Default Production Order Data (tisfc0102m000)

Use this session to define default production order data. You must define default data for a specific order series, after which the production orders and production order groups that belong to the series automatically receive the default data.

If you want to define default data for production orders and production order groups in Manufacturing, you must do the following:

  1. In the Production Order Parameters (tisfc0100s000) session, define the number group in the Number Group for Production Orders field and the Number Group for Order Grouping field.
  2. In the Default Production Order Data (tisfc0102m000) overview session, find the number groups that you defined in the Production Order Parameters (tisfc0100s000) session, and define default data for the production order series in the Default Production Order Data (tisfc0102m000) details session.

If you change the number group data in the Production Order Parameters (tisfc0100s000) session, you must make sure that new default data is in place for the production order series that belong to the number group.


Number Group

The number group for which defaults are defined. These defaults can only be used in Manufacturing if the number group equals the Number Group for Production Orders field or the Number Group for Order Grouping field in the Production Order Parameters (tisfc0100s000) session.

Default value

The default for this field is the Number Group for Production Orders field in the Production Order Parameters (tisfc0100s000) session.

Production Order Series

The series for which defaults are defined.

Moving Method Previous Operations

This field determines the effect of operation rescheduling on the planning of preceding operations. The value in this field is the default value for the Previous Operation(s) field in the Production Orders (tisfc0501m000) details session.

When moving operation 30 of the following operation structure, operations 10 and 20 are affected by the moving method previous operation field.


The moving method for operations is not taken into consideration when shifting the production planning by means of the Production Orders (tisfc0501m000) session or the Shift Production Planning (tisfc1202m000) session. The moving method is only used when shifting on the operation level in the Production Planning (tisfc0110m000) details session.

Allowed values

Possible Values

Moving Method Next Operations

This field determines the effect of operation rescheduling on the planning of follow-up operations. The value in this field is the default value for the Subsequent Operations field in the Production Orders (tisfc0501m000) details session.

When moving operation 30 of the following operation structure, operations 40, 50, and 60 are affected by the moving method next operation field:


The moving method for operations is not taken into consideration when shifting the production planning by means of the Production Orders (tisfc0501m000) session or the Shift Production Planning (tisfc1202m000) session. The moving method is only used when shifting on the operation level in the Production Planning (tisfc0110m000) details session.

Allowed values

Possible Values

Calculation Office

A work center that determines the enterprise unit for a project or production order and that has an administrative function.

For production orders, operations can be carried out in the calculation office, because the calculation office can act as a regular work center.

The calculation office in this field is the default value for the Calculation Office field in the Production Orders (tisfc0501m000) details session.

Related topics

Moment Freezing Estimates

The moment when LN freezes the estimated order costs. When the estimated order costs have been frozen, you can no longer modify the data in the Estimated Materials (ticst0101m000) session.

The value in this field is the default value for the Moment Freezing Estimates field in the Production Orders (tisfc0501m000) details session.

Performance aspects

The setting of this field could affect system performance and database growth. For more information, refer to Moment of freezing estimates.

Split Hours in Setup and Production

If this check box is selected, the estimated and actual hours of an operation are split up.

The estimated and actual hours of an operation can be split up in setup time hours and cycle time hours. This results in a setup part and a production part for the estimated and the actual man and machine hours as can be viewed in, for example, Estimated vs. Actual Hours Costs (ticst0502m000) session.


Selecting this check box can negatively impact system performance if hours are backflushed. Hours are backflushed if the Backflush Hours check box in the Items - Production (tiipd0101m000) session is selected.

WIP Transfer Cost Component

The cost component on which WIP transfers between work centers are posted.

The cost component entered should be of type WIP Transfer Costs. If the Financial Transactions by Work Center check box has been cleared, you can leave the WIP Transfer Cost Comp. field empty,

You cannot change this field after the estimates have been frozen or the first WIP transfer has been executed.

The value in this field is the default value for the WIP Transfer Cost Comp. field in the Production Orders (tisfc0501m000) session.

Related topics

Print Label during Report Orders Completed

If this check box is selected, the default value in the Production Orders (tisfc0501m000) details session is that a label is printed for the production order when you use the Report Orders Completed (tisfc0520m000) session to complete the production order.


To enable Print Label during Report Orders Completed, Handling Units must be enabled.