Production Schedule Lines (tirpt4102m000)

Use this session to view and manage production planning.


Production Schedule

The ID of the schedule.


The line's position in the schedule.


The item that is reported on.


If the schedule is multi-product, the tool that drives production is specified.

Work Cell

A production unit consisting of one or more work stations in a fixed sequence.

A work cell is used in repetitive manufacturing for the production of a repetitive item.

Quantity Ordered

The quantity to be produced for this schedule line.

Start Date

The planned start date for the production of the item.

Finish Date

The planned finish date for the production of the item.

Quantity Completed

The quantity that is already been completed.

Quantity to Backflush

The quantity for which backflushing was not yet completed.

Quantity Backflushed

The produced quantity for which materials are backflushed.

Quantity Rejected

The quantity product rejected during production. You must decide if the quantity is scrapped, moved to quarantine or to a repair cell.

Quantity Scrapped

The quantity product scrapped during production.

Quantity to Quarantine

The quantity quarantined during production.

Quantity to Repair

The quantity to be repaired.

Quantity Repaired

The quantity already repaired and returned.

Original Start Date

The earliest date materials to manufacture the item are available.

Original Finish Date

The earliest date the planned quantity can be completed.

Actual Production Start Date

The date production started.

Actual Production Finish Date

The date production was finished.


Production line status.


View the origine of the production run schedule.

Warehousing Order

An order for handling goods in the warehouse.

A warehouse order can be of the following inventory-transaction types:

  • Receipt
  • Issue
  • Transfer
  • WIP Transfer

Each order has an origin and contains all the information required for warehouse handling. Depending on the item (lot or non-lot) and warehouse (with or without locations), lots and/or locations can be assigned. The order follows a predefined warehousing procedure.


In Manufacturing a warehousing order is often called a warehouse order.