000) session. You can replace the item in this session.


Starts the Change Physical Breakdown (tscfg2220m000) session. You can install the item in this session.


Starts the Change Physical Breakdown (tscfg2220m000) session. You can remove the item in this session.

Level Up

Displays the parent item one level up.

If the current parent item is the item on the highest level in the breakdown, this command is disabled.

Level Down

Displays the components of a child item in the current breakdown.

You must first select a line in the breakdown to enable this command.

View Tree

Displays the structure of the selected physical breakdown in a graphical way.

View Log

Displays the physical breakdown logs.

Item Details

Displays the details of the serialized items.

View Alternate Items

Displays alternate items.

Delete Physical Breakdown

Deletes the physical breakdown.