Serialized Item 360 (tscfg2100m100)

Use this session to, have a complete visibility into serialized items used across the LN Service module. Visibility into a product life cycle of any serialized item enables you to understand efficiently the behavior and even plan actions/maintenance.


This session is visible only if the Use Diagnostics check box is selected in the General Service Parameters (tsmdm0100m000) session.


The Replace Serial Number command that starts the Replace Serial Number (tscfg2210m800) session allows you to replace the old serial number with the new serial number, is displayed only when you select the Configuration Status Usage checkbox in the Configuration Management Parameters (tscfg0100m000) session.

How to use the Serialized Item 360 (tscfg2100m100) session

Select serialized item from the serialized item list. The serialized item details, such as the functional element, life cycle, service area, warranty type and so on, appear in the boxes at top of the session.

To view the serialized item details, double-click the serialized item line in the list.

You can click the following links, or click the corresponding commands on the appropriate menu:


Service Orders

Infor LN selects this check box to indicate that service order data is available for the selected serialized item.


The description or name of the code.

Life Cycle

The life cycle of the item.

Life Cycle

The unit in which the life cycle of the item is expressed.


The description or name of the code.

Maintenance Cycle

The period after which the item requires maintenance.

  • Maintenance Cycle is applicable to items or serialized items.
  • The maintenance cycle is always equal to or less than the item's life cycle.
Maintenance Cycle

The unit in which the maintenance cycle of the item is defined.


The description or name of the code.

Location Controlled

If this check box is selected, locations are defined for the warehouse.

Actual Unit Cost

The item's standard unit cost includes material costs, operation costs, and unit cost surcharges.

Unit Cost

The code of the currency used to calculate the service price for the item.


The description or name of the code.

Service Area

The code of service area in which the configurations of this Installation group are located.


The description or name of the code.

Warranty Type

The type of warranty attached for a particular item.

The warranty types include the following:

  • Supplier Warranty
  • Own/ Dealer's Warranty
  • Non Specific Warranty
Serialized ( Item - General )

If this check box is selected, occurrences of the item are serialized items. LN generates the serial numbers by using a mask. You can also enter the serial numbers manually.


The item or item code part of a serialized item.


The serialized item picture, defaulted from the Serialized Items (tscfg2100m000) session. If the picture is not present in the Serialized Items (tscfg2100m000) session, the picture is defaulted from the Items (tcibd0501m000) session.

Serial Number

The serial number of the serialized item.


The description or name of the code.

Search Argument

The search key defined for the item.

Alternate Serial Number

If business partners use their own serial numbers as an alternative to the item's manufacturer's one, the business partner's alternative appears in this field.


In the Configuration Management Parameters (tscfg0100m000) session, the Display by Alternate Serial Numbers check box determines how LN searches for the serialized items.

Installation group

The code that identifies the installation group, to which serialized item belongs.

This field is filled in automatically in the following cases:

  • If you link the serialized item to an Installation group in the Installations (tsbsc1110m000) session.
  • If you link the serialized item to a physical breakdown of which the top serialized item is already linked to an installation group.

If you link a serialized item (that has a physical breakdown) to an Installation group, LN links all the serialized items in the physical breakdown to the same Installation group.

Creation Time

The time when the serialized item data is created into LN.


The sold-to business partner who owns the serialized item.

  • If you link the top serialized item in a physical breakdown to an Installation group, LN enters the sold-to business partner of the installation group in this field and disables the field.
  • The serialized items related to the top serialized item have the same sold-to business partner.
  • If the Installation group that the top serialized item is linked to has its Ownership Department field populated (in the Installation Groups (tsbsc1100m000) dynamic session), this field will be empty and unavailable. To enable this field, clear the Ownership Department field in the Installation Groups (tsbsc1100m000) session.
Serialized Item Group

The serialized-item group that the serialized item can be classified into.

Warranty Template

The warranty, if any, that applies to the serialized item.

Default value

The warranty that is linked to the service item.


The status of the serialized item's physical breakdown structure.

Related topics

Structure Type

The type of physical breakdown structure defined for the serialized item.

Allowed values

Structure Type

  • This field is visible only if the Structure Type Usage check box is selected in the Configuration Management Parameters (tscfg0100m000) session.
  • The value in this field is set to Structure if the Item is not defined in the Items - Service (tsmdm2100m000) and the Items (tcibd0501m000) sessions.
Physical Top

Indicates that the item is a physical top item. LN selects this check box if the item is the parent of other physical items, but has no physical parents. The physical top can be different from the actual top, when the actual top is a structure.


This field is visible only if the Structure Type Usage check box is selected in the Configuration Management Parameters (tscfg0100m000) session.

Non-Conformance Report

If a check mark is displayed, data is available in the linked session.

Top Item

The item code of the highest-level serialized item in the physical-breakdown structure, to which this serialized item belongs.

  • The top serialized item is displayed in this field after its status is set to Active.
  • Each time the physical breakdown is changed, the top serialized item is updated.
Top Serial Number

The serial number of the topmost serialized item in this item's physical breakdown.

Service Department

The service department that usually carries out the activities on the serialized item.

Default value

If the serialized item is part of an installation group, the default service department for the item will be the one assigned to the Installation group in the Installation Groups (tsbsc1100m000) session.

Preferred Engineer Field Service

The service engineer preferred to perform the maintenance for the serialized item. Infor LN defaults this value for the related service orders and service order activities.


This field is applicable only if the Field Service check box is selected in the General Service Parameters (tsmdm0100m000) session.

Preferred Engineer Depot Repair

The service engineer preferred to perform the maintenance for the serialized item. Infor LN defaults this value for the related work orders and work order activities.


This field is applicable if:

  • The Depot Repair check box is selected in the General Service Parameters (tsmdm0100m000) session.
  • The Use Assignments in Work Orders check box is selected in the Work Order Parameters (tswcs0100m000) session.
Ship-from Business Partner

The business partner who carries out the subcontracted service or maintenance work for the item. If the subcontractor (buy-from BP) has several branches, the ship-from BP's branch carries out the subcontracting work.

Technical Contact

The person at the customer's site who is responsible for technical correspondence regarding the serialized item.

Location Address

The (code of the) address where the serialized item is located.

Originating Order

The type of order from which the serialized item is created.

Originating Order Line

The type of order line from which the serialized item is created.

Serialized Item Warranty Terms

If this check box is selected, warranty coverage is defined for the serialized item. If this check box is cleared, you can define generic warranty for the item.

Generic Warranty

The code of the generic warranty.


This field is applicable only if the Serialized Item Warranty Terms check box is not selected.


The description or name of the code.

Supplier Warranty Template

The code of the supplier warranty template.


The description or name of the code.


Dummy Serials Excluded

Filters out the dummy serial numbers. The option is selected by default and therefore the dummy serial numbers are not displayed.

Clear Dummy Serial Field

Clears the Dummy Serial Number field for the item and its physical breakdown structure.

Service Order Activities

Starts the Service Order Activities (tssoc2110m000) session. Use this session to view and maintain the activities of a selected service order. You can view the service order activity carried out for the selected item.

Service Order Activities - History

Starts the Service Order Activities History (tssoc8552m000) session. Use this session to view the history data of the service-order activity lines.

Service Order Material Lines

Starts the Service Order Actual Material Costs (tssoc2121m000) session. Use this session to create, view, and maintain the actual material costs of a service order. You can view the serialized item required for the service order.

Work Orders

Starts the Work Orders (tswcs2100m000) session. Use this session to maintain work orders. You can view the details of the serialized item on which maintenance is carried out.

Work Orders - History

Starts the Work Order History (tswcs8520m000) session. Use this session to display the history data of work orders.

Work Order Material Lines

Starts the Work Order Material Resources (tswcs4110m000) session. Use this session to add material resources to a work order or to a work order activity. You can view the serialized item that are required to carry out the work order. You can also enter a disassembled item. You can enter an item or a serialized item.

Work Order Material Lines - History

Starts the Work Order Material Resource History (tswcs8541m000) session. Use this session to display the history data of work order material resources.

Service Contract Lines

Starts the Contract Configuration Lines (tsctm1110m300) session. Use this session to maintain the configuration that is covered by the service contract.

Contract Quotation Lines

Starts the Contract Quotation Configuration Lines - History (tsctm8520m100) session. Use this session to maintain the history of the configuration covered by the service-contract quotation.

Maintenance Sales Order Lines

Starts the Maintenance Sales Orders (tsmsc1100m000) session. Use this session to create or modify maintenance sales order lines.

Maintenance Sales Order Lines - History

Starts the Maintenance Sales Order History (tsmsc8100m000) session. Use this session to display the history data of the maintenance sales orders.

Field Change Order Lines

Starts the Field Change Order Lines (tssoc5110m000) session. You can use this session to create, maintain, or view the FCO lines for a selected field change order (FCO).

Call History

Starts the Call History (tsclm8520m000) session.

Service Item Details

Starts the Items - Service (tsmdm2100m000) session. Use this session to define default service values for items.

Service Orders

Starts the Service Orders (tssoc2100m000) session, Use this session to view and maintain the service orders.

Print Serialized Items

Starts the Print Serialized Items (tscfg2400m000) session. Use this session to print the serialized items.

Create Call

Starts the Call (tsclm1100m000) session. Use this session to register new calls and to maintain call details, including general data, business partner data, routing data, and diagnosis data.

Create Service Order

Starts the Service Order Activity (tssoc2110m100) session. Use this session to view and modify the service order and service order activity created for the selected serialized item.

Create Work Order

Starts the Work Order (tswcs2100m100) session. Use this session to view, maintain and create work orders.

Production BOM

Starts the Bill of Material (tibom1110m000) session. Use this session to define a bill of material (BOM) (BOM) for manufactured items or purchased items.

Physical Breakdown Log

Starts the Physical Breakdown Log (tscfg2515m000) session. Use this session to display the installations and/or removals of child items to/from a serialized item's physical breakdown.

Physical Breakdown

Starts the Physical Breakdowns (tscfg2110m000) session.

Update Engineer and Location Address...

Starts the Update Engineer and Location Address (tscfg2700m000) session. Use this session to replace or update an engineer with a new engineer. This session also can be used to replace or update a location address.

Serial Tracking - Overview

Starts the Serial Tracking - Overview (whltc5515m000) session.

Delete Physical Breakdown

Starts the Delete Physical Breakdown (tscfg2210m600) session. Use this session to delete either an entire physical breakdown, or specific parts from a physical breakdown.

Service Resolution - Probability Analysis
Change Ownership

Starts the Change Ownership of Serialized Item (tscfg2205m000) session. Use this session to change the ownership of a serialized item.