Remove Queue, Wait and Move Times (tirou1220m000)

Use this session to remove the following lead time elements between sequential operations on the same work center:

Removing these elements means the corresponding values are set to zero.

The session searches for the chains of routing operations with the same work center.


The session selects routing operations for a given range of items. An operation is only selected if it meets these criteria:

  • The operation is valid on the specified Reference date.
  • The operation belongs to a routing that is part of the item's standard configuration. That is, the StandardConfiguration check box in the Item - Routings (tirou1101m000) session is selected.
  • The project status is not greater than Active. This condition applies only to customized items.

The following times are not set to zero:

  • The Queue time of the first operation in the chain
  • The Wait and Move times of the last operation in the chain

During routing setup or maintenance, operations can be added or removed, so each operation can be the first or the last one. Therefore it is not useful to remove the lead time during routing setup or maintenance.


From Manufactured Item

The From and To fields define a range of: manufactured items.


The From and To fields define a range of: routings.

Work Center

The From and To fields define a range of: work centers.


The From and To fields define a range of: tasks.


The From and To fields define a range of: machines.

Reference date

Specify a date.

The session selects operations that are valid on the reference date: an operation is selected if the reference date lies between the Effective Date and the Expiry Date of the operation.

Include Standard Routings

If this check box is selected, and the session finds a routing-item that refers to a standard routing, which is not in the selection range, this standard routing is also processed.

For example, you specify this selection range:

  • From Manufactured Item: XXXX
  • To Manufactured Item: XXXX
  • Include Standard Routings: Yes
  • All other selection range fields: Full range

Item XXXX contains two routings: 0 and 001, both referring to standard routing CNV. The session processes CNV, despite it is not in the selection range.


If standard routings fall within the selection range, they are always processed, even if the Include Standard Routings check box is cleared.

For example, you specify this selection range:

  • From Manufactured Item: [Empty]
  • To Manufactured Item: [Empty]
  • Include Standard Routings: No
  • All other selection range fields: Full range

The session processes standard routing CNV, because it is in the selection range.

Related topics

Queue Time

If this check box is selected, the queue times are set to zero.


The Queue time of the first operation is not set to zero.

Wait Time

If this check box is selected, the wait times are set to zero.


The Wait time of the last operation is not set to zero.

Move Time

If this check box is selected, the move times are set to zero.


The Move time of the last operation is not set to zero.

Simulation Only

If this check box is selected, the session performs a simulation run.

No changes are made. The session prints a report of the times that would change, based on the selection criteria.

Print Report

If this check box is selected, the session prints a report of the changes.



Starts the removal.


Counts the number of records that would be updated, based on the selection criteria.