Estimate Versions (tpest1100m000)

Use this session to create or display estimate version. The estimate versions are part of an estimate project. Each estimate version uses structural elements to structure an estimate. An estimate-version structure can be an imported activity structure, element structure, cost component structure, or extension list. These structures are imported from an existing project. You can also link a user-defined structure to an estimate version. Initially, the project-structure data for the estimate version might not be available. Therefore, you can even use an estimate version without a linked structure.



The code that identifies the project.


The description or name of the code.

Project Status

The code that identifies the estimate version.


The description or name of the code.


The status of an estimate-version determines whether changes can be made both to the version data itself as well as to the related estimate line.

If the estimate version status is Free, you can add structures to the version, change the version amount, and so on. For example, you can swap the primary structure with one of the additionally added structures.

If the estimate version status is Final, the version is frozen. You can change the status back to Free and change the sort structure.


Identify the phase of the estimate. This field is an information field.

Sold-to Business Partner

The sold-to business partner of the estimate version. This value is defaulted to the bid linked to the project.

Creation Date

The creation date of the estimate version.

Estimate Date

The initial value is the start date of the project. The date is used to calculate the currency rates. If the estimate uses an activity structure, the currency rate of its estimate lines can also be determined by the activity start date and end date.

Use Calculated Surcharges

If this check box is selected, Infor LN considers the surcharges that are calculated using the Calculate Estimate Surcharges (tpest2200m100) session.


The surcharges can also be calculated manually or externally, using the integration with MS Excel.


If this check box is selected, a text related to the estimate version is present.

Structure Data
Primary Structure

The only structure, linked to the estimate version, that can be used to calculate the estimate. This structure is used to check the top-down constraints (if any). The primary structure is one of two structures that you can use to sort estimate lines. Alternatively, you can use the sort structure to sort estimate lines.


The description or name of the code.

Structure Type

For an estimate version, you can define eight structures: one primary and seven additional structures. The primary structure used to define the estimate. One of the additional estimate-version structures can be used to sort estimate lines. The grouping of structural elements creates an extra view. Each estimate version can only have one of each of the project-related structure types.

Additional Structure 1

The code of the estimate-version structure. The additional structures are used next to the primary structure. If you enter an additional structure code in the sort structure field, you can use the structure in the Estimate Lines (tpest2100m000) session as an alternative view on the estimate.


The description or name of the code.

Additional Structure Type

For an estimate version, you can define eight structures: one primary and seven additional structures. The primary structure used to define the estimate. One of the additional estimate-version structures can be used to sort estimate lines. The grouping of structural elements creates an extra view. Each estimate version can only have one of each of the project-related structure types.

Additional Structure 2

The code of the estimate-version structure. The additional structures are used next to the primary structure. If you enter an additional structure code in the sort structure field, you can use the structure in the Estimate Lines (tpest2100m000) session as an alternative view on the estimate.


The description or name of the code.

Additional Structure Type

For an estimate version, you can define eight structures: one primary and seven additional structures. The primary structure used to define the estimate. One of the additional estimate-version structures can be used to sort estimate lines. The grouping of structural elements creates an extra view. Each estimate version can only have one of each of the project-related structure types.

Additional Structure 3

The code of the estimate-version structure. The additional structures are used next to the primary structure. If you enter an additional structure code in the sort structure field, you can use the structure in the Estimate Lines (tpest2100m000) session as an alternative view on the estimate.


The description or name of the code.

Additional Structure Type

For an estimate version, you can define eight structures: one primary and seven additional structures. The primary structure used to define the estimate. One of the additional estimate-version structures can be used to sort estimate lines. The grouping of structural elements creates an extra view. Each estimate version can only have one of each of the project-related structure types.

Additional Structure 4

The code of the estimate-version structure. The additional structures are used next to the primary structure. If you enter an additional structure code in the sort structure field, you can use the structure in the Estimate Lines (tpest2100m000) session as an alternative view on the estimate.


The description or name of the code.

Additional Structure Type

For an estimate version, you can define eight structures: one primary and seven additional structures. The primary structure used to define the estimate. One of the additional estimate-version structures can be used to sort estimate lines. The grouping of structural elements creates an extra view. Each estimate version can only have one of each of the project-related structure types.

Additional Structure 5

The code of the estimate-version structure. The additional structures are used next to the primary structure. If you enter an additional structure code in the sort structure field, you can use the structure in the Estimate Lines (tpest2100m000) session as an alternative view on the estimate.


The description or name of the code.

Additional Structure Type

For an estimate version, you can define eight structures: one primary and seven additional structures. The primary structure used to define the estimate. One of the additional estimate-version structures can be used to sort estimate lines. The grouping of structural elements creates an extra view. Each estimate version can only have one of each of the project-related structure types.

Additional Structure 6

The code of the estimate-version structure. The additional structures are used next to the primary structure. If you enter an additional structure code in the sort structure field, you can use the structure in the Estimate Lines (tpest2100m000) session as an alternative view on the estimate.


The description or name of the code.

Additional Structure Type

For an estimate version, you can define eight structures: one primary and seven additional structures. The primary structure used to define the estimate. One of the additional estimate-version structures can be used to sort estimate lines. The grouping of structural elements creates an extra view. Each estimate version can only have one of each of the project-related structure types.

Additional Structure 7

The code of the estimate-version structure. The additional structures are used next to the primary structure. If you enter an additional structure code in the sort structure field, you can use the structure in the Estimate Lines (tpest2100m000) session as an alternative view on the estimate.


The description or name of the code.

Additional Structure Type

For an estimate version, you can define eight structures: one primary and seven additional structures. The primary structure used to define the estimate. One of the additional estimate-version structures can be used to sort estimate lines. The grouping of structural elements creates an extra view. Each estimate version can only have one of each of the project-related structure types.

Sort Structure

You can use this field to sort estimate lines of an additional estimate-version structure. The sort structure cannot be the primary structure.


The description or name of the code.

Sort Structure Type

The sort structure type.

Amount Details
Version Amount

The amount assigned for this version.


Version Amount = or > (Profit Fee + Management Reserve + Distributed Amount) - Undistributed amount.

Version Amount in Home Currency

The version amount in home currency.

Profit Fee

The amount allocated as profit fee. This amount is not mandatory, but helps provide insight into how the top-down estimate is calculated.

Profit Fee in Home Currency

The profit fee amount in home currency.

Management Reserve

Specify the amount to be allocated as management reserve.

Management Reserve in Home currency

The management reserve amount in home currency.

Distributed Amount

The estimated landed cost amount of the total top-down estimate. The estimate view is on the top primary structure element.

Distributed Amount in Home Currency

The distributed amount in home currency.

Undistributed Amount

Undistributed amount = Version Amount - (Profit Fee + Management Reserve + Distributed Amount).

Undistributed Amount in Home Currency

The undistributed amount in home currency.

Currency Details
Exchange Rate Type (Costs)

The default exchange-rate type is the cost exchange rate type of the Project Parameters (tppdm0100s000) session.


The aggregated totals of the estimate lines are expressed in this currency.

Currency Rate/Rate Factor

A charge or payment fixed according to a standard scale, for example, the currency rate of the transaction.


The factor by which the amount in the transaction currency or the invoice currency is divided before LN converts it to a home currency. A rate factor is often used for currencies that have a relatively low price, for example, Korean Won.

Exchange Rate Type (Sales)

The default exchange-rate type is the revenue exchange rate type of the Project Parameters (tppdm0100s000) session.