User Profiles (tppdm0101s000)

Use this session to maintain project-related default information on the current user.

Start up Defaults (Dynamic)

These fields are updated if the default value is non existing in the started session. For example, you start a session in Monitoring but your project default has no data to display in that session. The next project is started and the default field is overwritten with the new project code, presuming you want to work with the new default.


Start up

The user's logon code.


The description or name of the code.

Start up Defaults (Dynamic)
Use Default Project

If this check box is selected, a default project can be selected for this user.

Use Default Project

The default project for this user.


If you start a session which has nothing defined for this default project, for example, you have not built actual control data yet and start one of the monitoring sessions, LN shows the records of the next project in the project list.

Use Default Estimate Version

If this check box is selected, a default estimate version is available.

Use Default Estimate Version

The default estimate version code.

Use Default Element

If this check box is selected, a default project element can be selected for this user.

Use Default Element

The default standard element for this user.

Use Default Project Plan

If this check box is selected, a default project plan can be selected for this user.

Use Default Project Plan

The selected default project plan.

Use Default Activity

If this check box is selected, a default activity can be selected for this user.

Use Default Activity

The default activity selected for this user.

Default Main View

The default main view of a map.

Default Start up Cost Type

The default cost type.

Alternate Start up Cost Type

If the first default cost type is not available in a session, the session is started with the alternate cost type.

Opening Level

Enter the structure level you want to start a map with.

Project Procedure

The code that identifies the default project procedure for the user.


The description or name of the code.

Template and Series
Project Template

You can enter a default template.

Template Number Group

Select the default number group defined for the template.

Template Series

Select the default series defined for the template number group.

Contracts Number Group

The number group defined for the contract.


The value in this field is defaulted from the Contract Parameters (tpctm0100m000) session and this cannot be modified.

Contract Series

The series defined for the contract.


LN uses this series as the default value, when you create a new contract.

Project Number Group

A group of first free number series that you can assign to a specific use.

For example, you can assign a number group to:

  • Business partner codes
  • Purchase contracts
  • Sales orders
  • Production orders
  • Service orders
  • Warehousing orders
  • Freight orders

Within a number group you can define multiple series. Each series is identified by the series code. The series numbers that LN generates consist of the series code followed by the first free number in the series. Series codes of the same number group have the same length.

Project Series

The project series.

Estimate Series

Use the estimate series to create a unique project number.

PRP Warehouse Orders Number Group

If you define or generate PRP warehouse orders, select the default warehouse orders Number Group.

PRP Warehouse Order Series

If you define or generate PRP warehouse orders, select the default warehouse order series.

PRP Purchase Orders Number Group

If you define or generate PRP purchase orders, the default purchase orders Number Group is loaded.

PRP Purchase Order Series

If you define or generate PRP purchase orders, select the default purchase order series.

Service Orders Number Group

The default number group defined for the service orders.

Service Order Series

The code that identifies the order series for the specific service order number group.

Estimate Data
Default Estimate Type

The default estimate type

Default Level

The default level type for estimate lines. To calculate estimate totals, LN uses the Level field in the Estimate Lines (tpest2100m000) session, and the leading estimate type. These entities also determine the amount and the estimate line that is used for the calculation.

Pricing Method

The default pricing method to calculate the sales price.

The following two methods are available:

  • Markup

    Adding a margin to the cost based on cost multipliers. The markup can be a profit margin, tax, management fee, or other factor specific to the company.

    gross sales amount = landed cost amount + contingency + escalation + markup

    Note: A mark-up percentage or amount is displayed for information purposes only.

  • Target Pricing

    In many cases, the target price for the estimate is fixed. If so, the sales price is, for example, determined by a price list.

    gross sales amount = gross quantity * gross sales price
Default Cost Type

The default cost type.

Default Estimate Line Type

Depending on the task, the costs are either direct or indirect.

Verify Online

If the leading estimate type is Top Down, LN runs a verification check on each level type, record, or field in the Estimate Lines (tpest2100m000) session.

Auto Aggregate Totals

If this check box is selected, LN calculates the aggregated totals if the estimate line data is modified.

In the Estimate Lines (tpest2100m000), LN allows you to manually calculate the aggregate totals when the estimate line data is modified.


This field impacts the performance of the CPU.


Print User Profiles

Starts the Print User Profiles (tppdm0401m000) session which is used to print user defaults.