Standard Cost by Customized Item (tipcs3550m000)

Use this session to display standard costs by customized item. LN determines the actual standard cost per customized item, with the financial transactions in the PCS Financial Transactions by Transaction Origin and Financial Trans. (tipcs3500m000) session. All actual costs for an item are retrieved and divided by the total quantity for that item.


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A collection of manufacturing and purchasing actions that are performed especially for a particular customer order. A project is initiated to plan and coordinate the production of these items.

For a standard-to-order production, the project is only used to link the item with the customer order. Otherwise, a project can include:

  • Customized item data (BOMs and routings)
  • Project planning (activity planning)

A budget is a special type of project. A budget is used to plan and estimate, not to carry out production.

Related topics

Project Status

Indicates the current progress of the project. The following status values are available:

Allowed values

Possible values


The unique identification of a customized item or a standard item in a project.

Cost Component

A cost component is a user-defined category for the classification of costs.

Cost components have the following functions:

  • To break down an item's standard cost, sales price, or valuation price.
  • To create a comparison between the estimated production order costs and the actual production order costs.
  • To calculate production variances.
  • To view the distribution of your costs over the various cost components in the Cost Accounting module.

Cost components can be of the following cost types:

  • Material Costs
  • Operation Costs
  • Surcharge on Material Costs
  • Surcharge on Operation Costs
  • WIP Transfer Costs
  • General Costs

If you use Assembly Control (ASC), you cannot use cost components of the General Costs type.

Cost Component Type

The cost component's cost component type.


The cost component type is sometimes called cost type.

Allowed values

Possible values

Estimated Amount Variable

The standard cost which is posted to the relevant cost component for estimated operation costs, material costs, and so on, during the standard cost calculation for a budget.

Estimated Amount Total

The cost which is posted to the relevant cost component for estimated operation costs, material costs, and so on, during the standard cost calculation for a budget.

Actual Amount Total

The amount which has been entered as actual costs for the acquisition of the customized item. These costs are posted to the relevant cost component, when the actual cost is being calculated.

Estimated Number of Units

The number of units in the form of material or hours, which are included in the standard cost structure for the customized item. The costs are posted to the relevant cost component when the estimated cost is being calculated for the item.

Actual Number of Units

The number of units in the form of material or hours, which have been recorded as actual usage for the acquisition of the customized item. The costs are posted to the relevant cost component, during the actual standard cost calculation for the item.