Contract Lines (tpctm1110m000)

Use this session to create and maintain contract line data for a project linked to a contract.

  • A contract can have multiple contract line items.
  • Each contract line can be linked to one or more deliverables.
  • The contract lines contain detailed information for price, shipping, payment and billing terms.

Infor LN allows multiple users to approve cost entries using the ION based workflow-process status. For more information, refer to Workflow status process.



The code that uniquely identifies the contract.


The description or name of the code.

Contract Status

The contract status.


If the contract header status is Canceled, all the lines are also set to Canceled.

Contract Line

The contract line number.


The description or name of the code.

Contract Line Status

The contract line status.

  • The contract line can be set to Active only if the contract is set to Active.
  • If the contract header status is Canceled, all the lines are also set to Canceled.
Sold-to Business Partner

The sold-to business partner for the contract line.


The address of the sold-to business partner.


The contact linked to the sold-to business partner.

Sales Office

The sales office of the sold-to business partner.

Contract Manager

The employee responsible for the contract.

Search Key

The search key for the contract line.

Contract Line Execution

The contract line type indicates whether your company executes the project as main contractor or as a subcontractor.

Allowed values

Contract Execution


The code that identifies the project linked to the contract line.

Hold Reason

The code that identifies the reason for putting the contract on hold.

Workflow Status

The status that is applicable if the business object requires authorization approval using ION Workflow.

When you perform a change that requires authorization, a checked-out version is automatically created for the business object. The changes you submit are only effective after approval/check-in. You can also undo your changes, or recall your submitted changes.

  • Checked-out and checked-in objects are displayed in the Checked-out Objects (ttocm9599m000) session.
  • From the appropriate menu of this session, select Workflow and execute the required action for the business object.

Allowed values

If the business object is checked out, this field displays an Object status.

If the business object is checked in, this field displays an Approval status.

If a description is specified for the object type in the Workflow Information Fields (ttocm0106m000) session (which is displayed as a tab in the Object Types (ttocm0102m000) session), regardless if the object is checked in or out, this field always displays the value of the appropriate Description field.


For more information on setting up and using ION Workflow for business objects in LN, refer to the Infor LN Integration Guide for Infor ION Workflows and Monitors at Infor Xtreme.

Contract Type

The currency used to express the amount.

Contract Line Amount

The amount specified for the contract line.

Home Contract Amount

The contract line amount in home currency.

In Home Currency

The home currency of the amount.

Total Amount Deliverables

The sum of the amounts of all the deliverables.

Contract Line Award Date

The date when the contract line is awarded by the customer.

Effective Date

The date when the validity period of the contract line starts.

Expiry Date

The date when the validity period of the contract line ends.

Contract Delivery Date

The date requested by the sold-to business partner for delivering the contract.

Internal Sales Representative

The code of the internal sales representative, defined in the Employees - General (tccom0101m000) session. The sales representative is used as the company's contact with the sold-to business partner and is also used as a reference with the invoice in the Transfer Transactions to Invoicing (tppin4200m000) session.


The description or name of the code.

External Sales Representative

The name of the employee who is the external sales representative for the contract line, defined in the Employees - General (tccom0101m000) session.

Expected Sales Amount

The amount that defines the sales potential for the contract line.

Expected Sales Amount

The expected sales amount expressed in the home currency.

Base for Performance Obligation

The level based on which the interim results are calculated. By default, the value of this field is set to Contract Amount. When you analyze performance obligations the transaction price can vary from the actual contractual agreements. In such scenarios, the transaction price can be used as an alternative for the contract amount to recognize (calculate) revenue.

Transaction Price

The transaction price of the contract line that is used as the base to calculate the interim result.


This field is enabled only if the Base for Performance Obligation field is set to Transaction Price.

Negative value is not allowed.

Home Currency

The transaction price in the home currency.


If this check box is selected, you can specify the ceiling amount for the contract line in the Ceiling Amount field.


This checkbox is applicable if:

  • The Contract Type is Fixed Price, and the Invoice Type is Unit Rate or Delivery Based.
  • The Contract Type is Cost Reimbursement or Time & Materials, and the Invoice Type is Cost-Plus or Unit Rate.

Ceiling Amount

The agreed limit for which the costs are covered by the contract.


This field is applicable only if the Ceiling checkbox is selected.

Ceiling Amount

The Ceiling Amount expressed in the home currency.

Funded Amount

The maximum amount that is funded for the contract.


Infor LN displays a message if the funding limit exceeds the contract amount or the ceiling amount defined the contract, if applicable.

This is a display field for contract lines when the status is set to Closed, Canceled or On Hold.

Funded Amount in Home Currency

The contract funded amount expressed in the home currency.

Funding Distribution

The method used to determine the distribution of the contract line funded amount.

Allowed values

Funding Distribution

Default value

Infor LN defaults the value from the contract header. However, you can modify the value.

Approved for Invoicing

The amount approved for invoicing for the contract line.

Approved for Invoicing

The approved for invoicing amount expressed in the home currency.

Invoiced to Date

The amount invoiced till date for the contract line expressed in the contract line currency.


The invoiced amount is based on the revenue transactions registered in the Revenue Transactions (tpppc3805m000) session and includes the invoiced amounts of any contract type/invoice type and processed through sales Invoicing. The holdback amount, advance payments and manual revenues are not included in the invoiced amount.

Invoiced to Date

The invoiced to date amount expressed in the home currency.

Sales Price

The option to determine if the sales price of the item must include the material markup percentage.

Markup Material

The percentage added to the material costs to determine the sales price of the item.

  • This is applicable only for contracts of the type Cost Reimbursement and Time & Materials.
  • The sales price of the item is determined using the markup specified for the cost object plus the unit price specified in Order Management.
  • You can set the markup percentage to 0. In this case, the unit price specified in Order Management is considered as the sales price.

The option to determine if the sales price of the item must include the labor markup percentage

Markup Labor

The percentage added to the labor costs to determine a sales price of the item.

  • This is applicable only for contracts of the type Cost Reimbursement and Time & Materials.
  • The sales price of the item is determined using the markup specified for the cost object plus the unit price specified in Order Management.
  • You can set the markup percentage to 0. In this case, the unit price specified in Order Management is considered as the sales price.

The option to determine if the sales price of the item must include the equipment markup percentage

Markup Equipment

The percentage added to the equipment costs to determine the sales price of the item.

  • This is applicable only for contracts of the type Cost Reimbursement and Time & Materials.
  • The sales price of the item is determined using the markup specified for the cost object plus the unit price specified in Order Management.
  • You can set the markup percentage to 0. In this case, the unit price specified in Order Management is considered as the sales price.

The option to determine if the sales price of the item must include the subcontracting markup percentage

Markup Subcontracting

The percentage added to the subcontracting costs to determine the sales price of the item.

  • This is applicable only for contracts of the type Cost Reimbursement and Time & Materials.
  • The sales price of the item is determined using the markup specified for the cost object plus the unit price specified in Order Management.
  • You can set the markup percentage to 0. In this case, the unit price specified in Order Management is considered as the sales price.
Sundry Cost

The option to determine if the sales price of the item must include the sundry cost markup percentage

Markup Sundry Cost

The percentage added to the sundry costs to determine the sales price of the item.

  • This is applicable only for contracts of the type Cost Reimbursement and Time & Materials.
  • The sales price of the item is determined using the markup specified for the cost object plus the unit price specified in Order Management.
  • You can set the markup percentage to 0. In this case, the unit price specified in Order Management is considered as the sales price.
Enforce Invoicing Period

If this check box is selected, LN determines the invoicing period for the contract line. The costs registered for the contract line within the effective period (the period between the effective date and the expiry date) only are billable.


This field is available only if the Contract Type field is set to Cost Reimbursement or Time & Materials.

Customer Order

The contract number used by the customer for the contract.

First Reference

The reference text to be printed on invoices, for example, the name of a contact person or a customer reference number.

Second Reference

The reference text to be printed on invoices, for example, the name of a contact person or a customer reference number.

Prime Contractor

The description or name of the code.

Prime Contract Reference

The reference number of the prime contract. This is defined by the prime contractor only at the contract line level.


The code that identifies the DPAS rating of the contract line.


The description or name of the code.


If this check box is selected, a text is present.


The related text for the contract line.

Ship-to Business Partner

The ship-to business partner for the contract line.

Ship-from Address

The city of the ship-from business partner.

Ship-to Address

The city of the ship-to business partner.

Acceptance Point

The acceptance point for the contract line.

Allowed values

Acceptance Point

Delivery Terms

The delivery terms for the contract line.

Point of Title Passage

The point of title passage for the contract line.


The carrier for the contract line.

Marked For
External Address Code

The external code for the ship-to address.

LN allows you to specify the external address code to be printed on the DD 250 report. If you do not specify a value in this field, the address code defined in the Addresses (tccom4530m000) session will be used.


You can define external address codes in the External Address Codes (tccom4160m000) session.


The information that is printed on the DD 250 report.

Allowed values



The ship-to address that is printed on the DD 250 report.


This field is available only if the Type field is set to Address.


The text that is printed on the DD 250 report.


This field is available only if the Type field is set to Text.

Invoice-to Business Partner

The invoice-to business partner as per the contract.


The contact linked to the sold-to business partner.


The address of the invoice-to business partner.


The contact linked to the invoice-to business partner.

Invoice Type

The invoice type you choose to determine the invoicing method for the contract.

Allowed values

Invoice Type

Invoicing Method

The invoicing method for the contract.

Invoice Discount

The percentage calculated as a discount on the invoice amount of the contract.

Invoice Delivery Method

The invoice delivery method for the contract line.

Fee Revenue Threshold

The percentage that indicates if the fees can be included while generating the interim results. Infor LN defaults this value from the Contract (tpctm1600m000) session.


This value is defaulted to the Contract (tpctm1600m000) and Contract Lines (tpctm1110m000) sessions, respectively.

Sales Type

The sales type for the contract line.

Project Text on Invoice

If this check box is selected, LN prints only the project related text on the invoices.

Billing Cycle

The billing cycle for the contract line.

Last Transferred to Invoicing

The date when the contract is last invoiced.

Next Invoice Date

The date when the next invoice is generated.

Exchange Rate Type

The exchange-rate type for the contract line.

Rate Determiner

The date used to determine the exchange rate.

Allowed values

Rate determiner

Rate Date

The date when the exchange rate was valid.

Currency Rate

The currency exchange rate to convert the transaction currency to the displayed home currency.

Rate Factor

The rate factor for the contract line.


The rate defined by the rate determiner and the business partner exchange rate type.

Advances / Installments
Advance Payments

The method used to determine whether advance payment request is applied on the contract or contract line.


The value in this field is defaulted from the contract data. However, you can modify this field.

Advance Payment Type

The type of the advance payment applicable for the contract line.

The advance payment types are selected based on the legal requirements of a country or the business. For the advance payment types ( Request and Invoice), open entries are generated.

An advance payment represents a request to the business partner to pay in advance a certain amount or percentage.

An advance invoice represents a normal invoice that must comply with all legal requirements and is included in the sales listing, VAT declaration and Revenue recognition.

An advance invoice is a legal document and therefore an official number is generated. The same is also included in the sales listing.


Tax is applicable only for an advance invoice.

Allowed values

Advance Payment Type


Default value is Request.

This field is enabled only if the Advance Payments field is set to By Contract or By Contract Line.

The value in this field is defaulted from the contract data. However, you can modify this field only if advances are not defined for the contract line.

You can view this field only if the Use Advance Payments as field is set to Request or Invoice in the Contract Parameters (tpctm0100m000) session.

Liquidation % Advances

The liquidation percentage calculated to settle the invoices against the advances for the contract line.

  • This field is available only if the Advance Payments field is set to By Contract Line.
  • Only the liquidation percentage * invoice amount is used to settle an advance payment request.
  • The full invoice amount is used to settle the advance if no liquidation percentage is specified.

Example: For an advance payment request for 2000 EUR , a percentage of 75% is defined on the contract line. If a delivery based invoice of 1000 EUR is sent to the customer, an amount of 750 EUR can be used to settle the advance and the customer is invoiced for 250 EUR. If no percentage is set, the maximum amount possible is settled.

Installment Type

The installment type for the contract.

Allowed values

Installment Type

Installment Schedule

The installment schedule for the contract.


You can define the installment schedule for the contract only if the installment type field is set to Percentage or Amount. The installments are generated using the Generate Installments (tppin4251m000) session, based on the schedules defined in the Installment Schedules (tcmcs2140m000) session.

Number of Points

The total number of points that you can distribute to the installments of the contract.


Contract amount by customerEUR 600,000
Number of points300
Installment 1100 pointsEUR 200,000
Installment 275 pointsEUR 150,000
Installment 375 pointsEUR 150,000
Installment 450 pointsEUR 100,000
--EUR 600,000



This field is available only if the Installment Type field is set to Points.

Labor Part of Contract Amount

The percentage of the total contract amount based on the agreement with the main contractor for the labor costs.


This field is relevant only in the Netherlands.

You can view this field only if the Dutch WKA check box is selected in the Project Parameters (tppdm0100s000) session.

Labor B-Account

This field is only relevant in the Netherlands.


You can view this field only if the Dutch WKA check box is selected in the Project Parameters (tppdm0100s000) session.


Indicates if holdback is applicable for the contract or specify the option to calculate the holdback.

Allowed values


Holdback Percentage

The holdback amount expressed as a percentage. You can define the holdback percentage only if the Holdback field is set to All Invoices or Based on Progress.

Progress Threshold

The progress threshold percentage for the contract. You can define the threshold percentage only if the Holdback field is set to All Invoices or Based on Progress.

Progress Payment Requests
Progress Payment

If this check box is selected, progress payment request data can be defined for the contract line.


Progress Payments can be created only for contracts of the type Fixed Price with the invoice type set to Installment or Delivery Based.

Progress Payment %

The percentage of cost on a contract that is considered for invoicing. The commonly used progress payment percentages range between 75-80%.

Progress Liquidation %

The percentage used for calculating the amount to settle the progress payment invoices.

Invoicing Method

The invoicing method for the progress payment request.

Payment Terms

The payment terms for the progress payment request.


The description or name of the code.

Billable Cost Report

If this check box is selected, Infor LN Invoicing prints the billable cost lines and the related costs as an annex to the invoice taking into account the aggregation of the Invoicing Method.


Infor LN defaults this value from the contract header. You can modify this setting.

Tax Classification

The tax classification for the contract line, defined in the Tax Classifications (tctax0116m000) session.


If this check box is selected, the tax is exempted for the contract line.


The tax exemption check is performed for all the financial companies linked to the current logistic company.

Tax Country

The tax country for the contract line.

Own Tax Number

The tax number allotted by the government.

Tax Code

The tax code linked to the contract line for Installment invoicing. The tax code is defined in the Tax Codes by Country (tcmcs0536m000) session. Cost plus invoicing uses the tax model as defined for Sales in the Taxation modules.

  • The tax code is applicable only if the Invoice Type is set to Installment and the Contract Type is set to Fixed Price.
  • For contract line with Contract Type set to Cost Reimbursement and Time & Materials, this tax code is not applicable. In such case, the tax code is determined based on the standard tax model.
BP Tax Country

The tax country of the sold-to business partner for the contract line.

BP Tax Number

The tax number allotted by the government to the sold-to business partner.

Tax Exemption Certificate

The tax exemption certificate number if tax is exempted on the contract line


You can specify the tax exemption certificate number if the Exempt check box is selected.

You can view this field if in the Tax Parameters (tctax0100m000) session:

  • the Tax Exempt Level field is set to Extended and
  • at least one of the search sequence levels is set to Exemptions by Country or Exemptions by Country Set.
Tax Exemption Reason

The code that identifies the reason if tax is exempted on the contract line.


You can enter the tax exemption reason if the Exempt check box is selected.

You can view this field if in the Tax Parameters (tctax0100m000) session:

  • the Tax Exempt Level field is set to Extended and
  • at least one of the search sequence levels is set to Exemptions by Country or Exemptions by Country Set.
Pay-by Business Partner

The pay-by business partner as per the contract line.


The address of the pay-by business partner.


The contact linked to the pay-by business partner.


The phone number of the pay-by business partner.

Payment Terms

The payment terms for the contract line.

Late Payment Surcharge

The late payment surcharge for the contract line.

Payment Method

The payment method for the contract line.

Bank Account Code

The code that uniquely identifies the bank.

Bank Account

The bank account number.

The bank account is identified by a number of the business partner with the bank indicated by the bank account code and displayed based on the bank account code.

International Bank Account Number

The international bank account number for the contract line. This is a display field.

Line of Business

The line of business linked to the contract line.


The description or name of the code.

Acquiring Method

The code that identifies the acquiring method linked to the contract line.

Financing Method

The code that identifies the financing method linked to the contract line.

Geographical Area

The geographical area associated to the contract line.


The code that identifies the category linked to the contract line.

Business Sector

The code that identifies the business sector linked to the contract line.


The code that identifies the group linked to the contract line.

Created by

The user who creates the record.

Creation Date

The date when the record is created.

Last Modified by

The user who last modifies the record.

Last Modified on

The date when the record is last modified.

Last Change Reason

The code that identifies the reason for the most recent modification.

Workflow Status

The status that is applicable if the business object requires authorization approval using ION Workflow.

When you perform a change that requires authorization, a checked-out version is automatically created for the business object. The changes you submit are only effective after approval/check-in. You can also undo your changes, or recall your submitted changes.

  • Checked-out and checked-in objects are displayed in the Checked-out Objects (ttocm9599m000) session.
  • From the appropriate menu of this session, select Workflow and execute the required action for the business object.

Allowed values

If the business object is checked out, this field displays an Object status.

If the business object is checked in, this field displays an Approval status.

If a description is specified for the object type in the Workflow Information Fields (ttocm0106m000) session (which is displayed as a tab in the Object Types (ttocm0102m000) session), regardless if the object is checked in or out, this field always displays the value of the appropriate Description field.


For more information on setting up and using ION Workflow for business objects in LN, refer to the Infor LN Integration Guide for Infor ION Workflows and Monitors at Infor Xtreme.

Additional Information
Additional Field

User-defined fields that can be linked to LN tables. Additional information fields do not add any specific value to LN as functional logic is not linked to the contents of these fields.


Set Status to

Sets the contract line status to the selected value.


Sets the contract line status to Free.

On Hold

Sets the contract line status to On Hold.


Sets the contract line status to Active.


Sets the contract line status to Closed.


Sets the contract line status to Canceled.

Create Aggregated Billable Cost

Starts the Create Aggregated Billable Cost (tppin1200m000) session.

Contract Billable Cost Lines

Starts the Contract Billable Cost Lines (tppin1100m000) session.

Progress Payment Requests

Starts the Progress Payment Requests (tppin0170m000) session.


Calculates the transaction price. This option is enabled only if the value of the Base for Performance Obligation field is set to Transaction Price and the Invoice Type is of the type Delivery Based, Installment, or Cost-Plus.