Create Production Order Group (tisfc3250m000)

Use this session to group production orders.


Production Order Group Series

The series used to generate order group numbers. The default order group series and number group are defined in the Production Order Parameters (tisfc0100s000) session. You must also have defined default data for the number group that the series belongs to in the Default Production Order Data (tisfc0102m000) session.

Group Description

Enter a description of the order group that you are creating.


The type of orders that you want to include in your JSC order group:

  • Only Rework Orders
  • No Rework Orders
  • All Orders
Main Item

If this check box is selected, you can define a range of main items.

Material Item Selection

If this check box is selected, you can define a range of material items.

Tool Kit

When you have selected the orders, you can make a sub-selection of your selection, using tool kits as a criterion. For example, in your initial selection, you select all orders with routing 001, then you select all A1 tool kits. The orders to be added to the order group will then be all orders with routing 001 and using A1 tool kits.

If this check box is selected, you can select a range of tool kits; only the orders in your selection using those tool kits will be added to the order group.

If the Tooling for Current Operation Only check box is cleared, all the orders with the tool kits you select will be added to the order group, not just a selection of the orders included in your initial selection.


When you have selected the orders, you can make a sub-selection of your selection, using tools as a criterion. For example, in your initial selection, you select all orders with routing 001, then you select tool 'screwdriver'. The orders to be added to the order group will then be all orders with routing 001 and using 'screwdriver'. You can also select by tool type.

If this check box is selected, you can select a range of tools; only the orders in your selection using those tools will be added to the order group.

If the Tooling for Current Operation Only check box is cleared, all the orders with the tools you select will be added to the order group, not just a selection of the orders included in your initial selection.

Tooling for Current Operation Only

If this check box is cleared, all the orders with the tools you select will be added to the order group, not just a selection of the orders included in your initial selection.

Maximum Group Size

If your selection criteria give rise to a group that is larger than the number you enter in this field, LN gives you an error message and you must redefine your selection criteria.

Display Already Grouped Orders

If this check box is selected, orders that you have selected in this session but are already included in another order group are also shown in the Assign Orders to Production Order Group (tisfc3151s000) session.

If this check box is cleared, only orders not already assigned to a group are shown in the Assign Orders to Production Order Group (tisfc3151s000) session.


Spec. Order(s)